Are you ready for work tomorrow morning user...

Are you ready for work tomorrow morning user? Work is when we get to recharge ourselves and get some serious stuff done before we get back home and congratulate ourselves by playing some fun video games! What's your favorite way to cool down after a nice productive day? For me, I love coming back home after a day well-spent and playing Animal Crossing! Totes the perfect way to simmer down after a great day.

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Cope wagie.

I haven't worked in 2 years

go back

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For me, it's gotta be World of Warcraft! Once I'm done slaying meetings and handling issues like a boss, nothing beats opening up some Warcraft, slaying some monsters, and conquering some bosses!

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mad Deviantartist

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Work. Heh; only a sucker works a 9-5 job.

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>almost have my debts paid off and all the money I'll be earning at work will basically be going straight into my pocket aside from basic bills and shit
Feels good lads

>the Redditbob vs shadowfag war is still ongoing
>Redditbob vs shadowfag outlasted NASB
kino of the highest degree

I dont hate work. I hate working conditions. Thats what people who never worked a day in their lives cant understand. If my line of work wasnt as retarded, i wouldnt even care about low payout that much. I am qutting and will find an office job to chill, even if its tedious af

I make more than you and I don't have any debts or a degree. I also own a house all while being only 23 years old. Get fucked retard lmao

based and chad pilled

it's literally 1 autist posting the same inane shit, with a few copycat anons here and there

why's she so annoyed???

>finally pay all debnts
>hyperinflation hits and destroys all savings

I only work on weekends and I took next weekend off. I have a very busy week of Yea Forums browsing instead of playing vidya ahead of me this week.

good for you, how did you do it?

Sorta, I'm just getting off of a week and a half vacation.
I'm gonna look extra presentable, get to work early tomorrow morning and ask for a raise.
I've been working for the same local dogshit autoparts store for 3 years and been the most whipped wagecuck little bitch in existence.
I could write a fucking novel on the crazy shit that goes on at this place.
Basically it boils down to practically riding minimum wage for the past year with no raises in sight, I've trained a whole shift's worth of people to do my job, I have to deal with some of the worst fucking human beings on the planet both being my fellow coworkers and customers, and I'm constantly being treated like shit by the person who writes my paycheck who spends 3 minutes in my department a day telling me I do a shit job while all the people I actually work around appreciate and respect me.
Every single place hiring in my local area is at a higher payrate to start than what I'm getting payed right now, that's not an exaggeration either. I am so close to riding minimum wage I can make 2 to 3 dollars more working literally anywhere else in my entire state.
After taking my vacation and having a talk with my partner it's time to move on and start a new chapter in my life.
I'm asking for a raise because I know I won't get it and I can throw it in my manager's face when I quit. I cashed out all my vacation time and lost 3 years of my life working like a mule, and quitting that place is going to be the best feeling in my entire life.

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lmao today is my friday

I have an essay and presentation due later today and instead I’m on here I’m screwed

i hate whiny college normgroids so much

i don't think even wally world would hire me at this point

I too have debt but all my money still goes right into my pocket because I simply refuse to pay any debt whatsoever, but especially my college debt. They can garnish 25% of a part-time job, that’s fine, I purposefully only work 4hrs per month at that gig specifically to avoid my debt. Lmao!

Comfy small company with a job where I did more back end stuff than front/help desk shit got absorbed by a multi-national corp and now my workload has quadrupled in size for the same pay, and now I have to do even more help desk shit than before. Worst part is that the corp has this "partner" system for heads of branches/high-level managers, and they are consistently the most egotistical and power-tripping employees there. Whenever I see one get assigned to me, I get a stomachache because they always want to talk in video conference, expect you to know everything about their problem without doing any troubleshooting, and will shit on you in front of their assistants if you don't. The commute is also terrible for the days I'm in office. I'm looking for another job at the moment, but most opportunities have just as equally bad a commute, and the only jobs in my immediate living area are cooks/manual unskilled labor/demand ranching experience.

Not alone there user.
Fuck off loser and just do your essay.

Why would I work when I can simply sell a gorillion naked calls to take advantage of the depression starting in a few hours?

Daddy’s money

What depression ?


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I never managed to hold down a job because I'm an autistic retard.

Good for you bro, I recently sold all of my stocks and crypto to pay off my credit card debt. Gonna start saving some money for emergencies and then start a Roth IRA.
Crypto and stocks are fun but I'll get back to that once I have the more important shit organized

which books have you read

Nothing fancy, I started reading The Intelligent Investor but only got a few chapters in. most of my best advice came from some random financial youtube videos and my roommate's dad

I hate women

I'm working the bank holiday. I dislike this intensely.

What the fuck is "work"?

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I have two hours and 45 minutes of my 4th 12 hour shift in a row and then I can go home and have a few days off. My lunch is over in like two minutes. It's such a fucking horrible feeling bros. I can't wait to go home and get extremely high, queue up some good interracial porn and try to forget all my troubles for just a couple minutes before I crash to sleep. No alarm clock tomorrow...

>Chadow the hedgehog
Keep going

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wtf are you on about? it's literally 1 or 2 spamming dumbasses.

>post yfw they keep trying to trick people into doing Sunday overtime

Mad Redditor

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it's a meme. it's not that complicated.

3 for me

I'm at work right now. It's a literal sit around and do nothing job. They just need a body. Getting paid $14 an hour to browse Yea Forums. And doing all that at work gets it out of my system by the time I get home, which means I avoid the pratfall of browsing Yea Forums instead of playing videogames. I live in one of the cheapest states in the country and got a house out in da woods. It's pretty good.

>most of my working day is free time
>aimlessly browse the web instead of playing vidya or studying
How do I not do this? What's the secret to productivity?

>Let's circle back to that item later, it seems out of scope
>I added Dennis's team to the weekly meeting, I'm hoping to leverage some synergy between groups if we focus on our core competencies
>We can touch base during tomorrow's stand-up, give you some time to get the lay of the land
>I want to highlight our value add and show that this is a win-win
>I'm feeling out of the loop here, when was the last time Frank ran the numbers?
>Brandon is going to do a deep dive into the data and perform a drill down into our key customer segments
>This initiative is really going to move the needle on our top KPI's
>We can already make this a game changer by taking care of some low hanging fruit
>Let's take that off-line, ping me when you know you'll be available
>We're not trying to boil the ocean here, our north star hasn't changed

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I'm a weekend warrior, Spongebob me boy. I keep the service industry running while the rest of you are on break. I wish employees of all backgrounds and work schedules had better compensation and working conditions, however. Then we could truly feel as though our time spent serving was worthwhile.


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Spider tits.

>tfw Sunday bonus
>tfw overtime bonus
>tfw night shift bonus
>tfw they all stack

I play elden ring I wish I had a job (not the shitty ones)

I have a shitty job on McDonald's, so I have to go twice a day to another city and work 7 hours between both times. I don't have energy to do anything else or even wanting to play anything, this really sucks.

>tfw Sunday and overnight, but no bonus

Yknow, that is exactly how I work.

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>having a job
>spending the majority of your time doing something you'd rather not be doing

10 years for me.

I am actually. Imagine thinking this site demoralizes people

Shut the fuck up larper, you work at krogers

I'm self employed. I'm doing exactly what I want

no you aren't you fucking retard, because you wouldn't be doing it if it didn't earn money

Gotta work to sustain myself, my sister who lives with me and my videogames

I was though. I made YouTube videos for fun for years, now I run a small video editing company.

which you wouldn't be doing if it didn't earn money

Shadow is literally a nigger

Simple. I lied on the internet

What's the official jo title?

I would give you personal data for the database but I just shat my pants and it smells too much to concentrate

Nope today is a public holiday(hari raya) and tomorrow is off in lieu for Labour day. I took the rest of the week off too because my wedding reception is on the 8th.