Turn based

>turn based

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Don't need to turn based when I'm already based.

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holy based

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what ?


can't tell if based or not

>psychological horror
>dating sim
>walking simulator
>early access
did I miss any?

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>crafting system

>worm based

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based on what?

>turd based

turn-based is comfy as fuck because you can spend as much time as you want inbetween turns, relaxing, watching youtube videos, eating food, doing whatever you want
i love turn-based games, they're the best genre for casual gaming
turn-based games with timers inbetween rounds? absolute garbage, pure dog shit
if you ever wonder how so many people have a fuckton of hours in games like civ, or traditional roguelikes, it's because they're big chilling inbetween turns
not a comfier experience has existed

>Niggas fighting in a line

turn based grid strategy is kino tho


More like turn BASED.

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turn-based sucks but this post is based

Fuck yeah, I hate ATB brother.

Based as in it red pills you

Paper Mario was the only turnbased combat I enjoyed, ghe performance based system made it fun

also this, is a genuine battleship style game that way rather than a menu sim


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>turn cringe

The only take I hate more than "turn-based bad" is "turn-based bad, Mario good tho". The Mario RPGs are waaaaay too easy for it to be noticeably better.

Yes, you are one gay ass looking nigger if you don't like turn based

>""""action"""" """""RPG"""""

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i don't mind rtwp but the encounter design is almost always shit.

much better than turn based

I much prefer the action point system to RTWP. I feel like I'm watching a PowerPoint presentation when I play RTWP because my brain makes me pause after every single attack to micromanage :(

i'm sorry, what does ATB mean?

I hate casuals so much its unreal

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They're dogshit. Worse than real RPGs and worse than real action games. Worst of all worlds.

Ass to butt

>Western indie game

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eat my ass

because you can't design for it. The AI and gameplay will never be creative enough to handle the player in RTWP.
RTWP only works on tabletop with theatre of the mind or on table with lots of handwaving and good GMing.

based Worms poster

Why can't you just enjoy both

essentially just picking something from a menu and just watching it play out is just not fun for me, is not just Paper Mario, I like games Worms and X-Com too for being more engaging, as far as I'm concerned most turnbased RPGs are a step away from being a VN or Point and Click Adventure which are also not for me, don't get me wrong they can be enjoyable for me when I'm in the mood for them but most of the time I'm not so is just not for me

y tho

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no thanks

>Bing bing wahoo is the only turn based I enjoy.
Manchild confirmed.

thats rich coming from a guy defensive about the most neckbeard genre next to VNs

I think you mean the next 8 bit indie game trying to be a metroidvania. Amd VNs aren't games.

If you're going to make excuses for baby mode, at least don't sound like you still have a bib tied around your neck.

A psychological horror RTS sounds interesting

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sorry i've only been speaking English short distance

>4 niggas in a row

How can it be bad? It's got based in the genre!

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thats more hipstery, nothing is more neckbeard that menu simulators


more like turn cringe

m8 i'll fuck you up swear on me mum


thought you were banned?

>tranime reaction image

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I love turn based games desu

/ss/ with Tails and Rouge.

Why do you think we've passed the technical limitations that necessitated turn-based gameplay? Could you even name what they are? Here's a spoiler for you, retard: we haven't and it's because we've had most of the same interfaces and peripherals for 30-40 years.
The more strategic freedom you introduce, the more mechanical complexity and UI bloat you're left dealing with, to the point where effectively controlling many units with dozens of skills and abilities in perfect real time is something that only Korean Starcraft autists would be able to play well and only by muscle memory and macrofagging as opposed to actual strategic decision making and higher thought. If you have to operate in real time, you're stuck not thinking about much of anything at all in the moment to moment, because the majority of any functional second is going to be eaten up by dealing with interface to do anything beyond attack/move. Until futuristic haptics systems or neuralink or whatever becomes widespread, you're cucked by your peripherals. MMOfags are basically casuals and even they end up buying mice with extra buttons in the end.

This is why turn-based exists. It's explicitly a type of gameplay that privileges complexity over speed because there isn't an interface that exists to do both while also being fun enough that anyone would want to play it.

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every game is turn based