Honestly speaking how satisfied you were when you beat her?

Honestly speaking how satisfied you were when you beat her?

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I haven't even gotten to her yet.

Game is two months old by now wtf

Very satisfied, but I did it with very stringent restrictions and she took me days of playing to beat.

I summoned some bros and they rekt her with RoB. No regrets.

I play at my own pace and often get distracted by cool new weapons and feel the need to upgrade them and test them out.

only after i beat her without spirit ashes. now i can use those on her without guilt in later playthroughs.

Died to her like 4 times then summoned. More fun and I don't give a shit about epeen flaunting.

Dread is shite.

I hope she revives in the DLC and I can make her my wife

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Zero satisfaction. No idea why I was fighting her, didn't care at all.

Not at all. She only waterfowl twice and didn't phantom attack at all the attempt I beat here. Boring fight.

You perturbed her slumber

Fought her on release patch with the regular Greatsword and Lion's Claw, 40 vig.
Tried fighting her legit, could barely make it to phase 2. Tried Mimic Tear to see how easy it would make it, alt f4'd when she was two hits from death because it would feel shallow. Tried again without it.
After about 60 attempts and said fuck it, respecced to 60 Vig, 99 Str, just enough End to carry my sword and armor, and summon Mimic. Finally beat her.

I felt, and still feel empty. I hope to avenge myself on my RL1 run, I just need to beat Loretta first.

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Why, what was she doing there. I just stumbled upon the boss fog wall I didn't expect it was supposed to be a big deal. She was cool to fight mechanically but there's no meaning to any of it. Beating Radahn way more satisfying, they had a damn festival for him

Because the Tarnished is a creature that kills everything on sight

not very cause i was offline and the cheevo didnt pop

Pretty fucking happy. No ashes. Lvl 150. Powerstancing huge hammers with Bloodhound Step.

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I don't like her

Didn't like her. Was more satisfied beating isshin and Orphan

Sword saint Isshin > Artorias of thr abyss >>>>>>>>>>> Orphan of Kos(kosm) >>>>>>>> huge powergap >>>>>>>>>>> Shitlania

Same. I remember her being hyped up as Froms hardest boss and then beating her and thinking “that’s it.” IT was more confusion than anything I thought I might be overleveled

>be slowpoke boomer who didn't finish DS3 last cinder boss because too hard and too lazy
>vowed to take down Malenia even if I had to cheese
>tried the jump attack spam
>tried the bleed fly spam
>tried the shabriri woe on Mimic trick
>tried the frost pots
>tried the BH step
Really fun looking up all the different strategies and testing them

>sword model can deflect your hits while she's idle
i keep on finding weird ass interactions in this fight, she genuinely seems kind of unfinished
orphan is definitely more enjoyable to replay

you literally didnt beat the game

Beat on her on my birthday after trying for days. It was a nice gift.

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Very satisfied. I think she took me like 4-5 hours to beat on my first playthrough. I think it's a very fun fight though.

Not one bit. Her second phase is extremely easy and after her first phase takes you 50 tries to beat, you stop giving a shit and either respec or rush to beat her with whatever bullshit the game offers you to cheese her. It needs to be patched.

She's just a shitty fight.

I beat her at level 86 running through everything with the mimic tear (patch 1.01) and felt nothing.

Was just another dead enemy to me. FLAME CLEANSE ME!

happy birtday frenzybro

I like her helm a lot

grats you slammed your head against a wall until it dented

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loretta is the most i've ever seen an easy fight become totally cursed on challenge runs, i watched a fren's fatroll run and she has patterns that turn into
>guess i'll die

Why would I feel satisfaction? I simply stopped being annoyed playing a shitty game.

I was really hyped up by how everyone said she was the hardest boss in the game, notoriously causing people to wipe to her for hours upon hours.
I beat her on attempt #4, leaving me feeling really disappointed. I didn't use summons, I was using two greatswords, I forget what consumables I used. Orphan, Isshin, and Demon of Hatred all felt much harder to me.

I sheathed my Rivers Of Blood katana, high-fived my mimic summon, then strutted out of her arena, victorious.

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Finally beat her after weeks of getting my ass kicked, I feel relieved but she’s definitely one of the hardest bosses out of all souls games holy fuck

Besides Radahn, is she the most powerful warrior lore wise? I wonder how strong Miquella would have been.

Not satisfied at all. Phase 1 is a good fight but phase 2 sucks gigantic dick any way you slice it, just thoroughly not fun. I was just glad to be done with it.

her difficulty is really weird but 90% of her kit is not that hard to deal with and sometimes she is just bizarrely passive for minutes at a time but she has one i win move and if you overcommit on a punish & she jumps you are actually just dead.
she's the opposite of gehrman basically

I'm almost beating her, RL135, hookclaws, no summons/spirits
I don't want to level further and spoil the fun, I already gave in to leveling 10 extra RL and upgrading from quickstep to BHS sinc her second phase is way too aggressive and deals way too much damage to manage as I'm specced now

>2H Godslayer GS
>no summons
>RL 140 iirc

Best fight in the game desu, I still can not for the life of me understand the complaints she gets or how people can fight her for 5+ hours and not beat her. Waterfowl isn't even an instakill unless you get hit by all the slashes, if you have decent defense and vig you should be able to roll out the second and third ones even if you get hit by the first flurry. On my NG+ playthrough right now and thinking about just bumrushing my way to the Capital since my favorite bosses (Malenia, Placidusax, Godfrey and Morgott) are all there or past there.

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Is she the most popular character besides Ranni?

I tried with the Dismounter which is my secondary and it is kinda of easy to stance break her right?

Tried to do it legit for 4 hours straight. Then I got bored and gave up. Summoned Tiche and then blasted her second phase with comet azur.

Hollow victory that I did not earn.

Honestly, not a lot.
She had already soured my opinion on the game a good deal anyway, for the first time it didn't feel like a Souls boss that it was satisfying to get good for for me.

Very. Me and my mimic bullied her with brick hammers buffed with blood flame

felt terrible. I felt like I put myself through the ringer to check a box on a list, not because I wanted to
Isshin was hard, but you could dodge most of his attacks with careful timing. You could counter his thrust attacks or sweeps for big posture damage, you could reverse lightning in phase 3
Orphan of Kos was hard, but you could parry + riposte or backstab him. Demon of Hatred was a bitch, but you could hit him with sacred paper or whatever, plus the whistle

But Malenia? There's nothing, there was no thought put into her abilities. No room for players to carefully counter her unique traits.
>her lifesteal is always in effect, whether she actually damages you or just hits the shield
>there's no way to counter or briefly seal her lifesteal abilities, which would have added a layer of tactics to the encounter
You can stunlock her, except when she decides to cancel and transition into a move that has hyper armor (after she reads your inputs, of course).
Whether you win or not depends on how many times she chooses to use a hyperlethal attack (like waterfowl) or a lame dumbass attack that leaves her open (that weirdly slow 2-hit attack she uses in phase one)

So no, it didnt feel like an accomplishment. It felt like she was stupidly hard for the sake of being hard.

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Ran into her day 4 after release. Beat her after like 30 minutes. Didn't think anything of it until a few days later when people actually started getting that far. Hail the golden halberd.


I was barely getting to phase 2 after maybe 20-30 tries then just said fuck it end equipped two swords (instead of sword and shield) and went in swinging. She didn't use her waterfowl at all in Phase 1 and in Phase 2 I rushed her right after the divebomb and never allowed her to even start anything complicated. Went down super fast surprisingly.

It's RNG luck, but also there's a sweet spot in being aggressive that prevents her from dictating the tempo.

>Waterfowl isn't even an instakill unless you get hit
based retard

>unless you get hit by all the slashes

It's a 10 second long move, fucking DSP can survive it by panic rolling point blank, it becomes much easier when you know how to roll through the second and third slashes which isn't hard.

Ahahahaha eat shit, street rats

very based

Laurence was harder for me so it wasn't too bad in comparison

I beat her in my second try spamming Taker's flame with the mimic, satisfaction isn't what I felt, it was humor at just how many times you can see a boss fall over. I'll give her an honest shot in my str/dex run.

Uhm, why are her boobs so big?

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Just glad it was over, and I could move on to Godfrey and Radabeast. I was just tired at that point and the fact she took more than 2 attempts was more annoying than it was challenging

If you played at an average or above average pace, one of the two happened:

1. you cheesed her with easy strats from youtube and you don't feel any satisfaction
2. took you a lot of time and you were already sick of the game so you just feel relieved but slightly annoyed

I wasn't even that satisfied because she divebombed at like 30% hp and i charged in and tanked it all and killed her in it.


I tried her for about an hour and eventually just said fuck it and double teamed her with mimic, I didn't use RoB or similar to just melt her but the mimic helped keep the stagger up. Yeah, I was definitely feeling burned-out at that point, with all the generic dungeons ER is honestly just too long, I'd rather it be half the size and go through it with more characters than make it something that takes a full month of daily play to finish it with one character.
I want to replay with different builds like I have with every other souls game but the time commitment is putting me off.

At first, very. I felt like I cheated the game out of telling me what to do in the fight. She's essentially a qte without flashing button prompts if you dodge as your main strategy. I tower shielded and poked the bitch. Then I realized that she's the final part necessary to fix the frenzied flame effect on you and since the shield I used was the fingerprint shield it all dawned on me. THAT's how you're supposed to do it. Using what you got along that questline to beat essentially the final boss.
I felt played. I also never found Millicent after windmill village so I guess she died in vain before this and the whole fight was kinda pointless.

I felt nothing but bottomless hatred for Marco Sucky. I bet he was raughing all the time, being proud of himself for making such an abomination of a boss without playtesting it himself. I'm going to find that little shit, tie him up with barbed wire and force him to beat this bitch level 1 with fists only.
Every time he dies I'll dismember one of his relatives in front of him and force-feed him their remains like a foie gras duck, that'll show that little fucking slant-eyed gook motherfucker.
Fuck this bitch.

one of the best feelings a video game has given me in years
it was worth the 12 hours

I felt nothing.
Same with 90% of the other bosses in this game.
The fights just yo-yo’d between being a complete stomp or feeling simply untested.

She was supposed to be hard? My rivers of blood + mimic one shot her on my first try.