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you don't really know how to start a discussion do you

I thought blitzball was fun

Genuinely disappointed that Square never came out with a blitzball-patterned regulation-standard water polo ball. I'd buy that shit in a heartbeat.

they never really comment on how people in spira can breath underwater

I have no idea how to play this fucking minigame

They don't, they can just hold their breaths for like 30 minutes at a time. Yuna in the ending practices holding her breath underwater.

this board as a whole doesn't know

Seen any Al Bheds?

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Sexball with Luluchan's tiddies

I’m pretty sure at some point they mentioned having to train to hold their breath underwater for Blitzball.
Isn’t each round only like 2-3 minutes anyway? Still ridiculous considering they’re also swimming and getting tackles during that time, but I guess you can chalk it up to the characters in game being stronger than normal humans.

I hated this shit mini game so fucking bad
>my player has 12 shoot
>enemy has 8 block
>blocks my shot anyway
I couldn’t stop seething the entire way through this garbage.

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>he hates it because he got filtered
a tale as old as time

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user, they explain it in the How-to-play. When it comes to shots and blocks, a range of Stat+-5 is used.
So your Shoot 12 character gives You a 7-17 range, while the goalkeeper has a 3-13 range. So a character with inferior defender Stat can still block one with superior attack. Of course, unless it's a wild difference like 30ATK vs 10 Block

X-2 Blitzball being downgraded to a manager simulator was the worst shit in the world. There's literally no reason you couldn't have had the original game in X-2.

This game was a masterpiece start to finish except for the blitzball match, wtf were they thinking?

Playing FFX for the first time. I just got to the Blitzball tutorial and I've got a really bad feeling about this.

Blitzball would have been fine if it wasn't so fucking slow.


it’s just boring, a turn combat sports game doesn’t work

>random metal music starts playing


don’t worry, only one match is mandatory and the rest is optional and you can purposely lose the match without consequence

t. Final Fantasy X is my favorite game but on my first playthrough I nearly dropped it because I thought Blitzball was something I’d have to do dozens of times

>he didn't beat the Goers

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bigger number beats smaller number

Thats it

user do this to destroy Blitzball:
1. Pass the Ball to your fastest player.
2. Set strategy to attack and control to manual
3. controlling your fastest character, draw the attention of the opposite team players.
4. As strat's set to attack, most of your team Will be near the opposite goal.
5. Pass the Ball to Tidus or whoever has the highest Attack Stat.
6. Get close to the goal.

95% of the time you Will score. Now enjoy your sweet World Champion

>yeah bro it’s so fun! you come up on a guy and if his points are less than your points you break his tackle but if his points are more you fumble! this is so much better than just having instant passes and shoots like every other sports game at the time


I love Blitzball but I can get the hate. There's some rudimentary real-time control, but the thing is mostly math and Stat autism.


>goers don't even have any good players to recruit

It’s fucking weird for me, I think it’s just that I hate long tutorials with a red hot passion and the second I saw that 20 item tutorial part I fucking groaned. I flew through it and missed like 60% of it kek, I ate shit in the match but really didn’t care as long as it was one and done, luckily I think the devs knew people would hate it (they were probably forced to put it in by the producers) so they just made it optional. If that part was mandatory I would have dropped it in a second which makes me sad because the rest of game is absolute kino

All I'm sayin' brudda, is that if all the Al Bheds suddenly became All-Deads then a whole lotta our problems be solved yeah brudda?

Yea there’s one right in front of you the whole time

It's not mandatory but Wakka's ultimate weapon needs you to play a lot of Blitzball.
A lot.
Imo that's still not as Bad as the lightning dodging


on my next play through I’ll 100% it, I autistically grinded for Yojimbo early on so every single upgrade ended up being pointless


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Despite bein only 10% of the population, da Al-Bhed commit 50% of all summoner kidnappings. It's true bruddah, just check the teachings of Yevon, ya?


its final fantasy for a reason

>We have to initiate the final summoning
>Ay did someone say Final Solution?!

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this. I tried it only once. not only was it difficult, but the fact you no longer had control made it a shitty replacement.

>not telling him to hide behind your own goal after scoring a point

The Race War Starts NOOOOOW

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>He doesnt like destroying the opposite team

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Was there some way to level up your players? I felt like that first match I was lv. 1 vs lv. 15

It should have been reflected as much. My 12 shoot should have visibly become 17 and that faggot should have visibly gotten dunked on

It's kinda dumb how the intro blitzball cinematic made it this hyper violent shit where you could knock people out of the fucking sphere pool and literally do sphere shot kicks OUTSIDE the fucking pool yet the actual mini game is boring shit

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You know what's real bullshit? Keepa is a better shooter than he is a goalie once he starts leveling up.

yeah I always thought that was hilarious too.

>al bhed home nuked

I didnt care to figure it out. I gave up after the first match. terrible revamp in X-2

>Got so autistic with blitzball that I literally got wakka's whatever sigil and his final slot limit break before even making it past operation mi'hen at the start of the game

I put more hours into it than the fucking story

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Not bullshit at all. Keepa is a classic Onion Knight. They do that.

user your 12 Shoot could have been 7

Why would you do the shot kick outside the pool anyhow? Sounds dumb and inefficient. Well the whole blitzball sounds really weird in terms of laws of physics.

>didn't get jecht shot as a kid
>literally fucked my entire blitzball experience by making it far more difficult early on tha necessary
>turned me away from the whole minigame because it was too hard

Man, I fucked up.
>actually didn't do it

Fucking hell how did kid me even fuck up that sequence to be fair the instructions were a bit unclear

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you will never see this kino for the first time again

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>I gave up after the first match.

kek perfect analogy

Blitzball was fun until the League begins to bullshit their levels just to keep up with your grind.

Alright as someone who played it for the first time only a year ago:
If you hate blitz, read up on it or just skip it. It's not one of those things you'll magically fall in love with just by sticking with it.
Be aware the story gets a bit rushed and wonky at points but by the end it feels like a nitpick
The end game, let's just say there's no shame in using cheats if on PC
Also subs are 100x better than dubs, but nostalgia fags won't like hearing that
But they are right on the HD version being a bit soulless, some of the mods fix the faces
And lastly 2 is a weird beast, don't expect a proper sequel. It has an interesting combat system, but everything else well... You can find out in the first 5 minutes why it's super decisive

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