How did they get away with releasing this piece of shit?

How did they get away with releasing this piece of shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why is it impossible for you to just type "Crash Bandicoot Thread"?

Nostalgia bait

It's awesome user.

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??? It's a pretty good remake.

I like it only because of the relics

That isn't how you make a thread that actually gets replies.

How you get platinum or whatever it is on some of them is beyond me. seems impossible.

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>get replies but they're all shitty because i used a template that attracts retards
not worth it user

while I agree 100% I have noticed that Crash threads get pruned quickly if they don't have a negative OP
>no it's cause of the bandititties
I wish

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it's literally because of cocospergs
git gud man I hate sunset vista


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Why did people hate 4 other than Tawna’s redesign?
I beat it recently and thought it was a really solid game especially after waiting so long for a sequel. Had some issues, sure, but still a solid 8/10. Tons of content, fun levels and visuals, nice music, could be challenging without feeling like complete bullshit. My only big complaint would be that getting all the crates in some levels was tedious due to how they were hidden offscreen so you basically had to stop and pan the camera around everywhere. That and it felt like the final boss was supposed to have more phases to it but they ran out of time.

shit sorry wrong image

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level length, way too many tedious collectibles, and crate placement like you mentioned were the main 3

It's pretty good, but I swear the collision is wonky sometimes. Someone said they gave the platforms round hitboxes instead of square ones, and while I don't have any proof, that is definitely what it feels like.

Did people think levels were too long or too short? It felt kind of inconsistent to me. Some levels I breezed through while others did tend to drag on, yeah.
The only time the long levels bothered me was when there was a vehicle or ride segment since if you missed a crate you had to die to restart.

I liked it. I made the mistake of 100%'ing it and that was absolutely not worth it but just playing through it regularly? yeah I don't regret it

at it's very core the design is shit. it's a linear collectathon with tedious padding, horrible placement and one way design that doesn't even let you go back to get collectables.
even shadow the hedgehog had better design sense for collection than that and that game is trash.

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Based, love it because of that to

Aside from the redesigns, people didn't like the graphics and visuals. Which I can understand to some extent. I dislike Tawna's design too, and Coco's noodle body is weird. I think Crash himself actually looks good, and Coco's design can be salvaged with some of the alt costumes.
People also don't like how tedious it is to 100%, which I have mixed feelings on. On one hand, a lot of platformers/collectathons are tedious to 100% and you're not forced to do it. But on the other hand, the level design does work against it if you're aiming for 100% which makes it feel even more frustrating than usual since there's no way to backtrack, like pointed out.
If you just casually playthrough it I also feel like it's a solid 8/10.

could've had more TROPY

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Honestly that was a big point against the game, there were way too many points of no return. Plus the fact that when going for things like the Perfect relic you need to do a full reload to the start of the level even if you die before the first checkpoint is bullshit. Not even the first game was that cruel and still gave you the gem as long as you did the level in one life you could die as many times as you wanted before the first checkpoint since you were always going back to the start and thus technically doing the whole level in one life. The death counter going up for those is bullshit of the highest order since reloading takes far too long and reloads entire cutscenes.

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i hecking love these retards.

top cute

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Overall, I found the game's design to be very boring and uninteresting. The game had my attention at first and was enjoyable but as I kept going I found the level design to be boring and unchallenging to the point I was only really losing lives finding where the secrets were. The only levels I remember is cortex castle and some of the flashback tapes and that's it.

Mask abilities were okay but I think akano is a useless idea since he's just the tornado spin. I think the masks should've given you abilities to use for the entire game instead of having "mask sections" of a level like how WoC had the vehicle levels and I honestly felt the mask sections weren't good except for cortex castle.

Music was forgettable and didn't feel like crash at all to me, art style is cluttered and feels like a generic cartoony artstyle which doesn't follow crash's artstyle at all from the OT, WoC, CNK, Twinsanity etc.

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Thank god CTR is getting ported to PC

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>Thank god CTR is getting ported to PC
you shouldn't lie to make others feel happy like that

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>Thank god CTR is getting ported to PC
Y-yea ha-haha...

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I don't care, still playing OG CTR
wish that the competitive scene was more popular

w h e n

The only thing I haven't done in this game is going for the platinum relics. I've gotten a few of them when It tried but doing them for all games seems like quite the ordeal. Should I?

It'd be great if there was something like a CTR version of SRB2K or MkWii CTGP.

Just picturing a kart racer that has OG CTR physics done 1:1 plus tracks from CTR, CNK and the new ones in NF plus just making new tracks overall.

Maybe it'll happen one day with how the OG CTR is currently 90% decompiled.

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appreciators of wholesome crash and coco pics are based in my book

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>the OG CTR is currently 90% decompiled.
didn't know this, now I have hope, and I will the first one to make some OC for it

can't go wrong

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Neither did I. I'm cooming just thinking about playing it with custom res, native widescreen and unlocked fps

oh yea it's pretty nice, started in 2020 if I'm remembering right. I know that the physics for OG CTR have been found in script form and modders know stuff like the EXACT amount of reserves you gain in powerslide timings, hitting turbo pads and the EXACT reserve drain rate as some examples.

I also remember seeing some mods like adding Oxide as a proper playable racer with his own CSS slot, Lab Ass got added as a skin mod, basic model replacements, custom cups as some stuff that comes to mind. Oh and don't forget some of the bigger mods too like the OG CTR mod that changes USF to make it work like NF's blue fire or mods that improve CTR's graphics by preventing the game from using the low level LOD models.

Honestly though the most exciting thing to me is 100% knowing what OG CTR's physics are and the EXACT values of everything from physics, reserves etc. It's insane to me so I really do hope CTR gets something really great in the future that's like SRB2K or CTGP

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that sounds awesome, how're you keeping up with it?

>even shadow the hedgehog had better design sense for collection than that and that game is trash.
Rent free Crashfag

Same here, especially considering what happened to SRB2K and what it's future holds it'll be nice to have something replace it.
>inb4 qrd
2.2 is going to be cancerous shit that fucks up everything that makes SRB2K good, the day the current servers die is the end of SRB2K as we know it(aside from local MP if you have IRL friends)

We need more art that looks closer to manga crash, too bad that kind of look is probably impossible to translate into a 3d model.

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I mean we almost got Zembillas Crash with the shit canned Crash 1 remake by Andy and Jason. It translated incredibly well so it's not impossible, it just requires more thought in the execution of it.

Funny you mention the fps part user since there is a mod in the works that lets you play OG CTR in 60fps, know that's not unlocked framerate but hey 60fps is pretty good so far since the game isn't 100% decompiled yet

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Crash has a pill shaped hitbox instead of a cube. This is why he slides off playforms that he shouldn't.

oh I forgot to mention that it's 60fps and 4k res too

not him but I found this github, don't know if it's THE decomp project but it was updated recently
I'm a codelet so I don't fully understand what's in here, hope that someone could clarify if it is actually the decompilation project


There's an Official CTR Modding discord which's where all of this stuff I mentioned in my last couple posts is happening in, I sadly don't have a link to it on hand right now but if you take a look at some of the youtube links i'll put in my next post (since im going to do a vid link dump of og ctr mods since some anons seem interested), one of these guys should have a link to it on their channel.

Give me a couple mins

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Okay here's a bunch of youtube links that come to mind showing some cool OG CTR mods, keep in mind anons that most of this stuff is still pretty early but HAVE HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. Also one of the channels for these guys should have a link for the Official CTR Modding Discord, I know it's an open invite and not closed off

Big Mods:
Retro Fueled (Changes USF to work like NF's Blue Fire and makes U-Turn work like NF's VERY BUFFED U-Turn where you don't lose reserves doing it)

CTR Practice Mod (TT Mod that lets you have engine swap, save states, reserve value tracking and works on an actual PS1)

Gameplay Mods:
Ring Rally (Adds in NF's Ring Rally as a custom game mode)

Very Early Custom Character Mods (Only model swaps right now, no animations or sound effects so far)

Oxide on Roster

Graphics Upgrade

Choose Any Character For Adventure

Custom Cups:

Character Randomizer (Lets boss characters appear in CPU races)

60FPS + 4k Mod (In progress, no full release yet)

CTR TAS: Not a mod but if you anons are interested, this TAS is cool since it shows an actual reserve meter and fire level so modders can track this stuff pretty well and that was around the start of OG CTR's decompliation

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Forgot to note but on that last link also see how there's an advanced speedometer that lets you better see SG/Ultra SG and USF speeds properly.

With how all of this stuff is the start just IMAGINE anons what the future is for CTR. When the game is 100% decompiled things will get crazy for sure

I was talking about the original, not the remaster.

thanks for sharing user

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