Okay Yea Forums be honest, do you like the new direction Tetsuya Nomura is taking KH? Personally, I’m invested. This is like a breath of fresh air that was needed for the series. I also love that death is now a major focal point in the series. They aren’t shying away from it or tiptoeing around it anymore

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I love Kingdom hearts it's my favourite game ever but Nomura's overcomplicated plot is annoying some times

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I only like the first game. Everything afterwards became overcomplicated.

And kh4 it looks like shit

I just got done beating my meat user WHY

I mean, Sora isn't really dead, he's just in another world, no one fucking dies.

Damn, I wanna get stuck in the realm of darkness...

This has got to be one of the worst gaming takes to exist . It’s meme territory at this point. KH story is NOT that complicated. All you got to do is play the games. You can follow it easily

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I know it's not but bringing up shit from Union X was just ugh, I seriously don't care

Strelitzia is literally dead user. Like actually fucking dead. Xehanort and Eraqus are dead. Hell your player character in Union X DIES on screen and gets reincarnated as Xehanort . Death is major in the series now

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Union X has the best story in the series

Sure, but if death just means going to quadratum, deaths are meaningless because they are 100% going to find a way to bring Sora back to the 'real world' and by extension everyone else in KH4.
Also the main villain dying doesn't mean much.

Quadratum is the afterlife to those from Sora’s reality. Strelitzia is dead. Now a data version of Strelitzia might exist as hinted in Union X finale but the real Strelitzia is dead forever. Also the Final World is literally a place where the souls of those who died gather but they haven’t accepted death yet

>that one soul of the kid who thought he was playing hide and seek with his dad but in actuality he was dying
Shit was dark

I'd like to eat my words, if KH4 turns out to be a game about Riku and the others slowly coming to terms with the futility of trying to actually reach Quadratum then sure, deaths in KH will actually mean something, but if they find a way there then anyone who dies can just potentially be brought back in the future.

With any other franchise, people would call you retarded if you complained about the story without actually experiencing all of it. But KH bad, Nomura bad!

Not at all. The series barely resembles itself anymore. Also everything went in all the wrong directions with 3. The core story is more bullshit and asinine than its ever been in the series. And the usage of worlds has declined severely. They are such a mixed bag both design wise and in pacing now

Wrong. KH1 has the best story in the franchise, CoM comes second, and while I'll freely admit UX has a stronger narrative than KH2, KH2 is a great ending to the original trilogy and gets points from me for that alone.
As a standalone story, I'd put UX pretty high up, however. The Keyblade War was actually really fucking cool as a setpiece, and the replacement leaders trying their best to keep everything together while dealing with their own traitor was neat. The entire ending sequence with Marluxia going nuclear and the Player "betraying" his friends and outplaying literal primordial evil was some of the best I've seen out of the franchise. The fact that it's trapped to that cancerous mobile game style is the absolute worst part of it all, and I cannot fathom why there's no Re:Union X when if there's any game that truly needs it, it's that one.
>if KH4 turns out to be a game about Riku and the others slowly coming to terms with the futility of trying to actually reach Quadratum
>he doesn't know
Riku's already reached Quadratum as far as we know, as per MoM's ending via cheating through the 'Nameless Star'. Now, if the story IS about those two finding out that there's no going back and the other side has to deal with the fact that they're gone, that would be pretty surprisingly cogent for Nomura. I would miss SDG, but it's a small sacrifice for good storytelling.


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No. And I hate how this shitty board keeps saying "The writing is going to be good now because the shit eating twat from The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy 14's faggot writer are teaming up to create kino" FUCK YOU.

No, seriously fuck you. I don't trust Nomura especially when he pulled bullshit like how Xehanort was always good and reviving dead characters strictly to please stupid fantards who can't live without Roxas and junk. But I hate just about all Square writers because I know they make shit that makes Persona's writing staff seem good. Nah fuck you if you still like Kingdom Hearts and if you like Square's modern offerings.

And I hope Disney strangles and ruins Kingdom Hearts now that they are more hands on in the series. It's what you bastards deserve for liking such a shitty series. Kingdom Hearts has always been wonky, but now it's really trash.

>I also love that death is now a major focal point in the series.

You mean using Shit Writing to revive the dead. Any story that revives the dead is automatically shit. And I condemn that cock sucker Toriyama from Dragon Ball fame who popularized the idea of repeatedly and constantly reviving dead characters. That piece of shit I would love to murder him and then see if gathering the seven dragon balls will bring him back to life. I spit and urinate on that shitty man. Hope he dies of a painful pancreatic cancer so that it really fucking hurts him.

I've been watching dragon ball and while the fights themselves are really entertaining, the story itself is boring because there are never any stakes since anyone who dies can (and will) came back to life.

Dragon Ball is very overrated and like you said there is no tension, reviving the dead is common and also very easy to do (Bulma's dragon ball radar introduced since the first episode of the whole franchise). So you always know in advance there is never any pressure or danger. And that's not the only failing Dragon Ball has, but this isn't the thread to discuss anime.

it’s not conplicated but it’s bad

The mobile game story and concepts are kino, and the Not-Versus XIII stuff is cool, but at this point being thrust into a mainline game with Sora tends to produce a product that is worse than the sum of its parts, so who knows

The idea of Disney doing Fake Edgy has always been bad. Kingdom Hearts as a premise and pitch is point blank retarded. People are forgiving of it because Kingdom Hearts started with the overrated and nostalgic Disney Renaissance. I dare you to start the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise with Modern Disney and let's see how well that turns out, shit movies like Onward or Raya, or Luca, or Turning Red and you get it.

I’m currently playing KH 3 now and I’m having fun. I have no idea why this game brings out the doomposters so much

Why is that bad?

I'm on this autism ride till the end.

Because they aré getting old.

I think after all the shit he’s gone through sora deserves to come back to life, but maybe retire him as a keyblade wielder full metal alchemist style

It's not so bad that it's keeping me from watching, but it's definitely keeping dragon ball from being anything more than just alright. Without tension or loss there's no stakes. Like how am I supposed to care when someone dies when they'll just be wished back later.

>Sora and Riku learn that to return to the real world they must give up their ability to wield the keyblade.
I would accept that outcome. As a bonus Riku would stop using that retarded car key.

It’s amazing Metal Gear Solid gets a pass for its batshit insane story that is actually more convoluted than KH story. Whenever I see people say “HURRRR KH STORY IS TOO COMPLICATED” I just assume it’s a meme at this point. Just play the fucking games. Don’t just watch YouTube summaries of the story or have some retard explain it to you in person or on Twitter. Just play the goddamn games yourself and you will get it easily

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It's not retarded in concept, it's just too thick and plagued by UE graphics

Come on you know that Nomura would retcon that Sora and Riku can yet again get their keyblades back by being given another test like how Riku had when he was five years old by another keyblade wielder and the cycle repeats with this time Sora and Riku getting keyblades once more. It's a never ending plot twist retcon fest by Nomura and I hate him for writing trash.

bro I played KH3 and i had no idea what the fuck was happening, literally most of it was made up jargon that no character ever explained.

>play Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II
>feel bad Axel died
>wish he lived
>he comes back to life to be a comic relief shadow of himself

Feels bad, man.

I have an issue more with characters sticking around past their shelf life just to say "Whoa, Goku's power is so incredible you guys!" for the 5000th time, but you're right that we shouldn't get too deep into anime talk.

>he comes back to life to be a comic relief shadow of himself
But he has plenty of serious moments in 3
Being constantly depressed is also a meme trait, user

Because you clearly didn’t play the side games

I don't like how Nomure tried to pretend Eraqus, the biggest retard in the KHverse, was actually a 4D chessmaster

>I don't like this thing that was literally set up in the same game this character was introduced in

Eraqus was a colossal retard in BBS.

So you don’t like character development?

>”breath of fresh air”
>star wars/marvel shit and default unreal engine world
No, I’m not excited. I want more weird square shit with twewy characters and verum rex shit. Without that and exciting, well executed disney, no interest. Maybe if the gameplay is significantly better than 3, I’ll play it

user Terra holds the crown as biggest retard in the series. He will never be dethroned

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he's in

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>Sora saves the world a bllion times
>KH3: Haha what a halfpint, lets look at him and laugh you guys haha.
>Have an actual established story and conclusion
>KH3: Nah lets spend 95% of the game doing actually nothing and then have the rest be mainly set up for the next saga instead of actualy spending enough time concluding the current saga that we had 20 games to build up.
Nomura can't write. He should've taken the hint and fucked off with Versus 13

Because it feels more mature due to the war element. KH Is fantasy.

>batshit insane story that is actually more convoluted than KH story.
What's so convoluted about MGS' story? It's easy to follow just playing the games.

My problem is the GoD and angel characters. The lesson should had been that Bills was getting weak for being a lazy ass.

it doesn't have Disnet attached so weebs don't seethe over it

yes, love it. I was ready to begrudgingly play KH3 and call it a wrap on me enjoying Kingdom Hearts, but the Quadratum/Yozora stuff pulled me back in. It's too late to hop of Nomura's ride and at this point I'll probably follow it til I die, or Nomura dies whichever happens first

>Union X introduced reincarnation into the series
>your avatar dies and gets reincarnated as Xehanort
>beginning of Dark Road, Xehanort has dreams of his past life as the Union X protag
>The reason why Ephemer was able to reach Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard and assist him in destroying the Demon Tide by using the dead Keyblade Wielders keyblades from the Keyblade War is because he got reincarnated as Sora

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i thought Terra was the one BBS newcomer that people liked

And yet it set up the plot point

People think Terra is a fucking retard but Lingering Will is a chad

>>The reason why Ephemer was able to reach Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard and assist him in destroying the Demon Tide by using the dead Keyblade Wielders keyblades from the Keyblade War is because he got reincarnated as Sora
>(You) and your best friend got reincarnated as opposing forces
>and (You) were the bad guy
Fuck you, Nomura. Cool shit like this is why I hate liking Kingdom Hearts. Its cool concepts like this get wrapped up in its shitty overhead plot.

Terra got some cool points during the guardian cutscene in 3

Terra is a retard but a loveable one. Everyone in BBS has room temperature IQ anyway

For every retarded decision Nomura makes, he finds a way to negate it by having cool shit like this . You can tell when he pulls plot twists out of his ass and he actually plans it out in advance. Ephemer/Sora and Player Character/Xehanort is one of things he planned and that’s why it’s brilliant

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How can anyone from bbs be liked? Seriously, they're the biggest fuck ups of the series. Sora has to spend many games cleaning up the mess that they let happen. Some of them were even "keyblade masters" and were still completely trash. The only one I can understand is Aqua and only if you're really desperate for titties

KH4 will be the real KH3

The character = xehanort revelation feels like a cheap, empty twist to me. My mobile shit knowledge isn’t perfect though. What makes that connection worthwhile?


who's the dad?


Massive cope