>game has a text difficulty setting
great fucking language, japs
Game has a text difficulty setting
left is unironically harder
What did he mean by this?
Hiragana mode is for native speakers. Kanji mode is actually easier to read
Do the switch pokemon games use furigana?
Kanji makes things way easier
The primary audiance for your game is children, most children dont really learn non basic kanji until jr hs
>階上(かいじょう)becomes うえ
>談笑(だんしょう)becomes おはなし
Why not just write 上 and お話 for the kanji part?
go back to djt fags
just assume it's because of the person's dialect, that's almost always the case
It's the same person though.
He’s a disgusting chink bugman that recognises chink sigils
Why do mutts get so scared of other languages
Why have chingchong lingual systems not been phased out yet? How could memorizing 10,000 different characters possibly be superior to the Queen's English, God bless? English is the greatest language despite its simplicity, Chinese and Japanese are obsolete.
why do retards defend japanese when it sucks ass
How do o stick with my Japanese studies bros? By the time I get home from work and school I'm exhausted and don't have the energy for creative learning.
Go to sleep and do your studies first thing in the morning before you eat breakfast.
The only people who say this are those who wish they knew japanese but are too lazy to learn it
You don't even know why it sucks, stupid faggot
Stop "studying" Japanese
Stop seeing the learning process as a means to an end, as having to put in hard work now so that you can have fun at the end once you're fluent. One day you will be fluent, you will use Japanese all the time and it's going to become a mundane, every day thing to you. You will long for the days when you were still learning and everything was new and magical to you, when every line you were able to make sense of would make you feel accomplished, when every joke you were able to get seemed 10 times funnier. The learning process IS the fun part, savor it, make it last, and for fuck's sake don't turn it into a chore by "studying", for you can only learn each language once.
(Mind you, some people actually enjoy sitting down and studying Japanese, but clearly you don't.)
>but how do I learn then
Drop translations and localizations NOW. Consume more japanese media. Experience the language every day. Set your consoles to japanese, follow japanese people on twitter, watch japanese youtubers, do whatever you like
>but I won't enjoy it unless I understand every single word
Change that mindset. You'll understand a little more each time. Don't be afraid of not knowing, think of all the non-english speaking kids who grew up playing vidya in english because there was no alternative.
japanese would've been a 10/10 language if only they didn't use kanji (and used fucking spaces between words). I love how clean and defined the pronunciation of each syllable is
yet another thing ruined by China
>read shit with texthookers and yomichan
>rinse and repeat until you dont need texthookers and yomichan anymore
>japanese would've been a 10/10 language if only they didn't use kanji
this combination of kana can mean240 wildly different things
does いき mean "being alive"? does it mean "abandonment"?
court rank diploma?
the island of Iki?
what about あま then?
a buddhist nun? a bitch? a male diver?
It looks easy on the eyes
Kanji sucks but i at least get how it helps, but no spaces is pure cancer and makes the language so much harder
duude just like FEEL the word out from the CONTEXT bro
if the japanese can discern those words from one another in spoken dialog just through context, it would've been just as possible to do so in written text. they don't speak in kanji
the sooner you learn kanji the better. don't be one of those retards that think they can just ride along on immersion
>if the japanese
i dont care about the japanese
im not japanese
you are not japanese
and the japanese knows pitch accent
do you know pitch accent?
>thread is slightly relevant to japanese
>faggots turn it into /r9k/ tier blogposting
Go seek validation/hugs somewhere else.
Nipponese sounds really cute when spoken by cute girls. Chinkinese has way too many nasally inflections and sounds generally hideous. Even if the girl is cute, just sounds like she's yelling at you about your dry cleaning bill or somethig.
Kanji characters are already a simplified version.
Probably the kanji version is the original and they dumb down the wording because they assume kids who are too little to know kanji are also too little to know those words.
I’d be willing to bet that 3/4 of Japanese learners in the world are Americans.
If you're used to reading Japanese, you're used to reading it in kanji. There's nothing inherently worse about hiragana as a script, but you don't recognize the hiragana sequences as shapes/Gestalten in the same way.
based user dabbing on retarded weebs
Same reason English spelling still hasn't been fixed. Cultural inertia. And before trying to tell me English spelling is fine, read this.
I speak Japanese to a reasonably okay level, and I still think the writing system sucks even worse than English's.
That's kinda cool though, sounds like a great tool for learning the language since it's already written for kids. It's a nice easing scale.
Japanese Braille has no kanji. So the obvious answer is to gouge your eyes out and then learn Japanese.
i dont give a shit about chinky insect garbage and their gobbledygook third world tongues
At least when I took Japanese in college I was literally the only person in my class who wasn't Chinese.
The best learning tools are media that use kanji but offer a way to know what kana each kanji uses. For manga and some games it's furigana, i.e. kana written in ruby text next to the kanji. For VNs, it's text hookers that let you paste the text and look up words you don't know to find the meaning and reading. Playing games with only kana is a bit of a noob trap for foreign learners of Japanese because they're intended for children who already have a base understanding of how Japanese works but just don't know kanji yet, while a foreigner just starting to learn Japanese wouldn't have that background when playing them. It's great if you've already played a lot of games though because it tests your ability to figure out things you already know by using your brain more, but if you're just starting out it's better to pick up a VN with a texthooker or a shounen/shoujo manga with furigana.
I dunno, it helped me starting out.
>join jap discord server to practice conversation
>it's a bunch of teenagers posting random abstract "funny" shit and erping
god damn it
Great post, I've realized the only way to actually get into another language without it becoming a chore is just going in with the idea of that language telling me something I don't know, embracing the idea of letting something tell you things you don't know yet no matter how mundane is the only way to truly teach yourself, eventually you will start thinking like someone that speaks/reads natively instead of going through the "I have to translate this before my brain can process what it means" part which is what people seem to think learning a language is like.
When using a VN to practice reading should I be reading everything out loud too?
What, you thought that shit would be any different just because the zoomers' eyes are slanted? Use Futaba and 5ch.
Exactly. If you have even an ounce of intelligence, it's the process of understanding something that keeps you going. Then you learn something else.
English is a god awful language. If you need the English alphabet so much literally any western European language is better.
I tried doing that once but my VPN couldn't get past the region-gating. Should I have used a different VPN?
why don't they just ditch using chinese characters? then the chinese won't be able to read their language and people won't have to learn and complain about kanji?
No it isn't. I saw the left and immediately saw "Hiragana mode" in my head.
I saw the right and said "I can barely fucking make those out and don't know the kanji, does it mean Kanji mode? No clue."
>Japanese bad
>Chinese bad
>English bad
What languages are actually good according to Yea Forums?
Don't bother with wholesale VPNs, just use proxies, you can find plenty of viable Japanese proxies online. Just be polite and not an obnoxious faggot while using them so that you don't get them banned and screw other people out of posting.
same reason why above and upstairs are different and talk and chat have different connotations
How do I connect to one of those, is there a guide I can follow? I don't know much about proxies.
I don't even care about going to Japan. I just want to learn the language because people keep saying it's difficult.
You will never take Takeshima Island.
>I just want to learn the language because people keep saying it's difficult.
that is why you'll never learn it
If you don't use Windows 10, then google it for your relevant OS.
Meant for
lmao cope. I'm already able to read basic articles
wtf I've literally never heard of this before looking it up just now, but it seems really widespread and useful?
Finnish, Thai, Swahili, and Georgian.
Alright, thank you.
Finnish (To appreciate Lord of the Rings)
Hebrew (To always keep an ear out for Jewish schemes)
AAVE (To know how to defuse situations of a dangerous level of melanation)
Mexican (To piss off Spaniards)
Brazilian (To piss off the Portuguese)
It actually is. I learned it when I was in high school and I'm glad I did. I'll be going to the global convention this year, it's gonna be in Montreal.
In every language learning community I've looked at online, even for difficult languages like Arabic and Chinese, I have never seen as much bitching and whining as from Japanese learners.
I found AJATT/MIA method and after trying it I’m convinced simple immersion or exposure will get you 80% of the results you want. It just takes some time.
I still don’t know where to read raw manga and you can’t ask on Yea Forums.