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i'll eat your dung :3
how did you get my idle animation
Reminder Ralph has a hot wife and you dont
They're not married and she looks like a horse.
>hot wife
Poor bait, no (you) for you.
At least she isn't fat, I guess. 75%+ of American woman between the ages of 20-74 are overweight, obese or morbidly obese.
Pick o-h wait, did you mean that he pimps out his horse to people? Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me.
Not even Ralph believes that which is why he bangs hookers
I'm gonna walk 2 miles just to see Ralph get his fat ass kicked by some Leaf addicted to cocaine.
I legit cannot wait for the Leaf to beat his ass legally. That said, I think he'll puss out
Andy is going to fix Ralph's cross-eyed
Pantsu might not be the prettiest, but she's salvageable. She should definitely keep the bangs and lean into trying to look French. Wear Breton stripe shirts and skinny ballet tops with tiny cardigans over them, stovepipe white or blue jeans to hide her water-willy legs, or miniskirts over black tights.
hes been doing everything to get out of it so he can stay home and eat shit out of a woman's ass
lol dude she is grim mate.
>video games
She’ll never look beautiful but she can try to look clean and well pulled together. is right that she's not fat. Could be a lot worse. In fact, I'd expect a lot worse for Ralph.
I post on KF and I have fuckall idea about this guy beyond the stream he did with Metokur and the Matt feller, qrd?
>he's ready to die in the ring
should we be worried?
Pantsu tried to groom Alice for Ralph, she failed so he just raped her
No control over temper
Threatens to kill people making fun of him on internet
Pretty damning rape accusation
Charged for assaulting and losing to a female cop and revenge porn
Neglects a newborn child
Has a disgusting gunt "flesh apron" and 4 man tits
Alcoholic pill popper
Literally ate shit on camera and posted it online.
He's had a heart attack, is grossly overweight, and got his face pounded in in Portugal with potential brain damage. Ragepig probably doesn't even qualify to get in a ring
There's a lot of lore but basically he's an alcoholic obese manlet that is in a new blood feud like every week. Also he uploaded a sex tape to get back at someone and it revealed he has a shit eating fetish
>Has a disgusting gunt "flesh apron" and 4 man tits
I didn't believe this until people posted pictures in the last thread. It's incredibly grotesque, but true.
Fyi hotwife doesn't mean his wife is hot. It means she cucks him
She's in the "hot" seat bouncing from man to man
speed running lolcow status, at shit out of a woman's ass, dmca,s other peoples content bc he doesn't like it, has rape allegations, got beaten up by 5 portugese men with pipes (soon to be 6) and the list goes on, Mr. metokur has been talking a lot about him. The stream he did the other night had a lot of content abt him so look up the April roundup
He's been a lolcow for years
How does this happen do any other anons have double moobs
Who the hell watches this retard unironically?
yeah but he keeps speeding up, the last 2 weeks have been crazy
Don't forget his newest foot pics(posted to prove he is healthy or so) where it looks like he got a fungus infection on his toe nails
I just love the genuine look of fear fat boy in the corner has as he gazes upon his potential future
Not to mention he has pulled in Nick the spic and his gay as fuck AF political movement in to defend him online.
>He larps as a right wing trad cath and hangs around drug addicts and porn producers.
Exactly. I don't know how many levels of cope his faggy fans will be on, but I'd wager he would lose a chunk of them if he does indeed puss out.
>Has a disgusting gunt "flesh apron"
A what now?
>He's grabbing his own tit
Nick the spic and his crew.
Daily reminder that Fuentes and Ethan won, and Jim is a cuck. You don't win wars through idealism.
Shell leave him and he will end up paying two women 1500 a month each.
Did chief wheeling bull manage to swap bodies with him or something?
Haven't watched Metokur in 6 years, QRD on his feud with Fuentes?
He's so fat that the fat in his stomach stretches down in the male equivalent of a FUPA called a gunt.
You don't win also by popping pills and producing porn either.
He's a tradlarping flaggot.
I don't know what it is about these retards that makes them not grasp everyone hates false flaggers, especially when they try playing the tough guy.
>Fuentes admits that he false DMCAs people who disagree with him
>Jim calls him a faggot because DMCAing is lame
>Fuentes goes full "internet is srs bsns" mode
>Jim, once again, calls him a flaming faggot.
He's accelerrated in the past year or so. What with being a deadbeat dad, fighting digitroon's friends, raging at every single perceived slight against him, threatening to kill people,and knocking up mantsu.
What's the counterplay for being called a faggot after admitting being one?
>Nick stepped in to defend Ralph to stop cancer man laughing at him
>Said some really lulz worthy shit like "criminals are based" "I DMCA people when they hurt my feelings" and other funny quotes.
>AF fags have been personal armying Yea Forums trying to get us to take down Jim.
>Guy is trying to murder you
>He has a shotgun in his hand
>Disarm the guy and grab his shotgun
>Aim it at him
How his fans haven't discovered he's a grifter to end all grifters is beyond me. That's dangerous levels of copium they're huffing.
>Daily reminder that Fuentes and Ethan won
You only say this because they're the only figureheads left, the absolute state of the right that people feel the need to damage control for a gay mexican manlet and an alcoholic rapist manlet
>Threatens to kill people making fun of him on internet
How did this make the list? That's a third of the posts on this site
Wow it's almost like the guy who has a history of punching out cops is deranged or something.
>he's ready to die in the ring
That was the gayest fucking thing he's said in the past week. If he dies of a fucking heart attack after getting beatdown by Warski, I will laugh my ass off and personally drive to Richmond to spit on his grave
lol, lmao
So is Nick unironically gay or are people just bantering because he's really effeminate?
He really fucking means it. But is such a pussy bitch all he can do is go red faced and slam his fists in to his own table.
this whole community of faggots shitposting and flinging shit is kindergarten level childish gossip, i mean yeah he's a lolcow and it's funny but the people that follow this shit actively are something else
Fuentes stated that he like to DMCA anything he doesn't like, Metokur criticized him for it, Fuentes said he'd debate him. They *debated* (shit flinging contest) and Fuentes outed himself as a faggot loser who can't handle criticism.
>being called a faggot online calls for false flagging
This is why I call him a tradlarper.
He's a thin skinned little bitch that tries playing with the big boys and can't handle the banter
If you notice all the groyper streamers on cozy it’s clear Nick has a type
I like Warski, but there's no way he will ever win against Ralph. Bulk always wins out, baby.
Remember how schools tried to scare teenagers out of doing drugs and drinking alcohol?
They should just make people watch Ethan Ralph instead of that "I'm high on life!" shit
He went on a 20 minute rant about how having sex with women is gay and another one when a woman sent a superchat asking him on a date
how do you all know about Nick fuentes? Didn''t know he was big on Yea Forums
>Hangs out with a catboi "ironicly"
>Says women are gay on stream
>Does really gay things like strike peoples youtube channels down because they upset him
You tell me.
>a history of punching out cops
He drunkenly swung at a lady cop and ended up on the ground. He doesn't have a history of punching out cops, he has a history of alcoholism and being a pathetic loser.
Nah, fuck off nigger. Even if you hate Fuentes with a passion, you can't exactly blame a guy for fighting dirty after HE'S had his life ruined because of online faggotry. You don't get to do this little "it's just the internet bro" shit after a bunch of trannies tried to ruin that person's life because of internet shit.
Ralph lost to a lady cop, he has nothing. And in the ring, he won't even have the benefit of booze to numb the hits.
Why do people still try to fuck with Jim, if you hate him so much just wait until he's fucking dead
You do walk at least 2 miles after playing video games right Yea Forums?
>this is a 36 year old man
It's so hard to hate Jim. It feels like he's the last person on the planet that genuinely doesn't take this shit seriously.
He is an actual homosexual barely in the closet. No one hates women more than gay men
/pol/ overlap probably, or we've been on the internet long enough to just know by now
>Gives up his only high ground argument because he can't handle Ralph getting shit on.
Some big brain political 10/10 chess move there my buddy. I am sure the Jews are quaking in their boots after realising how to make Nick self distruct now.
Last I remember of Ethan is him taking Digitranny's gf
Jesus fuck, going out for a jog now
I have no intentions of getting fit but fuck me I refuse to get fatter
He married her and they have a daughter now.
his foot was so fat it looked like a second foot was growing underneath
He was offended and then DMCA’d people because his faggot stretched out spichole can’t take any more damage without anal tearing
destiny is friends with nick fuentes
HOLY SHIT WARSKI STILL STREAMS? I thought he totally fell off the grid after the gun incident
He hates woman and went on a multi-hour date with an austrailian man he livestreamed, as a straight man have you ever looked at another man the way he looks at Kami?
This is an absolutely pathetic comparison.
He is literally assmad over being called a faggot. He's not flagging people trying to actively fuck with his life, he's doing it to people insulting him and his cronies.
While larping as a serious politician.
How any retard can take him seriously is beyond me. Even fucking Sargon had a better grasp of optics than this
Destiny is nihilistic, he doesn't have friends. The guy openly admits he's a sociopath and doesn't have any strong feelings towards his wife or his kid. If streaming with Fuentes will help roll in the money then he'll do it.
>cries because of dmca when he swats people
His show is hit or miss, the fuck Ralph festival and Jim streams are pretty good though
Even DesTiny was calling a big OOF on Nick going full bitch.
>He married her and they have a daughter now.
While true, I don't think they're actually together except for appearances. Remember how he paid Nora to appear on stream to keep the facade that they weren't divorcing? Ralphamanlet can't take any loss with grace.
>The guy openly admits he's a sociopath and doesn't have any strong feelings towards his wife or his kid.
Do you have a clip?
>Has a disgusting gunt "flesh apron" and 4 man tits
Isn't Fuentes literally like 18 or 20 years old? The guy is just a kid and people genuinely take him seriously.
You don't have to write gunt fanfiction in your head, the reality is still funny.