Fix it
Fix it
Other urls found in this thread:
more rya threads
>Yea Forums Patch Notes 1.1:
loli is not allowed
nuke from orbit and no knock raid all users
is now allowed* FUCK
Spam pony porn until all the normies go extinct.
>loli and shota is allow
>all video game new thread related is banned
>no /pol/ shits
No more twitter screencap threads
here's the problem
>video game culture
>console wars
>video games
said it last time get rid of the fucking coomer spammers. i like vidya i dont' give a fuck about porn. if i wanna jerk off i'll go do it.
it's horrible. these fucking pieces of shit are covering like 30% of the page and every time i come here i shift click like 17 threads before I get a good thread about gaming.
like /vr/ has nazi mods and you can't have any fun at all so you go to Yea Forums and people still get banned, way less often, but still get banned, and they just completely ignore these fucking faggots "WHAT IS THE BEST COOMER FAGGOT AND WHY IS IT LOL JUST LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF A CUMMING GIRL LOL"
fucking enough. go to a porn site. i fucking hate these exhibitionist jackers who really like to be a part of a community of guys who all jack off on a site.
Anyone who has been here longer than 5 minutes can tell you there's no way to fix Yea Forums, or nuChan as a whole. Anyone who has been here as long as me knows there's no way to fix the internet as a whole.
Implementing post IDs AND making mobileposting obsolete would clean up a multitude of issues.
BLACKED is now allowed
Use the 12 porn boards that already exist
All they need to do is make a /nin/ board and Yea Forums would be just fine.
Ban anime girl ecchi bait threads
Fucking half the catalogue isn't even games but TEEHEE DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCK THIS LOLI IN OUR GAME - T.JEWBERG SHILL
Deal with it, and remember that cutting your dick off was a mistake and 41%.
>Ban anime girl ecchi bait threads
Do the same for furfag threads.
Ban Yea Forums 6 days out of the week.
Those threads should be moved to /trash/. Imagine making some generic Genshin thread or "fighting game girls thread" and it gets banished to the furfag hellhole,
post what you want to see and take it easy
Ban wojak already holy shit
The mods usually do their job when it comes to furfags. The last Freya thread has 150+ deleted posts.
Just ban all the mobile IPs and not just this board, but the whole website is fixed.
ITT: People who have only been on Yea Forums for 10 days while their reddit account cools off from a hard day of upvoting cuck porn
The problem is that lots of people come here to discuss H games and erotic visual novels; this isn't a new thing either. If we're really going to ban porn from Yea Forums there needs to be a spinoff board for not safe for work games.
allow shitposting
Link to thread?
only pc exclusive games are allowed for discussion
Get rid of discord trannies
ban things and people I don't like
Ban phoneposters
Ban coom posters
Ban pol/race bait posters
Make /incel/ - Internet Celebrities and dump all that garbage over there
The problem with the porn threads on Yea Forums is not the porn. It's the people who don't realize how old Yea Forums handled porn. They immediately lose their shit like the sheltered prepubescent faggots they are and spam memes and wojak/frog images about how wacky they are about porn. I've sadly been here since 2007, and this place has become the snapchat version of reddit where no one cares about what they post because its "anonymous" and "deleted in moments".
Just face it you dumb niggers, you're not Rex enough to fix this cesspool of piss and shit.
Mods actually deleting off topic shit
>Disabled phone access in order to increase the quality of posts.
>Janitors will be on a payroll and will have numerous audits throughout the year to ensure fair bans and quick response.
>Creating the board /lo/ for lolicon and cunny threads.
>Pee will be installed and auto-enabled on the browsers whenever a user visits /lo/
>The entire continent of Australia has been IP banned.
>Any user that has visited /pol/ more than 3 times in the last 2 days cannot post or comment.
>Yea Forums pass is auto enabled for users with more than 5 years of constant visits to the board and less than 5 bans.
>Emoticons are reintroduced
ban coom
ban twitter screenshots
ban mobile games
ban AAA games
ban drawthreads
ban eceleb
ban final fantasy xiv a realm reborn general
>Canada completely ignored
Fucking leafs.
>Any user that has visited /pol/ more than 3 times in the last 2 days cannot post or comment.
Include Yea Forums and /r9k/ to this and I'm on board.
How about go back to the olde version of being banned and make it so faggots who get banned can't see the site altogether? Plus get rid of these fucking cancer advertisements holy fuck, my adblocks didn't load properly once and its no surprise the average Yea Forums poster is a fucking retard.
>fix Yea Forums by making it reddit-lite
eat nigger dick
there is, it’s called /h/
>ban consolewar threads
>ban all Wojakposting and Pepeposting
people post on those boards?
>>Emoticons are reintroduced
kill yourself
Fuck off, Emoticons were fun
I bet you ABSOLUTELY loved the Like button you dumb fucking zoomer.
No, they were fucking garbage and i'm glad they're gone.
Fix it? Delete it.
I was here before the majority of posters IN THIS THREAD. You leave. I'll stay.
>Janitors will be on a payroll and will have numerous audits throughout the year to ensure fair bans and quick response.
No more soulsshit/Elden Ring threads
ban all tourists
captcha should be deep Yea Forums lore questions
if you got banned here you probably deserved it
More off topic threads. While you all have abhorrent taste in vidya I love talking hot sauce and Godzilla/Toku with you fucking nerds.