The Elden Ring is powerful but it's not the source code to the matrix

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Other urls found in this thread:

eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Putrid Corpse Ashes

Why is most of the dialog choices from the player character's perspective?

What’s their deal?

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>Grace is a little more all encompassing then a defibrillator
its still just directed magic that Marika can give or take away arbitrarily without modifying the elden ring

Elden ring existed before the golden order. If placidex (an elden lord) was just another representative of the GW why would the order go to war with the dragons?

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Dark moon is an outer god, rope simps on suicide watch.

All endings linked to an outer god.

All spells draw on an outer god.

Who keeps starting the threads with this turbo autists screencap

>Elden ring existed before the golden order.

No shit, it's stated in the game that with each new god (elden ring host) there is a new Order.

>If placidex (an elden lord) was just another representative of the GW why would the order go to war with the dragons?
Unless you're claiming the dragon is Marika's consort at the time, no, he was not Elden Lord during the dragon war

>its still just directed magic that Marika can give or take away arbitrarily without modifying the elden ring

Prove it.

My opinion, but I think placi, the beast men, the badlands warriors, crucible knights etc. all worshipped the crucible/great tree.

Not really evidence, but it's interesting that Adula's moonblade references a dragon swearing allegiance to Ranni's dark moon after being bested in combat.

>Dark moon is an outer god

People were claiming that the greater will created the elden ring. My point is that it wouldn't make since for the golden order to go to war with the dragons if their order also worshipped the GW.

Source that ranni's moon isn't an outer god, if you please.

the erdtree's blessings of grace are directed by marika

>erdtree's favor talisman
>albinauric bloodclot

[100041000] Very well. In Marika's own words.
[100041010] My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace.
[100041020] With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between.
[100041030] Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.
[100044010] Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed.
[100044020] Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring.
[100044030] Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.

i.e. she can use grace to revive the dead, she can also use it to keep someone alive indefinitely (which is why some soldiers died immediately upon losing grace)

Is gurranq Maliketh?

And she can do that because she removed destined death (death as an inevitability) from the elden ring. Glad we're on the same page.


I love my wife Ranni!!

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>It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.

Sorry what is your argument that the Elden ring existed PRIOR to this based on?

>And she can do that because

Because she controls the Erdtree and it's "primal vital life giving energies"

>she removed destined death from the Elden Ring
she didn't, see pic

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What was she planning

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Hey you talked first, the burden of proof is on you

Cool pic of Ranni and the outer god influencing her, user.

But the dragons didn't worship Marika or the GW when the war jappe9

Explained in each of the last three lore threads, yet no rope simp can form a coherent argument that it isn't.

Tired of wasting my time with people who don't even have an argument.

Dragons, beastmen, crucible knights, etc. all worshipped the crucible of life/great tree.

>Great Elden Ring, root of the Golden Order. Anchor of all lands, giver of grave, wellspring of all joy.
and again this shit with the gloam eyed queen. you are taking massive steps in logic to support your preconceived perspective.
Placidex is an elden lord. If the dragons worshipped the GW why would the GW go to war with them.

Ask Jesus to save you if you believe the good news (pic)

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He's completely incoherent in the way he tries to proof his weird theories about sorceries and such, just ignore the schizo, he's either a troll or completely deluded

Sorry, I don't think Kingdom Hearts lore is good.

The fact that some witch told Ranni to fear the dark moon does not immediately translate to whatever headcannon you've got going here.

The GW values order more than worship, that's why it sent a beast that was the living incarnation of the concept of order.

Anything seen as disorderly by the GO is shunned

So the GW went to war with creatures that already worshiped it because its a dick?

Crazy ladies skin people to make clothes for Godskins.

Maybe try to form an argument instead of just quoting Enia

Explain it again

>teaches you spells
>tells you to fear the thing they are derived from

What's your argument against the dark moon being an outer god again?

That seems to be a common theme in this game

>Though born one of the graceless Omen, Morgott took it upon himself to become the Erdtree's protector.
>He loved not in return, for he was never loved, but nevertheless, love it he did.

Why are they non-hostile?

Maybe try to stop being a turbo autist

ill take that as your concession

I assume to lull you into a sense of security before 3 of them (and everyone past a certain point) aggro on you suddenly.

>Nor any mentions of greatrunes being removed from it before then
>Great Rune of the Unborn
Great Rune of unborn demigods.

In the end, Lady Rennala was left alone, cradling the amber egg Lord Radagon bequeathed her.

>Marika could not have removed/sealed away DD to found the Golden Order:

The Rune of Death goes by two names; the other is Destined Death.
The forbidden shadow, plucked from the Golden Order upon its creation…
>Mending Rune of the Death-Prince
The Golden Order was created by confining Destined Death. Thus, this new Order will be one of Death restored.

>This means the GEQ had destined death... before Maliketh sealed away DD... had to be defeated in order for Maliketh to get ahold of it to seal it...

No, it just means that the rune of destined death was 'active' prior to the point in which Marika chose to lock it away. Everything you said relating to the rune of destined death being 'owned' by the Gloam Eyed Queen is pure conjecture with absolutely no inviolable evidence, which is ironic, considering your dogmatic obsession with barking at anyone who posts any sort of creative speculation otherwise.
Remember that:
>Black Flame Ritual:
"The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers."
So the GEQ was an empyrean at some point alongside Marika, meaning the Elden Beast, the Elden Ring including the rune of destined death likely already existed, especially if we factor in the Farum Azula depiction.
If destined death was therefore part of the natural order, harnessing it as a weapon even without 'holding' onto it

Now if there was a scarseal/soreseal of the GEQ's rune, your argument would hold a lot more weight, but there isn't, so please stop acting as if your theories are unassailable. Your insistence of the Hallucigenia theory was embarrassing enough.

>The black flame could once slay gods. But when Maliketh sealed Destined Death, the true power of the black flame was lost.
The GEQ did not need to physically possess destined death to wield its power. DD was part of the elden ring, but was removed upon the establishment of the order, granting her the ability to extend anyones natural life ad infinitum. Hence the power of grace being derived from the elden ring.

>Travel attire worn by nobles in the capital. Terribly faded and tattered.

>Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering, these undead wanderers are the pitiful product of unending life.

Its actually super deep if you read all the lore like Miyazaki intended. The tarnished are the working class while the Greater Will represents the rich and powerful as well the government.
Miyazaki's message is to rise up and replace the old order and create a new one. The new government won't be perfect, it may even be worse... but it's worth trying compared to just serving a corrupt entity.

Just a reminder.
Ranni is who killed Godwyn personally. She met him at Stormveil during the NotBK just as he was preparing for bed. Not knowing her motive after meeting her, he turned his back to her, giving her enough time to stab him with a cursed dagger and then turned the weapon on herself after teleportating to the tower.
This is what the Japanese script says.

There are no outer gods that are planets/moons/etc. why do you think this one would be?

So whats its power?

No one says that its an outer god or refers to it as a sentient creature in anyway. The primeval current that turns people who fuck with it into craven masses is not alive but it is still dangerous.

reposting this
what is the jar sigil? the red bit on the living ones.

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>This is what the Japanese script says
Source: my pals at Yea Forums told me

Radagon/Elden Beast wants to stop us from becoming Elden Lord because tarnished have no fate, the GW can't control us.

Placudisax's god is his wife. His title was Elden Lord, so he was the consort of the "God" who hosted the Elden Ring. The dragons were presumably Greater Will fags as well.

>The GEQ did not need to physically possess destined death to wield its power.
>If destined death was therefore part of the natural order, harnessing it as a weapon even without 'holding' onto it

prove it.

in the op pic i show 3 places where DD is used by people wielding it. my claims require no more proof. show proof it can be used without having it in your possession.

BETTER YET! show that *any* part of the Elden Ring can be used without having it in your possession

I really don’t understand why you guys speculate all this nonsense when you can just wait for someone like Vaati who actually reads and interprets all the lore to make a video about it

>The dragons were presumably Greater Will fags as well.
You say this without a shred of evidence in the face of the retardation of having to war against themselves to get back a piece of themselves. Why? It's much more likely the ring just predates the GW coming down and Elden Stars is a bit of forgotten propaganda. No one even knows about the Elden Beast in the current day.

I literally posted the description of the black flame which indicates such in the post you replied to.
>The black flame could once slay gods. But when Maliketh sealed Destined Death, the true power of the black flame was lost.

>>Travel attire worn by nobles in the capital. Terribly faded and tattered.

maybe you should base your entire lore-view on more than just a single item description.


w-whoa, the undead (亡者) don't heckin die??? this is crazy news, thank you for pointing it out to me.

also did you even notice that they only became undead after the SHATTERING? i.e. the war that followed after the assassination of Godwyn whose corpse is responsible for spreading Deathroot throughout the lands between?

Isn't that interesting? That it happened after that and not hundreds of years ago after the RoD was removed from the ER? Kinda crazy coincidence, it's the same time a bunch of TWLID appeared too!

Want to see another 亡者 in this game?
eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Putrid Corpse Ashes
These guys! They are called 腐った亡者 ... here is a snippet from their text:
>True death does not come easily for them.
Man this is crazy... it's almost like TWLID and 亡者 are the same thing and mainly a result of Deathroot which only became a thing long, long after the RoD was sealed away.

Cant wait for Elden Ring 2

I need to know what John Eldens next big adventure will be!

Just wait for an EOP who will misinterpret Frognation's scrawlings for you, user!


Why did Maliketh have to defeat GEQ before he could seal away her power?

It's obvious, he had to take it from her

They 'abandoned their birthplace' after the shattering. Those nobles do not resurrect themselves in the manner of TWLID. Try again.

Or perhaps, being an empyrean and not a god at that point, Marika did not have the power to seal it yet. Give me anything that indicates Marika was a god before the golden order existed.

Mending Rune of the Death-Prince
Rune gestated by Fia, the Deathbed Companion.
Used to restore the fractured Elden Ring when brandished by the Elden Lord.
Formed of the two hallowbrand half-wheels combined, it will embed the principle of life within Death into Order.
The Golden Order was created by confining Destined Death. Thus, this new Order will be one of Death restored.

I'm afraid there's something I must tell you.
Do you know of Those Who Live in Death?
The very notion of life in death defies the Golden Order.
By D's account, these defiled fiends must be expunged
But truth be told, I seek the cursemark to save them.
You may find this peculiar
but I discovered something in my examination of the Night of the Black Knives.
These souls have committed no offence. They have every right to life, only, they happened to touch upon a flaw in the Order.

Specifically these lines:
>These souls have committed no offence. They have every right to life, only, they happened to touch upon a flaw in the Order.
>Formed of the two hallowbrand half-wheels combined, it will embed the principle of life within Death into Order.
>The Golden Order was created by confining Destined Death. Thus, this new Order will be one of Death restored.

Seems to me that the Mending Rune seeks to make that 'flaw' in the order official, and thus universal. So the end-result is everyone becoming a member of TWILD.
Which is a pretty significant change to the 'reality' of Elden Ring's setting, and not just a change in societal law.

i know i didnt come up with this but
not elden john....missed opportunity.

So, are all the mook enemy you meet one of the TWLID then? Are all the inhabitants outside of a few NPCs infected with Godwyn cancer?
I actually like the idea, since it answers a lot about the very defective immortality everyone has.

Prove you need to be a god to seal it. pro tip you don't because Maliketh is the one who does it, there is no text in the game involving marika interacting with DD directly

The guy is a schizo. Just let him make the threads while ignoring that bullshit.

Maybe this is why the random nobles and casters who wander around like behind the giant carts are brainless and just attack on sight

How would an empyreans shadow go about modifying the elden ring on its own? We have to defeat the elden beast to do it.