Ponder the fragrance
Ponder the fragrance
why are so many men balding before their late 40s now?
>All manually averting gaze from her posterior
Rachel is the perfect woman.
Unfettered capitalism means we get to eat poison that destroys our free test, and overloads us with DHT that destroys our follicles. Food today is bullshit.
this made me physically cringe
and they still dress like middle school students in mom's clothes
>autism jeans abound
capitalism has nothing to do with that, stop blaming it for everything and thinking you are smart
You mean BALDED
>men didn't go bald until like 20 years ago
What's going on here?
Bet her butt stinks. All anuses stink, even attractive women. I had a butthole fetish until the first time I got laid and thought I would lick her butt like I saw in the movies. Nope, smelled like shit.
are these turks?
>women can publicly humiliate you in videogames
>Meet my son.
>multiple times
Going bald is a result of high test, idiot.
test is what causes hair to fall out, low test should mean nicer hair
>oooh is this why they call it the gathering
Who are you quoting? I see nothing there? Also dont call people out, is not nice.
more like 40-50 years ago, but yes
Men balded in ancient times.
whats her full name
>DogGod>Is a MortalMutant
were you there?
Rachel Riley
My dad started balding in his early twenties
If high test causes baldness then why is it happening with test at an all time low?
Looks like the guy behind him is sniffing his hair
Ugly men are more likely to be into this shit hobby
Why is everyone in this pic a fucking manlet on top of that
It's only white people don't group all of us with you
of course it does. Lower quality food and more preservatives means higher profits
Modern man is bred to be the perfect parasite ecosystem so those little worms eat all your hair gains.
There have been baldies since the dawn of time, user. You're just seeing them all congregate in nerd events like MtG.
>test at an all time low
humans work for profit under communism you get the same thing but its even worse because people pretend its not happening, and its a million times more corrupt
it's actually deeper than 'capitalism' but most people use it to describe systems of human greed or simple cultural corruption where all interacting human social groups tend to converge under one goal (make dem paypa!) to make life miserable for most of us and prop up a small elite. This stuff is as old as ancient Egypt. This is how the world works since the dawn of 'civilization' and millennium before Adam Smith realized Mercantilism was stupid and fixed the theory with his ideas of supply and demand back in 1776.
Seventy two years later Marx and Engles declared 'capitalism' and 'capitalists' (the bourgeois) the big bad boogey man that stopped revolutionaries from creating utopia. But life for people past the dawn of the first cities has always been an unfair pyramid. Capitalism as a selfish, self destructive, eternally protected, scam which reinforces the shape of the pyramid is the reason you're breathing in microplastics right now. The global north is ruled by oligarchs and neoliberal lunatics and their stated purpose and goal in life is 'capitalism'. So yeah, there's a reason people generally default to blaming it for everything. It's the reason all the awful people of the world continue to destroy everything.
>why are they all manlets
you answered that already, manlets are unloved by women and society so they turn inward and find autistic hobbies like D&D, magic, warhammer, vidya, anime, cosplay...
I'm pretty sure something like half of men experience significant hair loss by 50 and it's not exactly a new thing.
>why are so many men balding before their late 40s now?
They're probably in their early 20's.
Hair exists to protect us from the sun, we spend all day inside. Why would your body waste time and energy making worthless hair it no longer has any use for?
It's porn addiction.
>higher testosterone levels cause early balding
>excessive masturbation causes your testosterone levels to skyrocket
>it's not useful for anything in body building because the coomers are also tired after cooming and aren't working out
let me guess, this pitbull faced hag is a 10 for britbongs?
Wouldn't say a 10, but up there yeah.
that pic is literally me
i got a nice norwood 3 line right before highschool started
>only anti-balding product that works has a chance of PERMENANTLY giving you limp dick
why the fuck wont companies invest in curing male pattern baldness!!
It doesn't really exist. They would be already miliking baldies if it did.
And you're kind of a bitch if you care about being bald anyway.
they have more urgent concerns like curing a super rare 1/10000000 congenital retard syndrome or making a vaccine against a fake flu
My hardhat at work made me bald
So...the lady from countdown did this money and nothing else then yeah?
you're right blacks start to bald at 16
that bzlding jewish american phenotype in the left backround