Space Vidya thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


>war literally lasts a day

>spiritual successor coming out is being made by the Chinese
I forgot what it's called but I'm still excited

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You talking about Boundary? It does look pretty kino.

That's it
>they made a benchmark

Here's a cool set of pics from Yea Forums circa 2010
Find the star in this Space Engine screenshot!

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Here's the answer

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wat gaem?

Call of duty infinite warfare

>still no oneill cylinder kino

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Just finished it, amazing game

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how he breathe in space tho??

FTL is a great space vidya btw

hey this game looks coo-
>Call of duty

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Magic hat or mario isnt human and can breathe somehow in space

Loved this game.

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>pic related looked good but shallow
>sc will never come
>nms is an arcadey rock grind fest
why do we have to suffer like this spacesim bros

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all oi know is Starfield is gonna be a big stinky dinky and Xbots gonna gobble Phil and Todds two scoop of poop up, haha!

is it worth it now, Yea Forumsros??

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If you like spending hours shooting rocks for recourses.

The campaign is unironically great, tons of great characters.
the sdf are pretty two-dimensional, and are played up as being evil for the sake of being evil, when they could have easily told an interesting story akin to USA's independence from Britain, but the world-building they did for the game was great!

Just started reading this last night, i'm loving it a ton so far

the ending is satisfying. haven't read any of the sequels and dont really intend to

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From what i've heard, Clarke originally wrote it as a standalone book without any intention to make it become a series. He only edited/gave suggestions to Gentry Lee (who wrote the sequels) instead.

It was a good game

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Will it ever be topped in terms of physics?

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What is this NMS clone, but even more empty?

You spend an hour shooting rocks for resources. Then you set up alchemy loops and get infinite resources for nothing.

NMS doesn't have a planetary engine.

Is space engineers a good space sim? I heard about not buying it after "the jewery they pulled off" but I never got a response about that.

pure spacekino

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Is no man's sky actually worth playing at this point?

'Worlds Of The Future'
I don't know why that user keeps refusing to say the game's name whenever he posts in these threads.

it's certainly better than it was at launch but the game still gets boring after a while.

starsectors pretty good as you start exploring. Every now and then you get a "wtf is that" fleet

I literally still can't remember the name because it's so retarded.

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and legit the space dogfighting was better than it had any right to be.

I really can't wait for KSP2

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Why don't you rename the webm to the game?

Same. I hope they won't fuck it up.

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>Basically a Gundam storyline
I have no idea why people hated it. I thought it was cool.

If you like minecraft maybe. It's not a space game in any way.

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Stopped playing because fuckin pirates hack my stations and the mod that allowed patrols to murder clocked ships stopped working properly.

Because they tried to sell it as a cawadootie for marketing purposes. This should've been a new IP. Also space AK's are very lame.

How's the new DLC?

>Also space AK's are very lame.
silence, the volk is great

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Why does a gun need two cpus.

any other games or media in general like Terraria that hit that fantasy-space feel? I’ve yet to find anything else that does and I want more of it so bad

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Gayest shit ever. Wasn't there a cawadootie with normal futuristic guns before that? This shit feels soulless as fuck.

It's a shame we'll never get a proper sequel, would be cool if the Ur-Quan could eventually join up with a new federation and fight along side you.

I don't think so
It's a surprisingly well made simulation that was required to fit the small scale of the universe

I'll be honest if the core gameplay doesn't grip you (and that does involve a lot of shooting rocks) it probably won't do it for you.

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You're right, it gets dumb and erotic. At one point a general comes from getting anal beads pulled out of his ass.

If you want to know what Rama is it turns out that God built a bunch of probes to catalog his universe.

Looking at webm like this and the thread in general really makes me even sadder how much potential Mass Effect had as a franchise but all that hope was shattered even by the second game. EA fucking sucks so much. The best sci-fi original world created in gaming with the first game but then the series kept getting worse until it got shitcanned for many years. I don't even know why these clowns want to make a ME4 its pointless. Give it a rest already.

Oh, the original devs are making one RIGHT NOW. You can watch them stream on twitch.

they're working on a sequel user

Elden Ring has some cool areas even if they're underground

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It's sad because Infinity Ward were actually going to do a ton of original stuff with the game (think: ), but play-testers hated it because it strayed too far from the CoD formula, so they ended up basically remaking BO3.

God Elden Ring is just the best game overall. Best space game, best open world game, best cave crawler game. You just can't beat it.

yeah I think I'm good with just the original book then

ngl it looks ugly

Which stream, and where can I find more info?

>They did a high budget trailer for the sequel and based it off of a fanmade trailer from years ago for the original

earth enjoyer here
I prefer
>ancient civilizations games (uncharted, nu-TR etc)
>urban games
>arctic, desert and forest based games
>historical games
basically any games to space games

every space game I played I felt like not setting it in space would have been better
I hope Starfield can change it but I am not so sure, I'm not really into space sci-fi

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Why does this game have to look so retarded. It's been years since release and they still haven't fixed something as basic as putting planets behind atmospheric rendering.

It's early days yet!

Not yucking your yum but perhaps this isn't the thread for you then.

what gaem

Why would you ruin my day like this?

X4: Foundations.

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Maybe I’ll check this out. Been reading a lot of pkd and stross lately. About to read Star Maker and maybe I should dip into the big 3 classic sci-fi guys

Where are they going?