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Programming is easy, I'll do that part and you'll to the rest.
I wanna make a game I LOVE coding it’s fun I have a lot of great ideas but I am lazy and busy and tired and the days go by and the days go by
isn't shit like unreal and unity drag and drop scartch-like programming nowadays
If you want a piece of shit, yes
you are not entitled to your vision if you can't even put the work into realising it
you didnt code the game
you really didnt
I hate drawing
started with renpy
even that garbage is too much for me
seeing this make me flip
>but I am lazy and busy and tired and the days go by and the days go by
not that guy but im using Godot and its great dont let tards tell u otherwise
don't start with a game engine... start by learning how to code
i guarantee if you try learning coding through a course or a book you will understand it easily and not hate it
i spent 2 months trying to learn different ones
i didn the 4 hour courses on yt
but i still cant get into it
it just so unlogical for me
i made a simple jump and run game in godot
but is it good for porn game/ visual novel? also i think you need phyton knowledge for specific things no?
You kind of did but it turned out bad, congrats you just learned basic algorithms now go LEARN C++ NIGGER WRITE TEXT ITS NOT MUCH DIFFERENT be not afraid
Obligatory make your own engine
Just learn art and find someone who hates art as much as you hate coding.
it takes longer than 2 months to learn to code well, and 4 hour courses are just bad shortcuts so obviously they won't teach you much
try using this cs50.harvard.edu
>it just so unlogical for me
coding in and of itself is an entirely logical undertaking because computers only understand logic
anything specific you're struggling with you want someone to explain?
>porn game
Just use rpg maker like everyone else.
no its garbage
it looks garbage and i wont do want i want
I want to make a porn game but I'm pretty sure no one would enjoy portraits and scenes made in koikatsu
I like coding but hate making video games
You can make a game without complex coding unless you are going for some super advanced triple A online game with AI based matchmaking...
You just need to know how to translate basic logic into basic code.
Because the computer doesn't know where to move the player when you press what button until you program the button and how fast to move him and in what direction.
you would be surprised at how many porn games are successful with bad 3d models/scenes made in koikatsu or western pig dog equivalents
how to git gud at coding?
user, the standards for porn games are extremely low, just take a look at any f95 thread
programming is fucking retard tier easy.
Just learn what a for loop/ list is lmao
yeah. fairly easy to learn but faggots here always pretend they have some sort of vendetta against unreal and unity.
its ok
Don't use google and try to solve problems with fewer loc or get it to run faster
Use google a lot and leave optimization for last
Coding is like the most basic part imo, unless you go full autism and invent your own engine.
If you're a soulless monkey then yes.
user if youre going to make you game make it now because the years start coming and they dont stop coming
make games
you'll get better with experience actually making things, instead of wallowing in mediocrity like the yandere sim guy
if you realize that you're doing the same thing too often, you're working inefficiently, so look into ways you can make your life easier like putting repeated code into a function.
Try not to make your code into spaghetti, it'll just become harder to maintain
>Did CS in colege and learnt coding to make a game
>Turns out being an artist is way more important if you are trying tommake it by yourself.
>Literally draw as well as a 5yo
Retard, just steal the code, how hard it is. I without any knowledge just copied shit and made fps game prototype in like a day.
>Vulpes>Wears a Coyote
Programmers and writers are a dime a dozen, artists and composers are the only people who actually matter when it comes to making indie games.
CS is brainlet-tier
do what I've been doing: embrace it
if your game has a distinctly mediocre or "drawn" style, you can get away with looking like developer art or scratchy scribbles
once the game is done, you can worry about finding the funding to commission an artist to actually do art or form a partnership with an artist friend, but until then just work with the hand you're dealt. Your game is just vaporware if you don't fucking make the game in the first place
Same goes with music, sfx, and other disciplines. Not everyone is going to be able to make everything like Pixel did, you're going to need help; accept it.
same. did computer science at uni. hated every moment of it and still don't know how to code.
>Programming is easy
I wish this was true
Some people will think you're joking, but you're describing me exactly.
>dropped out of eng
>years later enrolled in CS
>got burned out, literally have no will to go on but still planning to finish it, no matter what
>just want to spend the day practicing drawing and hoarding artbooks from /ic/
>but spends most of my freetime browsing threads and youtube instead of practicing
fuck my life
>perfect pitch
>Years of Protools
>Photographic memory
>Sketching and painting since childhood
>Action sports filmer
>Adobe Primere/Illustrator is hometown
Yet I can't 'into' unity or programming. Not going to give up on these tutorials but I will say that game design is the most frustrating thing I've ever encountered.
This article is probably the only reason I finished my last game. You fags should read it. All of you.
Become LESS ambitious, not more, until you can manage to finish a project, THEN you start bigger projects.
>I want to design games but don’t actually want to do the hard part
You are a dine a dozen in the gaming industry. You cannot be just an “ideas guy.”
>>Turns out being an artist is way more important if you are trying tommake it by yourself.
Are you retarded? You can be the greatest artist of all time, without code you DON'T EVEN HAVE A GAME.
>realise being good at this stuff is largely about being a social person and making connections, so you can focus on the things you're actually good at
>have autism
Then you don't want to make a game. You're chasing a fantasy. If you really want something you will do it.
You can do it autism breh, I believe in you.
I really can't. I start having a conversation with someone, and then I just leave, because I can't tell if they hate me or not.
t. asset flipper
You can outsource the code to a guy in India. You can't outsource good aesthetics, which is what gets people interested in an indie to begin with.
if you're too autistic to make a friendship to work together with, make it a business relationship instead
>Become LESS ambitious, not more, until you can manage to finish a project, THEN you start bigger projects.
P. good advice desu.
It also lets you test out various ideas for game mechanics.
I feel you. I could make the best game in the world (okay, let's be honest, I can't, but let's pretend I could) and still wouldn't sell shit because I'm too autistic to care about marketing and I abhor social networks.
With all the free tools available out there even a literal monkey could piece together a game.
90% of the time it is indifference, dude. You're probably a cool guy, just insecure and that's okay. Go out there and make some games with people.
sadly, this. As annoying as it is to agree to it.
That's all far too big and intimidating. The only jobs I've worked have been for people I knew.
honestly, it's probably worth it to seek out a publisher if you're so absolutely fucked that you can't even get a shilling campaign on this board. They may take some money off the top of it but they have a direct financial incentive to market it.
Just be careful of who you publish with, avoid leeches like dangen and nicalis and READ THE FUCKING CONTRACT.
I don't get C#. R is so easy and dummy proof, I can do shit like
>x = thing
>if x > value, then [other thing] occurs
It's simple English, whereas C# is like
>public book x == thing;
>x.thing == shit.fuck(ass)
Like why does it have all that extra shit? It's 2022, they should be able to cut that shit out
Nice logic, you can outsource your art to a guy in China.
Then why haven't you make one yet?