Is it really THAT bad? It's on sale right now for 5$. Just tell me it's better than RE0.
Is it really THAT bad? It's on sale right now for 5$. Just tell me it's better than RE0
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Every entry is better than 0. RE5 and 6 are great games in my opinion, because they have a ton of replayability and COOP, along with the best Mercs.
Standalone Mercs game when? 3DS version is shit.
RE6 X Left 4 Dead crossover
I've been playing it with a friend and it's ok, it's better than re 0, that's for sure. If you end up buying it play coop, it's way more fun than solo.
I don't have any friends to play it with. I'm thinking I'll get the triple pack of 4-6.
I thought it was horrendous. Got like 30 minutes in. I think it may just be my bias against the locale/aesthetics. Just didn't feel like it "fit".
They're still good alone, they have a weird charm to them.
First RE I didn't finish. There's just so many scripted parts its fucking boring.
RE6 is better than 5 but casuals and secondaries got filtered because they have game journalist brain and got confused by the new mechanics. Basically like someone who plays MGR on easy mode and using items constantly
"This would be a great game if it wasn't named Resident Evil" situation.
I played it with friends pretty fun.
The gameplay is fucking amazing. It got a shit ton of content and can be fully played in coop.
Story isn't great but I don't remember it.
It's just a linear RE4, just like RE5 was
That's always been a retarded take. How is it less RE than 4, 5, 7 or 8?
Whats bad about 0?
its a fun shooter thats kind of a chore most the time. you have to take it upon yourself to find the fun and do lots of stylish shit like diveshots, rolls and counter shots because otherwise you can win pretty easily with boring normal running and shooting
Heheheh hey guys, hope you don’t think I’m a disgusting PERVERT furry, but it kinda looks like a giraffe (on the left), and a lady crouching down giving him a blowjob!! *smerkkkmmmffffhahahahahahah!
RE6 is amazing, even if you don't like RE being action games. I don't see why anyone would just dismiss such fun mechanics just because of the name of the game.
Retard take its its nothing like 4 lmao
RE6 is perfectly fine solo. RE5 can become frustrating at times however when having to deal with the AI of the fuckable negress.
It's actually underrated
Blue board, faggot
>Just tell me it's better than RE0.
no. it's boring as all hell. only play it if you're desperate for a coop game with a friend.
Its the best one.
It’s a really good action game. Great use of the shooting system that capcom implemented. But don’t go in expecting a zombie survival game. The action set pieces are really cool too.
>But don’t go in expecting a zombie survival game.
This. The zombies are mainly in Leon's campaign.
It's not bad at all, as long as you play in co-op.
I literally avoided the game for a whole decade, and only got around playing it for the first time just a few months back. I can honestly say that it beats the living shit out of RE7 and up.
It was the last truly great RE game. Everything afterwards has been utter shit, including the REmakes. Go into it expecting SOVL.
It's actually a giraffe
>a giraffe fucks a guy on the cover
>iS iT a bAd gAme hehe lmaeo derp?
What's the problem with RE0?
best mercenaries mode. problems include boring skill system and very weird inventory management/weapon selection on kb&m. campaigns are okay at best and awful at worst
The old saying really is true
Give anything enough time and someone will look back on that old thing with fondness
I used to think it wasn't true but then RE6 and Sonic O6 apologists became a thing.
For 5 bucks its worth it to play mercenary mode no mercy.
Mercenary mode/no mercy wont be making a comeback anytime soon and crapcom dont have the fucking intelligence to make an entire game based around mercenaries mode/no mercy and make it fun/enjoyable like re5/6s mode.
For 5 bucks get it and play with a buddy
reminder that kids in elementary school when RE6 was release can now post here without breaking the rules.
Look at that image, and tell me if it's bad?
No, the game is actual such a SHITFUCK CLUSTERFUCK GAYNIGGERSON DAMN fuck me in the azzshole kind of game that YOU MUST play with your friend CO OP on the HARDEST DIFFICULTY
The red light green light campaign where you might as well flip a coin to guess if some kind of cutscene is going to play gets really old but the combat is excellent. Shame they didn't make another game with that kind of gameplay.
They could make ANY game like that and still not call it an RE game. RE pretty much stopped once RE4 the mexican shooting game came out.
giraffe blowjob
I swear they must be zoomies imagine being a fucking re6 apologist
Its better than RE Zero
Play RE6 on coop though
it's good, better than 0, Code Veronica, REmake (yes that game is shit), 5 and revelations
Don’t believe the retards on this board. This game is ass.
can't unsee
RE6 have majority positive reviews by both jornos ad users (check out steam user reviews for example) it was always a liked game but loud minority of RE fags with shit taste like (you) ruined it's reputation on the internet
kys faggot
>t. r*dditor
No it’s dumb niggers like you who are ruining RE. This game is total fucking shit. It should of been canceled and never released.
Stupid kike
Literally no one on the planet got filtered by re5/6 or thinks they're difficult. It’s just not fun, simple as
>RE6 have majority positive reviews by both jornos ad users
In what fucking reality? it's always at the bottom of the list in terms of reception
Every single RE ranking list always puts RE6 at the bottom of the barrel it is still hated to this day for a very good reason it almost killed RE as a series.
Kek re 6 is probably worst mainline re
>jornos ad users
>it was always a liked game
the game was shit on unrelentingly on release here. people even started saying 5 was decent because of how bad it was.
keep seething faggot RE6 was received positively and still to this day beloved by most people not to mention it's the second best selling game in the series
obnoxious r*dditor cunts like you are dragging down this franchise, you retards acted back in the day like that piece of shit Revelation 1 was better than 6 and a step in the right direction lmao talk about a shit taste, not to mention you niggers celebrated the death of RE when it turned into a soulless Outlast ripoff walking simulator (RE7), and lately you coomer r*dditors reduced RE8 into that game with the ugly tell milf whore
This is bait. Jesus…. You need to suck start a shotgun.
>it's always at the bottom of the list in terms of reception
maybe on your e-celeb lists you r*dditor fag
cope as you want but RE7 is one of the most liked and successful games in the series
user reviewers says otherwise, and only a contrarian faggot will say 6 is worse than the abomination of 5
>people even started saying 5 was decent because of how bad it was.
never happened nigger, 5 was and still the worst game in the series, even those who hated 6 knew it was a step in the right direction after that garbage
>it's the second best selling game in the series
I see you retards say this all the time like it means jack shit
The games budget was still the largest out of any RE game and despite the good sales it still failed to make any true profit that mattered
After RE6 the series went on a mini hiatus only pumping out cheap as fuck spin off games
And Capcom completely changed everything for RE7 and scrapped everything from RE6 because it was a complete failure.
Face facts you like the game that almost killed RE for good.
>cope as you want but RE7 is one of the most liked and successful games in the series
Lol yes you are right RE7 is one of Capcoms most successful titles and greatly beloved too I'm glad we agree user.
oh no no no no no r*ddit sisters who do we cope? 6 is not hated like we thought...
Get some fucking taste lmao 6 is objectively worst RE
>Outlast ripoff walking simulator (RE7)
oh, you're still around. lol
>They could make ANY game like that and still not call it an RE game
Yeah what a missed opportunity
I'm a huge RE fan. I replayed 0-6 twice when RE7 and RE8 were announced. I couldn't finish RE6 again either time. Its just bad. But for the price, buy it and give it a try.
Oh no no no no. Got a retard here.