What went wrong?
What went wrong?
a mix between reddit being in charge of development and standard jagex incompetence
>old school but GE and powercreeping
Should have left in summoning
Old School is such a cope. The game was fun at it's peak because you could scam noobs, OSRS is just loads of fans who miss the old days. Cope!
they let the fanbase decide
(contrary to popular opinion, this is the most retarded thing you can ever do as a game studio)
reddit voting system cockblocked all the good changes and approved of all the horrible ones
if it wasn't for the fanbase we wouldn't even have osrs
EoC wasn't voted
idk it just feels like the game has no identity anymore
its just another endless powercreep boss spam mmo
most of the shit they added like zeah completely stunk too
Letting the players decide things is stupid.
>chink investors
>max lvl bankstanding shitters who shit themselves when an item might powercreep something by 1+ or a new activity gives 1k more exp
Gee user i dont know
the fans voting to release a version of the game that was already released/created /=/ fans voting to add content of their own desire to said game
>max lvl bankstanding shitters who shit themselves when an item might powercreep something by 1+ or a new activity gives 1k more exp
If this was the case then the game would still be good. Leveling anything is way too easy now.
Run Escape was never good and you're mentally ill if you think it was.
what good updates didnt get in?
It literally does. Jagex basically admitted they just can't predict what their audience wants. Which is something that every fucking company should know. Name games that weren't fucked by devs over and over after their prime because of shitty corporate. We're talking about a 20 year old game that is still relevant here.
Every new item cost over 500 dollars in real world money. The game exists purely to launder money. OSRS GP has like the highest exchange rate of any MMO currency. The game is a money printer for Jagex who obviously RTDs their own items.
*RWT oops
brother, you misunderstand me. i'm saying there never should've been any content added to begin with. the game should've been left in the 2007 state.
t. maxed player with 200m in skills
Is OSRS still good to enjoy the kino quests? I did all the free ones as a kid but could never beat the Viking helm quest and I did some demon quest in the desert that was cool as fuck.
jagex is retarded
all their projects besides RuneScape have failed
when i want old school games i mean old school gameplay/artstyle/content, not old school ui, old school QoL, old school graphics, old school jankiness, old school bugs, all added with a microtransaction spiceyness like xp boosts and stuff
Yes, it still to this day has some of the best questing in the genre. It actually shocks me that a game like this puts XIV and WoW's questing to fucking shame.
The quests are like the only part worth playing for, I get insanely bored with the post-Quest cape "kill boss for loot so you can buy better loot to kill boss faster" endgame.
i love rwt
OSRS had a massive player dropoff like six months after it was released, just like any other MMO that isn't actively being developed.
People only came back when they started doing updates.
>i'm saying there never should've been any content added to begin with
That's a faulty logic right there. I get what you mean, but from the developers' point of view, you're just talking specifically about your own personal favorite state of a game that was updated monthly since it was released. Most of the skills you like were probably part of an update at some point. Jagex doesn't know you and definitely won't know your taste. So they ask.
they already have a version of the game that they update and add content to. the whole appeal of 07 scape was just that: to play 07 scape.
ironman mode is pretty fun. the game is massive and you don't have to deal with other players.
Making ironman official gamemode before 1 def and 45 def
what even is that item?
jesus christ isnt that like 10 thousand dollars
the pirate/sailor areas and music are some of my favorite aesthetics in the game
Mysterious Emblem, some pking thing from a minigame that can be used for rewards
And 07 scape is a game that gets updates every month.
There were no massive complains about updates before EoC. I guess you can name GE, but despite Yea Forumss impression it was well received by most players.
amazing that theyve never added a single skill to osrs
reddit behaves the same way, they seriously believe ironmemes make up a majority of players
it's funny how echo chambers work
Rather than frozen in time in 07 RS it's more like alternate timeline RS that never did the wilderness/trade removal or EoC updates. Most of the updates they've added so far other than Zeah come from stuff the devs originally had planned or even began working on back in 07.
user the game was never good, skilling nowdays is useless (except for construction and agility) and leveling combat is either nmz or hopping worlds to kill bazillion undead monkeys. The community was the only good thing about it, but the game punishes group activities unless you reach the reqs for raids
Is it possible to live a normal, healthy lifestyle while playing this game?
no meaningful updates
tried rs3 last year and honestly not going back, it's the superior game. Great shame about the MTX but ironman avoids all that anyway
why are you in a thread about what went wrong with 07scape if all you're here to do is suck cock
Is it possible to live a normal, healthy lifestyle while playing any game?
how brain damaged do you have to be to play rs3
Adding bonds to the game, undermining non ironman players and embracing real world trade. The first big mistake was adding the grand exchange which destroyed a huge section of barter, trade and the prices of skilling items worse than botting ever did.
The final straw was too many updates by people who did not truly understand the game, such as the song of the elves quest reskinning the entire race of elves graphics wise - or gameplay wise, items like the original blowpipe and the twisted bow breaking bossing.
t.nearly maxed UIM who quit because the game is pointless 2220 total or so
Bringing the grand exchange back
Most games don't require 3000 hours of gameplay to reach endgame content
hasn't it been unproven but 100% known that Jagex has done everything from stealing out of ancient/disabled account inventories for cash?
We already know RoT completely abused their guys on the inside to get rare playernames and steal from players among other things, but I feel like it's genuinely just been at every tier of the game
how retarded do you have to be to think there is nothing good about rs3
I'm being objective here, retard, which appears to be something you're just not familiar with. "Updates" is not the problem. You're wrong, and you suck.
Yup its not oldschool runescape its newschool runescape
The beauty of the game was its simplicity, fishing sharks and bartering them or pking with a DDS in monk robes. There should have never been grand exchange, ironman mode or most of the content they added.
Reaching "endgame" content is not even required in the first place. I mean, just the idea of an endgame in a game designed to be about progression is dumb.
Bosses are literally the main gameplay of the game and you need like 90 slayer to do any of the good ones
what is good about rs3 that isn't in osrs?
you would get on your knees if you knew who i was on the hiscores
kek where did you get that from? a shit ton of players care more about non combat skills than you might think
there is no "main gameplay" you play however you want, that's the beauty of it
kek I couldn't care less about hiscores, you suck more each post
My mom used to call it run escape :)
oh come on, you know skillers are all autistic weirdos. literally everyone who plays the game a lot is usually killing bosses, doing raids, pking
NTA but all people fucking do is doompost about this game, it's obnoxious. It's one of the only true sandbox MMOs left where you're able to play it in any way you want and there's a shitload to do in it.
Besides powercreep and the GE, the game is simply too old. People have too much knowledge of the game. The golden days where people had no idea what they were doing and such had fun are long gone.
You see that in most MMOs/MP games. The magic just vanishes once people figure out how everything works.
how is grinding a boss/raid 4 hours a day less autistic than blast mining and taking care of your crops?
Not backing up the server in 2011
Hello Jebrim you autistic cunt
more content, different combat, making money is really easy, interesting endgame items and combos
Given how a lot of the content is braindead and/or doesn't even require looking at the screen for long periods of time, yes.
No, all of the post-2007 kino quests are missing from OSRS
at least a boss requires some level of reflexes and at least resembles a video game, skilling is just clicking a box.
>Bosses are literally the main gameplay of the game
Go back to WoW/XIV and stay there, you clearly have no idea what Runescape is about.
>more content
... that sucks
>different combat
... that sucks
>making money is really easy
that sucks
>interesting endgame items and combos
to be fair I wouldn't know about this, since I wouldn't reach engame in a game that sucks
Bossing also ends up being clicking a box after a few minutes
People grind because of progression, not for the "fun of killing bosses"
>Hey what if people aren't interested in the raids shit we made?
>Nah that's ok, just give it gear that's so fucking retardedly overpowered people HAVE to do it
>Lol 6 jads xD