What's with all the mindless praise the Adventure games and Heroes have been getting on here lately? Are we being raided by a zoomer Discord again?
What's with all the mindless praise the Adventure games and Heroes have been getting on here lately...
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Sonic Adventure 1 is good. Sonic Adventure 2 is boring and Heroes is just shit.
yeah these things usually happen because some youtuber/streamer is doing a playthrough or made a video
Adventure 1 and 2 were universally praised when they came out and sold millions, stop being a contrarian
If anything it would be millennials doing the raiding because zoomers haven't ever gotten to play the only version of those games that aren't glitchy messes.
heroes is fucking TASTY
SA1/2 have always been loved, especially the music. Heroes does not belong, you just added that to strengthen your argument
Not OP but there’s no doubt been a huge resurgence of Sonic Heroes threads lately. Could just be because of the new movie?
zoomers desperately want to claim millennial games as their own, since their own culture is fucking retarded.
Adventure's 1 and 2 have a cult following that generally admits they're flawed but they love them anyway.
I'm guessing people are suddenly liking Heroes because Oneyplays are currently playing it and claim they like it.
Zoomer youtube video essays, probably.
Shadow is gonna be in the third film.
it's because of oneyplays
Really? Is Yea Forums actually just a bunch of children that watch other people play games?
Seen several videos lately evaluating the games so its probably that.
op is a zoomerfag
For the record the Oneyplays commentary on this is pretty shit, which is strange because some of their best is probably the other 3D Sonics they did. All they're talking about is boring shit going on in their real lives. I wouldn't bother.
movie nostalgia
>Adventure 1 and 2 were universally praised when they came out
People may have liked them but they have always conceded that there were big issues with the game.
It's only now that I'm seeing people call them perfect masterpieces, which I can't tell if it's irony or contrarianism.
Sonic adventure 2 is the best and still hold up when it’s replayed.
Sonic adventure 1 was meant to show off the consoles capabilities and it was a decent game even on replay but it didn’t have that momentum philosophy that Sonic advnture 2 had.
Sonic hero’s while cool in concept is sadly somewhat repetitive in its gameplay and replaying it now isn’t as much fun as it was originally.
>All they're talking about is boring shit going on in their real lives
That's pretty much what they did with the others. The game has less cutscenes and they're prerendered, so there's less of that to make fun of. What else are they going to male fun of? The buggy gameplay? The levels dragging on? The voice clips getting reused too much?
The adventurefags are from kids with SA2B as their first game coming here, and Heroes is probably thanks to these faggots
>Sonic A 1 (had 6 different character play styles)
>Sonic A 2 (took the best game play styles: sonics speed levels, knuckles treasure hunting levels, E-201’s lock and fire gameplay) and focused on making those fun
>Sonic hero’s doesn’t really have any similarities to the last 2 games. Instead of designing the team switch mechanic to alternate between the gameplay styles from the last 2 games instead it wanted to be its own thing and the gameplay feels wonky rather then tight like Sonic A 2
I think it would of been cool if the different teams actually had more unique play styles but they didn’t really even make the main gameplay feel perfected.
my first sonic game was sonic 1 or 2 on genesis back in 92 and sa1 and 2 were highly regarded when they were released so I dont know what you revisionist retards are talking about.
as for heroes I think it was ok, but I havent played it since it came out.
I saw threads months ago parroting the same "Im tired of people saying Sonic Heroes isnt good" point when Game Grumps were pretending to play it.
People think that just because it doesnt have Big fishing or Eggman walkers it's good, but the flaws are different than that.
Are you fucking retarded?
Imagine being too much of a newfag to know what people think of the adventure games, and so out of the goddamn loop beyond that that you're completely fucking unaware that a major Sonic release just recently dropped
Stop pretending SA1 was ever good you retarded faggots
Anyone who says SA has the worst Sonic levels doesnt know how great they are. To me, this is the only was I ever feel like the blue blur
>Help someone likes something I don't like!!!
>DX without the name change
The dreamcast version having lighting doesn't excuse it from being dogshit
yes, seethe adveturetard
It's 2022. Not even the most autistic Sonic fan is going to care about Metacritic scores of decades old games.
So post the real metacritic score for the original release, you dumb nigger
>Its shit because its DX
>I-its metacritic so who cares!
Clearly you do hence the seethe. But you're right, sonic autists love pretending that shit games like SA1 on 06 were never shit
He does it every topic. He posts DX then when someone points it out, he post the same picture of those ports on metacritic.
>it's metacritic so who cares
This but without a single modicum of irony.
>sa1 and 2 were highly regarded when they were released
By kids who were coping that they couldn't play Mario or Crash
>mindless praise
These games have been shat on by Redditors with the same three bullet point criticisms for years now. Only Heroes deserves it.
Adventure was never good retard
heroes could've been good if it wasn't for health bar autism
shadow fixed this with guns and then ruined everything else
>SA1 is great
>SA2 is okay, tons of stuff got cut because half of the team got fired and then it got rushed out of the door. Thankfully it didn't end up in sonic 2006 tier of disaster
>Ports are ass
>Heroes and Shadow suck
And now Shadow doesn't suck because of the controls or gun memes, it suck because the objectives are all tedious shit
Its simply true. Except sa1. Ruined by bigs segments
>Better framerate
>Better visually
>Metal Sonic
>Dogshit cutscenes are now skippable
>more modes
>You can actually control the fucking camera
>N-no! It's shit because my e-celeb said the dreamcast's lighting is better!
Seethe more you dumb fuck
>>Better visually
I've been replaying all 3 and love them all, OP is a fag
>mindless praise
what fucking threads have you been visiting? everybody admits that heroes was the fall of 3d sonics.
e-celeb talked/played those games recently and Yea Forums only discusses old games when some faggot does first.
So tired of this Shadow objectives meme, so I'm actually gonna go over every single level and tell you why you're full of shit.
Here both objectives are collectathons, this first impression is probably why so many people think every level is like this since they never play the actual game
>Digital Circuit
Ignore goal ring and do an extra chunk of level.
>Cryptic Castle
Get to the goal ring or take an alternate path that leads you to 4 objectives.
>Central City
Open-ended level with an incredibly obvious linear path that leads you to all the objectives you need.
>The ARK
Literally an on-rails turret level, you either get to the goal or destroy 4 huge targets, impossible to miss anything.
>GUN Fortress
Get to the goal or destroy 3 big targets.
>The Doom, Air Fleet and Black Comet
There's literally never a reason to do anything but the neutral mission in these, so you're just getting to the goal ring, Black Comet does have a kill X things mission you need to do for one of the endings
>Glyphic Canyon, Prison Island, Sky Troops, Iron Jungle, Lava Shelter
Same as above, though Lava Shelter's alternate mission is about finding 4 big objectives in an alternate path.
>Lethal Highway
You're just following a huge target throughout the linear level
>Circus Park
Either get to the goal or collect rings.
>Mad Matrix, Space Gadget, Cosmic Fall
Another string where you just do neutral missions, Cosmic Fall's alt mission is just ignoring the goal ring and doing an extra chunk of level.
>Death Ruins
Kill X things mission
>Lost Impact
Kill X things mission
>Final Haunt
Get to goal or take alternate path to find 4 big objectives
So after all this, if you're only trying to get the standard 10 endings in Shadow the Hedgehog, you're only ever gonna do 5 (FIVE) fucking missions out of a total of 30 where you actually need to scour a level for an amount of enemies in the double digits.
Adventure 1/2 really aren't that bad, 2 has better gameplay on average but the approach 1 tried was nice and it had variety so if you didn't like one character you weren't enduring them for long, and the best parts were taken and refined for 2.
Heroes plays like a pile of shit going back to it now though, I can't enjoy that game these days like I can still enjoy Adventure 1/2
looks like OP dropped a shitpost and left.
I desperately want to like SA2 but it's just not good. I used to think Sonic Unleashed was the worst Sonic game I played until I beat the Hero side of SA2 and realized Unleashed is a godsend in comparison.
>he thinks the lighting gives the models and textures a pass from being dogshit
Maybe it’s because the first two actually are good games? Letting Troonyrapter mold your opinions for you isn’t a real personality.
No Adventure fan denies the GameCube port sucks fat chode buddy.
Why do the ground and mountains look like it’s daytime when it’s nighttime in the GameCube port?
The adventure games were actually good. Heroes, while not as good wasn't bad either.
>DX is worse
>Because my e celeb overlord made a 30-minute video about it
You fags deny the game being objectively shit regardless of what port it is
People are just getting old user
You have been here too long
I made the mistake of looking up “Project X Love Potion Disaster” and now I really wish I hadn’t.
SA1 was never good
Letting Troonyrapter mold your opinions for you isn’t a real personality.
The models are better but the animations haven't gotten the same upgrade so it just looks incredibly jarring to see these 2003 quality models being animated worse than a shovelware PS1 game.
Imagine being a snoyboy.
SA1 was always shit even before that retard made a video about it and the only people that think otherwise are adventuretards such as yourself.
No the sonic levels don't excuse the other 85% of the game from being shit.
Imagine being a snoyboy.
I think Sonic Forces is more your speed.