Rogue Legacy 2

yeah im thinking its GOTY
dont @ me, Eldentrannies

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played about 10 mins its good. played the first one on the Vita and it was kino. Wish we had a Vita 2 with a 4k or 1440p OLED for games like this.

i loved playing the first one on vita
why isn't the second one on PS

I think the grind is worse than the first one


Sorry I don't get what's so special about these cookie cutter shovelware games. There's jumping and there's hitting and there's dashing and that's fucking it.
Replace actual exploration and a personally crafted experience with procedurally generated dungeon for "infinite" content and call it a day.

Just sounds like garbage to me.

how is this diferent from the same game released an actual decade ago when even that was a big reach for selling what is essentially a flash game at full price

All roguelikes are shit.
No exceptions.
>inb4 b-but it's a roguelite
Nope, still shit.

Maybe try playing it?

go on and giv us the steam code / magnet link bruv

skinnerbox for people with short attention spans

>expresses uneducated opinion shitting on game
>begs for free game
that 180 gave me whiplash

>Isn't the same person twice
>Two different opinions

wtf i also played the first one on vita, i played it a lot but didn't really like it to be honest

hey RL dev if you're still here


have the devs said if Switch and/or PS ports are coming?

>not on switch
not buying.

It is, it was obvious the second the game warns you about inflation, thankfully if you get a training dummy, you tend to get better stats just by playing the game.

Aside from the inflation BS, so far i think it's better than the first game in every single possible way.

I do like that bad conditions give you more money...though i still refuse to play with characters that have the "Vertigo" trait at all even if they get 75% more money.

weird how the money grubby kike wont put it on the number 1 paypig console

It's just a better RL1.
More classes that play differently and aren't just reskins of basic bitch swordsmen.
Negative traits are offset by gold bonuses and you find and can pick up stat bonuses and abilities during a run in exchange for max HP.
More unique areas, actual open outdoor areas that are not just indoor rooms painted with foliage.
More optional content like boss rushes and "break the targets" challenges.
Nice painterly 2D backgrounds with 3D characters and enemies animated at a soulful 24fps instead of soulless pixel art.

>sorry I don't get first person shooter games there's moving pointing and clicking and that's it
Being a reductionist like this is retarded

Elden Ring.

>you can get bi sexual trait in game that does absolutely nothing
I think I will pass on this one

>you can't just objectively improve on the previous game because I didn't like the previous game! It's not fair literally no one asked for this!
Why is Yea Forums like this?

can somebody gift me this game? my steam profile is:

i bought it because i loved the first one, so far, its very amazing, might even be better than Bloodstained Ritual of the Night but i need to play more

the artstyle is also amazing, i actually didnt realize it was 3D

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just pirate it retard

>two games
>one of them is CSGO
Sorry, it's against my beliefs to give anything good to Slavs.

>Kinda liked the first game
>Watch a let's play
>Looks Brett cool
>First upgrade is "universal health stair".

Goddamnit I don't want to give money to leftists. Is there more shit?

Pirate it.

>multiple anons ask what changed, what was improved
>single user autistically defends it and says you should buy it and find out
Give this board ten keys two per thread per day.
Thats all you had to do to spread goodwill nigger.

I guess that answers my question. Hard pass.

This game is designed to be as bullshit as possible.

>universal health care
It's a standard in any modern 1st world country.

multiple anons have also said it improves on all the features with better areas, better classes, better abilities, better boss fights, better graphics and so on and so on.
Of course Yea Forums gets blutblased over a sequel improving in 99% of ways because it wasn't made by Japanese devs.

Multiple shills you mean

why is this early access shit suddenly posted everywhere?

>early access
Isnt this a sequel to something that came out on ps3

Because it's out of early access, schizo.

You do not put sequels to indie games released forever ago out on early access retard

>start game
>plays great with controller
>"oh it's best played with controller"
>multiple classes and trials that require precision mouse aiming to be used well

Shut the fuck up, schzo.

Well Cellar Door Games just did.
Deal with it.

So it's actually good, then? I'm glad, because I enjoyed the first game a lot and worried they'd fuck it up in the sequel

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So is importing rapefugees by the millions. Doesn't make it good.

>give it to my walling account plz
Kill yourself lol

Shut the fuck up retard, you literally don't even know what a universal health care system even means. You just say it's bad because left says it wants it, schizo-kun.
Even the ultra right parties in first world countries don't oppose to universal health care.

Then you come on Yea Forums to bitch about prices and taxes because you're paying for muhammads surgery. Kys lmao

its good but too much platforming towards the end biomes
same reason i never finished hollow knight. great bosses, too much platform bullshittery

>no argument

And the second is tax jewery.

Really?!? Yea pass for me then. Damn and I liked the look of this one too. Why the hell would you put a sexuality trait in a game about killing enemies?

If anything is a straigth upgrade in every way.

Attached: thanksdoc.png (299x312, 98.92K)

Minimum amount of social pandering to stay relevant just look at the skin tones

Keep seething retard.
Games are no more expensive than in burgerland.
The money you pay to you jewsih doctors for a single check up is enough to sponsor 10 of muhhamad surgeries.

Why are all the NPCs pale as snow but 90% of your heroes are different shades of brown?

You could in the first game as well.

>one person I don't like uses it
>that must mean we must ignore the hundred thousands of other people it actually benefits
Typical mutt politics response. Even more hilarious since you still have welfare programs that pay for Jamal's surgeries out of your pocket, but you still have to pay for yours, like the cuck you are.

When I realized the first game's difficulty came from turning into a bullet hell I stopped playing and it looks like that's the case in the sequel so no I will not be playing it

Yes and I hated it then too. Why add a trait that does bugger all?

Hey dev you sill here?
Next time drop the keys or this is all you get cunt. Politics on a bideo blame board.

Game is really good. Extremely funny to see the one schizo calling anyone who enjoys the game the dev. Never played 1 but 2 is has been eating up all my time over the weekend

>he needs keys

Attached: 1609367095110.png (860x681, 242.35K)

>im on a steam deck
>with a floating balance from the wallet giveaway
Just telling the devs whats up here in the channners

You never played the first, reactionary retard.

more like the game got forgotten under a mountain of other shovelware indietrash that wasn't shoving identify politics into its

>it's a joke when I like it
>it's politics when I don't
Pretty comfortable way to live you got there, schizo

For RL3 they should add a schizo trait that makes your character randomly call enemies shills and replaces health drops with meds.

Wheres the joke nigger?

I can't believe people like think their negative opinions hold weight

>haha 1488 what a funny number haha based based based
Keep trying, schizo

>still no joke
>implying I care about mutt politics
so you got nothing left and you're so terminally new you think I'm the people who bitched you out before?
Take your shit off Yea Forums right the fuck no one played it the first time no ones buying it now
if you wanted negative opinions with weight instead of someone trolling you for several hours maybe you should stay on reddit

Didn't read lol
Also seethe, schizo

I'm not reading your rambling

Embarrassing post. Don't click on threads of games you have no interest in, nigger.


Looks like shit will not even bother pirating

samefagging devs butt blasted no one wants their indie trash leftovers a decade later wont read my post oooooohhhh noooo
yeah you wont read my posts but youll reply to me again and again and again


nope not here just some retards frantically shilling some shit that was barely a unique concept when it came out a lifetime ago

>Do I fit in? xD
Grow up

thanks for bumping the thread faggots :)

I beat the game back when it came out and very clearly had an argument on this very board about how the gay trait was absolutely redundant. Regardless, even if I had not played it that doesn't make the gay trait any less redundant. Imagine playing risk of rain and you get a red item that literally does nothing. Imagine catching a pokemon and their personality trait does nothing. Imagine getting a +1 weapon in a diablo clone and the effect is "looks neat". It's stupid.

who would want to fit in here
what a retarded niggerish concept to spout on an anonymous image board where no one knows whose who
Oh I'm gonna stay here and bump until it gets derailed and/or deleted :)