How is it compared to MH: World?
How is it compared to MH: World?
I like it
>Pretty straight forward progression
>Wirebug skills are nice.
>Base game monsters are alright(tigrex, rajang, magnamalo, zigrone, etc).
>Craftable decorations.
>mostly different looking weapons
That about all the positives I can give rise.
>Better environments
>Probably better DLC and online components
That about all the positives I can give world
Mobashit trash
Some weapons feel and flow better like switch axe and IG and some have returning options and ideas like Bow.
Better monsters completely, some are straight upgrades like Tobi Kadatchi.
Different "Style" options feel fun and allow you to play a weapon differently while having fun
Base systems however are abit sparse and little reason to hunt something unless you like hunting it.
TL:DR Base Rise is better than base world.
>Great Wroggi
You need to go back to /vg/
But most weapoms are gutted like CB, Lance, HH, Hammer and so on
Monsters are just ported from World with animation speed set to 200%. Some original monsters but they're all very easy and fairly forgettable
New wirebugs fuck up the game completely with skill spam now being the focus of the game.
Unlike World, it has zero reasons to keep playing after the final monster. You will get bored after just 50 hours.
better in most ways, but worse in some ways
they got rid of a lot of the filler-tier bullshit from world/iceborne, but in a lot of cases they didnt really add anything to compensate, so it's probably the leanest/quickest MH game
It feels like it was made for arcades in comparison to prior games. Everything is sped up to an 11 and it focuses on being flashy an exciting for short bursts of play. Much less substance in exchange for that design though.
It looks like shit.
Most people thought it was shitty spin off game and skipped it and waited for a real monster Hunter game to come out
It's pretty fun. Some things are better, some things are worse. If you enjoyed World then you'll probably won't hate it.
Exploring the maps with wirebugs and wall-running is fun and none of this is locked behind dozen of minor sidequests like World's transportation methods.
But, due to this and other details (less grinding overall), the game's pacing is a lot faster than World's and it makes the game feel shorter.
You don't have to smell monsters poo and farts anymore so it's a much better game.
+ the cat
Easier but better gameplay.
>Weapons are gutted
>They're basically the world weapons but with dramatically more options
>Monsters ported from world with animation speed set to 200%
>Most of the World monsters are not any faster, they just don't roar constantly and actually alternate attacks
>Wirebugs fuck the game up completely
>At best they work as either a set up or a finishing move, and are usually a world move turned into a wirebug move.
>Unlike World, it has zero reasons to keep playing after the final monster
>Base world made you stay purely because of decoration gacha and was one of if not the worse grinds ever because it relegated all the good charms to exactly 3 monsters of Teostra, Kushala and Nergigante
Miles better than that cinamatic garbage World.
I can jump straight into the action with my friends and ascend the HR without going through 40 hours of pure dogshit story and watching some dogshit cutscene just so my friends can join.
World was a good game designed around an abomination of a system that the future monster hunters are definitely going to follow from now on and I, or any other true monster hunter fan could give a flying fuck about.
>you don’t have to track the monster in a game called monster HUNTER because now your superior Japanese notebook who’s paper has been folded 1000 times knows where the monster is
Yeah so much better
... You know world did the exact same thing right? The only difference is between 2-3 hunts instead of 1.
Not enough environment traps
>claims to be true MH fan
>shills the kusoge animu hunter where you ride to insta-pinged monster to spam your mobashit skills on
lmao even
Yeah, cry about it.
All raptors are shitmons except maccao and izuchi
This is a fact
In his defense most CB speed runners agree that CB just can't shine in HR in rise. It's such a tight fit weapon in this game much like Lance. HH fucking slaps though and you can do some seriously cool shit with it if you aren't a corner horning shitter
not every game can be FU/3U/4U, but rise is still a lot better than 100 hours of cumulative foot-sniffing, "hey guys i'll let you know when the cutscene's done", and all the other bloat of world
Yeah, and? It's still better than sitting around watching 5 minutes of boring ass cutscenes or running around the map collecting dinosaur turd to advance the final 3 missions. Literally eat ass you pathetic Snoy.
No? You had to build like research level 4 or something before they started appearing on the map and that’s only after you found a track of them first.
In rise, simply glancing at a new monster on the way to your actual target instantly figures out their current location, their HP threshold for capturing and what location they are moving too.
The progression in Rise is dumb as fuck too. And honestly the story in World was better with superior set pieces than just killing endless easy as fuck monsters until credits roll twice. Rise didn't even engage me even after finishing it.
I play on PC but you seem hell bent on being a console warrior faggot
Speed runners are the last people I would ever suggest actually talking about a weapon and how it feels, because they care exclusively about their frame perfect max damage big dick combos.
I main IG and switch axe and both of those feel infinitely better in Rise than World even if they are slightly less effective at doing BEEEG DAMAGE.
I mean shit, the fact that the falling Wyvern attack for the IG actually has interactions with airtime enough makes it infinitely more fun.
I'm going to give you a little hint user, All MH games don't need tracking because all monsters spawn in the same 2-3 spots.
>I play on PC
It shows, you are defending your first MH with your life because you honestly think delays to gameplay are better.
i agree the progression in rise is bad too it's just a lot less offensive. and i really could not give any less of a shit about story in an MH game. 3rd and 4th gen were as involved as story needs to be
>How is it compared to MH: World?
Worse in every way. I wish they had ported MHGU instead of this toddler bait button masher. Barely feels like MH honestly.
Speedrunners know more about the game than you do. And you don't even play CB or Lance you homo.
>It shows, you are defending your first MH
Where did I defend MHFU?
Okay snoy!
Rice is shit
None of you Snoyboys or World niggers have ever played Monster Hunter and it shows. Kill yourselves.
It's like clockwork, you're such a contrarian faggot you can't even admit you played a DS monster hunter title.
Literally better than Base World, and since Iceborne ruined the series I'm assuming Sunbreak will also be better.
>Speedrunners know more about the game than you do.
No, they know how to run a monster frame perfect to beat it in the slowest amount of time.
Unlike a Speed runner, I usually don't quit my hunts if I get hit by an attack or need to go a bit on the defensive.
I played MH4U. So I absolutely played MH before you did, Tribab.
Tri came before 4U you fucking mongoloid
MHFU came before Tri, Tribab.
He's trying to imply he played FU, which is totally what everyone did and that's why the PSP was a roaring success in the west.
let's be honest, the closest this guy got to an older MH was through an emulator.
This meant for
It’s not really noticeable in world because the maps are so big by the time you reach that area they could have moved on.
Showing their icons on the map as soon as you enter makes the issue much more apparent for casuals like myself who doesn’t play with a wiki open on my second screen.
The closest this guy got to any MH was World lmao
Just what the fuck were they thinking with this game? It looks ugly, it plays ugly, it gets boring after just a few dozen hours. Progression is dumb fuck retarded. Events are low-effort intern-tier. Nothing about it makes me want to play over older MH games.
Why can't bing bings just accept that Rise is severely flawed and probably the worst MH game we've had in over a decade?
This is precisely why you shouldn't trust them. They will be playing the game better and differently than me and other more average players. Most speed runs I have seen manage to keep the monster on the ground for most of the fight, which doesn't happen in normal play. How a weapon performs under ideal conditions is irrelevant.
Nigga World has a camp at literally every major spawn point so by the time you are actually doing consistent hunting you can literally drop your ass on every single major monster ever.
Did you forget Base World was basically just elder farming and they were ALL in one map and it had a camp literally right next to the 3 zones that they all start in?
So honestly, what are you complaining about? That you don't need to sniff bugs 3 times before you get an exact bearing on the monster?
I’ve played rise too.
>worldsperms on mental breakdown ITT
you love to see it
Post guildcard then?
the backgrounds just needed a bit work, instead, they threw a noise texture on some blob and called it a day lol, not even talking about the visible tiles on the water
It's also funny because literally every single World monster is harder in Rise too.
Nu HH is fucking garbage
It's a weird frankenstein between world and gen HH except the moveset combos and song system are completely gutted
I miss being able to intertwine songs with combos and smack the monster in the head all the while, now it's just mashy and unsatisfactory garbage for shitters
>counts the DLC monsters for Rise but not for World
>counts Apex as new monster for Rise but not AT for World
Yup, this is what I call a dishonest bing nigger.
Base Rise >>> Base World
World + Iceborne >>> Rise
Bruh, LR Anjanath in World was literally harder than all of Rise, including most of its "endgame" monsters.
>I'm not trying to console war I play on PC
RIse is also on the PC you fucking cretin, what you are arguing, ultimately is that Rise is a bit too arcadey and not a graphicfag game like World was trying to be.
And what did we actually get with World, some slightly nice enviroments that were mostly just 3-4 arenas because the monsters were not designed around most of the smaller rooms and a fuck ton of grinding.
The issues with CB go far beyond speedruns, the weapon has awkward combo windows and issues with dropped inputs, and the SAED phial hitboxes feel like shit compared to World. It's also really easy to make the move just go off in a direction you didn't want. And lastly, the weapon's damage is too concentrated in CPP->SAED counters so you constantly need to take risks and eat trades or else you feel like you're not doing shit. Regular AED is just not nearly strong enough for how slow it is and how much recovery it has. Condensed Spinning Slash, SAED and Axe Hopper are all totally fine on monsters that let you get off those moves consistently but on anything fast and aggressive you eat shit.
>LR Anjanath
Oh look, we now have absolute confirmation that his first MH was world, because Anjanath is not difficult, he's just intimidating for noobs. The fact he's literally a walking "trip me" monster makes it even better.
>trannoid retards seething over facts
IMO the moment you start badmouthing Rise, you get accused of being a Snoy. Nowadays I just play all games on PC. Haven't touched a console in years. I have the option to play both World and Rise and I've gone back to World. Not only does it have a much larger monster roster, but those monsters are also more realized in World and the combat is decisively superior and less repetitive. Past HR100, I see absolutely no reason to keep playing Rise. If I want to learn a new weapon or just play for fun, I go to World instead.
>Open Steamcharts
>World still has more players than rise even if is a 5 years old game
Literally the only Rise apologists in these threads are nindies
I didn't spot a single noob filter in Rise. Not one monster that got people saying "hey this is hard", despite Nintendo console fanboys trying to make Khezu look like some hard filter (he's actually very easy and also completely optional)
The owl tracks the monsters for you.
Its really like im on mhg
I mean there were some very obvious ones like Almudron Magnamalo and Mizutsune who punished you for not being at the correct armor level.
Quite honestly Rise had much more difficult monsters because I don't think there is a single difficult monster in Base world who actually forces you to upgrade your armor until Rathalos.
Almudron was a pretty big one because of unconventional fighting.
Mitzutsune was also pretty tough.
I didn't see anyone crying about those monsters you mentioned. Meanwhile Anjanath caused a mass panic of refunds on Steam. It was hilarious.
base World has a total of 3 hard monsters, Lunastra, Behemoth, AT Nerg
How much will it make the worldsperm favela trannoid seethe?
I don't think I saw a single person say Anjanath was hard who wasn't a complete retard.
You even get an elemental weapon that is good against him right from the get go with Tobi Kadatchi.
Considering Rise hasn't outsold Iceborne, probably not a lot.
Because Rise overall has much fewer newfags and way more returning players. Thanks to World being such a hit.
Objectively Alu is much harder than Anjanath, hell, even Anjanath is harder than Anjanath in World since they gave him G-rank moves.
>caring about sales
kinda cringe ngl
$40 for 3 new monsters and 1 retuning monster, no thanks.
>I wish they had ported MHGU instead of this toddler bait button masher
> complaining about Rise when half the battle mechanics came from Generations
Then you'd bitch about how terrible MHGU is compared to World and wonder they even bothered in the first place.
Objectively, Rise is much easier than World, as even the fucking devs said so themselves. You have so much more tools at your disposal. The wirebug mobility and hyper armor moves give you so much safety World noobs could only ever dream of.
There. Was a pain getting screenshots out of the switch.
oh nvm they're already seething over it lmao