What happun?
What happun?
Dead genre
Street fighter being shit is a meme. Guilty Gear being good is a meme.
we just keep on winning, TEKKENchads
You keep "winning" because well...3d fags have literally nothing else to play lmfao.
Yes, the cuckold award
And because no one plays Tekken on consoles.
The only issue SFV has is the outdated netcode, the game as a product and fighting game is the best you can buy.
Kind of a big deal that XV holds that well since 2K2UM and 98UMFE are there as well as fightcade still existing. Guess the new mechanics brought in alot of regulars plus new players
no, these are horrible numbers. they better fix the matchmaking. fuck off you cuck
why does Yea Forums continue to use steamcharts to determine how popular a multi-plat game is?
>600 players during peak European hours 1 month after launch
>>holds that well
fighter games golden years was when the arcades dominated the gaming market
Its simply an outdated genre
>Kind of a big deal that XV holds that well
Yeah dood kof15 has 100k players on ps5 trust me
My ass
True I don't know why people do that to SFV when Capcom said it's mostly played on PSN. Strive and Tekken though are mostly played on Steam so you can use steamcharts for those games :)
>EU numbers above 600 when historically they rarely play compared to SA and NA
They are good numbers and the 24 hr average being above 1k after 2 months is really good (especially for SNK). See other contemporary releases for games that actually failed to hold decent player count (like Melty Blood, GBVS and SamSho7)
Good ass SFV still carrying the fgc after all these years.
it killed it
feels good to be a SFV enjoyer
shut up you stupid ass nigger, you don't play the game which is obvious. The matchmaking doesn't fucking work so those 600 people are idling a waiting menu. The game is dead.
Fighting games are fine, the only problem with them is that we only seem to be able to make threads by starting them with bait.
No those are horrible numbers for a fighting game that released, like... 3 months ago?
Been waiting in Queue for like 10 minutes for a casual match. My connection setting is lvl 2 and up, and still nothing. It's a damn shame because this game is fun as fuck
go back to /vg/, the game works for me
Well not my fault faggots reply to capbuck steamchart baits all the time.
The game is niche + the matchmaking is broken
I can't find a match either, it's dead
I can see why nobody would match with you
Try ranked?
Genre sucks, move onto something different. Ain't no way I'm going to sit in training mode learning each move on a single character for a couple hours, go online, and get my ass whooped despite spending hours learning each move on a singular character.
Somebody set up us the bomb.
sony's multiplayer paywall was a death sentence for these games.
its not fine faggot larper
Not to mention Sony's additional input lag on the PS5.
Nobody plays fighting games and they haven't been popular since Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat 2.
What did he mean by this
literally every game that tried to specifically cater to e-sport fagotry turnt to dogshit
All of these anti KoF and anti SF threads are made by one tranny autist from /fgg/ guilty gear community who got exposed with a gofundme for his sex change surgery after he tried to cancel Justin Wong
There's one schizo that really really hates kof15
Is it that tripfag who goes by the name of FurFear?
The one who /fgg/ hunted him on twitter and found this shit and sent to JW about this retard.
Except SFV was shit, at launch. Its gotten 6 years of updates, literally the same thing that happened with SFIV
yeah he makes strive shill threads here all day and derails any other fighting game thread into shitposting
>he says while every single thread is shitting on strive too
ok lmao. you fags need to realize there is kof spic obsessed with shitting on both games(hes one spamming twitter caps and using "arcsoy" and spamming sf threads),then there is kof hating obsessed faggot spamming charts of this game and capbucks shitting on anything thats not their game.
>6 years
Hyperbole, SFV was already good in like 2019 but since the launch was so bad it took people for the game to become *really good* to get back on board aka after they added vshift, Seth and S5. SF4 was bad as a fighting game in vanilla but then got good in SSF4/AE after they balanced the roster, then got bad with 2012 due to Yun and then got better with USF4 but still inferior to the Super versions, USF4 isn't the best version of SF4.
>capbucks shitting on anything thats not their game.
Whenever there's a DoA thread there's a spammer with his bbc porn or when there's a KoF thread there's spam with how the game is terrible but in SF5 threads there's no derailment whatsoever. Who's doing this?
There is no kof spic as there is no pajeets shilling fallout 3 here at Yea Forums you mentally ill tranny, who deserves to be locked in a Sanitarium for life for sexual dysphoria.
Also, how is the gofundme?
>every single thread is shitting on strive
Really? Most I've seen speak neutral or praise it.
>but in SF5 threads there's no derailment whatsoever.
are you serious? sf5 threads are always full of people shitting on the netcode and the game not looking like an anime game, clearly arcsys fans. they do that in sf6 threads as well despite we barely know anything about the enw game
Last night I had a dream where playing Strive was fun. Then I woke up
>sf5 threads are always full of people shitting on the netcode
There was one yday i kept my eye on without posting and there was nothing of the sort, including shitting on it because it's not anime. Maybe i need to lurk more.
SF threads are getting derailed by some faggot though as I said I suspect its same kof spic spamming "arcsoy" twitter screencaps. There is also that faggot with Tekken pasta and webms but no one replies to his threads and they die instantly. Fighting games seem to have turbo obsessed autistic niggers spamming how their game is amazing and everything else sucks balls in most retarded way possible.
Continue to project. Just dump those twitter caps and lets get over with it lmao.
You have to be new here then.
>SF threads are getting derailed by some faggot though as I said I suspect its same kof spic spamming "arcsoy" twitter screencaps
So it's game tribalism. Initially i thought it's a 3rd party from outside the FGC.
>its really him
Kek, the troon is the anti KoF and anti SF spammer
Street Fighter is the second biggest fighting game franchise in the world, GG and KoF have always been niche. People only started paying attention to Strive because of Arcsys getting popular through DBFZ
Lol there's a schizo who floods SF threads with 2016 SFV webms all day long to derail them
Anyone have the pic of The Coomer meme but it's for Steamchart obsessed fags?
Alright then it's clear i haven't been paying attention.
What if I don't go to /fgg/ and just think SNK made a game with shit online?
Maybe. Most fightan threads I see here week after week are either coomer bait threads (Chun li and Baiken are the sign) or steam chart baiting threads. SFV generally gets shat on but most are content with SFV and Strive and that's it, from what I've seen lurking here and there.
Strive has more players on pc
Nothing happened these are alright numbers given that
>niche genre
>normalfags/lazyfags think quarter circles are scary
Sorry meant SF4 is well-liked
Thanks. This'll come in handy
Most of the fighting games I play are classic ones like MK 1&2, Street Fighter 2, Tekken 2, etc. etc.
This. I can't think of anyone under the age of 30 who fighting games actually appeal to. And most of the teenagers who obsessed over Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter back in the arcade days are in their 40s and have children.
Yeah basically. As you can see that one schizo is still projecting and hes one of those autists trying to falseflag.
This too same with Tekken theres always that pasta and leroy webms or same screen caps of articles. Its always same stuff and same buzzwords so you can clearly spot its same faggots doing that shit.
/fgg/ is capcom central and they shit on everything else thats not SFV so yeah anyone who tried to play KoF there was called spic shill ofcourse lmao. If you dont like SFV then dont even go there its pointless,other games have their own generals.
Everyone already knows that but this schizo really hates seeing the game gets mentioned by other people.
>he is still trying to falseflag and claim is a spic
The SFV obsessed fags are more pathetic, especially now that the game is good and they have no argument left so they just go LE BAD.
/fgg/ likes kof though?