How would you improve Wolfenstein's gameplay for the next game in the trilogy?
How would you improve Wolfenstein's gameplay for the next game in the trilogy?
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i thought the gameplay was alright desu
White men are so fit
Nazis are the bad guys
Nu-Wolfenstein's gameplay has actually been quite good. Not ideal, but very good, especially for a consolized shooter. The ideal way to play has always been hipfiring with dual wield. Makes it feel even more old school.
Just make it like the Old Blood, which was the best one.
Auto pickup items (still have to manual pickup for overcharge)
Make a satisfying story instead of a series of shoehorned together commentaries on modern America
More retro-future guns.
Less idiotic stuff like cutting through mesh with the laser
kill off Anya, Maybe BJ as well
If it were me, Id go all the way back to losing ww2. Remake all the missions from Call of Duty 1 and show how they all went wrong because of the Nazis. I think the current storyline is played out.
have the game be about imperial japan taking over the world instead of the nazis
Yeah, I think adding in a traditional vacuum pickup of items is the easiest way to improve the combat loop. It's not a dealbreaker, but I hate having to spam the use key while I'm in the middle of a firefight to pick up armor shards and ammo off the ground. The only time it should be manual is when you're at max HP and picking up a healthpack would overheal you.
Remove sprint and buff the default move speed, or make it so that sprinting doesn't render your weapon useless. It's the biggest thing holding it back and making it feels so sluggish and consolized. Having to juggle between reloading, shooting, and sprinting always feels like shit.
Gameplay is fine, cut out the woke shit and cringey cutscenes. Just make a game that's a pack of 20-30 levels set across a variety of locations with old school level design, and people will love it. Not saying you can't have a story, but it shouldn't be any more than 10% of the game, and even that's pushing it. This is Wolfenstein, not Call of Duty.
Wasn't Wolfenstein II The New Colossus (and to an extent, Wolfenstein Youngblood) a flop? Sales were so sluggish that Bethesda had to put it on discount for half off just one month after the game launched.
When Wolfenstein The New Order came out in 2014, people thought it could represent a return to form for classic FPS, and that you didn't have to cater to mass market appeal to make a good shooter.
But now that the sequels flopped, I think the gameplay needs to change for the franchise to stay relevant. People don't want to play something "old school" anymore, there's no market for that. IMO, Wolfenstein III should just make you as overpowered as possible. The player character should be able to have Batman Arkham style vision, the ability to see and track any enemies through walls, there should be an alert meter over an enemy's head so you can track their awarness of you while you're in stealth mode, you should be able to perform one hit takedowns and string together multiple takedowns and chain a bunch of unaware enemies together with some really overpowered stealth maneuvers, etc.
You may not like it, but that's how you keep this franchise alive.
The real appeal of Wolfenstein was to see all of the cool Nazitech kino.
Agree with everything instead of killing off BJ. He deserves a good ending, perhaps something like his dream at the beginning of New Order where he's enjoying a cookout with his family, no longer restless in his pursuit and going on mission after mission like at the end of RTCW.
minimize the story to bare minimum
Have the mc join the good guys
Now stay with me I'm gonna blow your mind cause this is really important...
You take Hitler and you put him in a mech suit
How come Yea Forums knows how to design a good FPS better than nu-devs? Everything ITT is spot on.
It's a shame they dropped the occult stuff
My idea, strictly from a marketing perspective, is to add in a multiplayer mode in addition to the campaign. Having multiplayer for Wolfenstein III would mean:
>brand new casual FPS fans would buy it just for the multiplayer mode alone for something new to play
>it would bring back some old fans who played ET when they were a kid
It's a win-win as long as you do it right. It can't just play like another consolized COD clone. In an ideal world, this would prevent the finale from being a flop and infuse new blood into it at the right time. Of course, with the campaign, not only will you get returning fans, but new fans who will buy the previous games in a bundle just to get caught up on the story. However, I don't think that alone will be enough to prevent a flop after how bad TNC and YB were.
Do something wacky with the God Key and retcon the atrocity that was New Colossus.
Make a mode where you play as an antiterrorist unit that hunts down and destroys the "resistance"
Be like RtCW.
new colossus is the next one i should play (next weeks if i manage)
whats wrong with it?
Why does everyone here hate the story? I though TNO was great story-wise and TNC was still good despite occasional cringe
Remove stealth, just focus on balls-to-the-wall combat. I have stealth autism, I must play stealthy even if it's detrimental to my enjoyment.
rtcw mogged old blood so hard lmao
why she's licking him tho?
I would make the Nazis competent, stylish and frightening to fight. This would make them scary, and appear as a real threat which the player can instantly recognize as something that must be defeated - this adds both urgency and urge to fight them.
If you flanderize your bad guys and turn them into exaggerated clowns and comic book stereotypes, that completely nullifies any reason the player has to get engaged in fighting them.
It also shows that you don't respect your customers, because you think they'll end up preferring the villains to the heroes unless make your villains a joke.
If this is in any way a concern for you, that means you've designed shitty, horrible heroes.
I'm honestly kinda sad that the newer Wolfensteins didn't try to do more stuff with the Nazi's having crazy uber-tech now; sure we have robots and super soldiers and stuff, but wheres all the weird stuff with the Lopers, or the badass lightning gun or hell, the entire shtick with the Black Sun Dimension? Surely there would still be some holdovers from that escapade?
I miss my jetpack Nazis and Gluon Gun ripoff power armor dudes.
better writing
He's a jew
the game should be just about killing nazis not being fucking political about killing nazis with a bunch of fucking modern day communists
This. Gameplay is fine, just remove the bing-bing wahoo wokeness.
Youngblood > Wolf2 > Wolf1
In terms of gameplay. It just gets faster, better, and.mlre fluid. I think the problem is a lot of people barely played anything after old blood, and maybe played it on keyboard and mouse so it feels awkward trying to do all the crazy moves on there. Youngblood on Switch (controller and gyro) is such a fast game.
Make Quake V instead.
How does it make any sense that this guy is a Jew lmao
>killing nazis should be apolitical
stop playing dumb frogposter
It was completely overshadowed by the DOOM revival. History repeats itself...
Wolfenstein is the farm system of gaming
>Castle Wolfenstein --> Metal Gear and the stealth genre
>Wolfenstein 3D --> Doom and the FPS genre
>Wolfenstein TNO --> Doom 2016 and the boomer shooter revival
This, I want my modern day Mecha Hitler boss fight, damn it.
now imagine what wonders an enemy territory revival might herald
Lol it's funny how Trumptards felt attacked over Shithesda twitter marketing. They're making fun of Nazis yet Trumptards felt attacked. Jesus
The twitter guy doesn't make the game
would be ludo
man I hated this shit, I ignored everything about wolfenstein because I loved the series, but then got involved with this dumb shit through Yea Forums.
I slowly turned into hating the new series more and more, and haven't bought about wolfenstein game since.
You let schizo retards on Yea Forums sway your opinion and they won. You missed out on basically the best FPS games of the generation next to Doom.
The problem is if you already played DOOM, going back to Wolfenstein feels like shit.
mm sorry, the best we can give you is subversive propaganda.
Nah. Unless you didn't play Wolf2 and Youngblood. Going back to Wolf1 and Old Blood feels more stiff and clunky.
this look like satire though
dnot tell me you got triggered by such a dumb joke
New Order and Old Blood are fucking kino
Great fun gameplay tons of just bad ass shit a great setting and great ideas and a pretty strong cast and good story
So what the fuck happened with New Colossus and Young Blood?
They went from some of the best FPS's of the last 10 years to pure dog shit in such a short time frame.
>How would you improve Wolfenstein's gameplay for the next game in the trilogy?
killing even more nazis.
Playable nazis in campaign mode obviously, since they're kosher now
>Insult nazis, American conservatives get angry
That sure says a lot.
>next to doom
doom was shit
if i wanted a game to take away control from me every 5 seconds i would play a jrpg
Gameplay-wise? Shitty level design, for starters. I can't remember what a single level looked like off the top of my head they all blended in.
It says what disingenuous faggots you leftists are. Just pretend that it is not regurgitating the "very fine" people myth you lot were spouting off for years. No, it's clearly something in a complete vacuum and is not making a reference to American politics at all. Just like the rest of the New Colossus and Young Blood weren't making references with their "It's the fault of white men!" bullshit.
Christ you gaslighting narcissistic fucks are so annoying.
user do you honestly think anyone is going to read all that?
Didn't communists literally kill more jews than nazis did?
50% Jew is Jew?
stay uneducated and ignorant
>start a revolution to help your common man from slavery and other horrible practices
>they turn around and sell their enemies as slaves
lol, lmao
>Believing the Hitler suicide meme
Pure sheeple.
Nazis, Communists, and Fascists killed a shit ton of people during and between and after both world wars, yes.
He's what we jews call a mudblood, he's not pure understand?
That's not what were arguing.
We're asking who killed more here.
I read it, only took a minute and I found it quite interesting. You must be a zoomer.
He's mother is Jew, he is jew since they are matrilineal
More enemy types, maybe? Also, bring back rotary machineguns.
he asked about jews
>logical fallacy detected
>reductive argument in 3... 2... 1...
>suggest something done ingame
>use a fucking social media marketing campaign as an example
Full retard.
This would be extremely kino, Imperial Japan isn't really explored as much in media, it's usually overshadowed by Nazi Germany instead.
Yes they're female dominated which explains basically everything you need to know about them
Drastically cut down on cutscenes and stupid side characters. It should just be BJ, random mooks, a main villain, and a sub villain/henchman.
Return to "return to castle wolfenstein" where it's about trying to stop nazi super science/occult stuff deep behind enemy lines during world war two instead of postwar alternate universe "dood what if nazis in the 60s" bullshit.
RTCW was the peak of the series, they should force the devs to actually play it so they understand what makes a good wolf game since they clearly don't know anymore.
Now fuck off, gaslighter.