Prove Sonicfags have standards.
Prove Sonicfags have standards
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They don't. Sonic 06 is now considered a hidden gem to them, and it will happen again with Forces in 10 years.
Why do zoomies need to defend everything they grew up with? You don't see boomers defending the terrible shit they grew up with
The first Final Fantasy game I played was VIII and it is fucking great. The rest of the series can't do it for me to the same degree.
you should check out /vr/ some time.
>le folded arms cartoon internet critic
he's no better than the autists he criticizes.
No fanbase has standards
No one bought Mass Effect Andromeda.
>DAE sonic have le BAD FANBASE?!
The sonic fanbase is based as fuck
They don't, just look at the retarded shadowfags on this board, literally retarded manchildren. Growing up with a megadrive/genesis instead of a nintendo console should be classified as a mental illness
They did and they still bought the remastered trilogy
My man out here making the real threads while the rest of you just blissfully post Sonic thread after Sonic thread because you're still entranced by a not-shit video game movie.
What did Mass Effect Legendary Edition really do that badly, though? As remasters go they actually fall on the side of things that are inoffensive to the original work (compared to the obvious candidate that shall not be named).
baby boomers were the last generation that grew up, gen x and millenials still cling to stuffs from when they were kids and kickstarted the manchild epidemic that continues to this day with gen z and alpha
Being based is having strong and well-grounded convictions irregardless of what society tells you to like. Final Fantasy VIII and it's enjoyers are based to the nth degree.
>video game essayist
Le wacky cartoon to represent me. Zoomers are so fucking gay
>zoomer that tries to not look like a zoomer calls something that has been done for ages as a zoomer thing
you must be 18+ to post here
Even the other Chris has an unhealthy fascination with Sonic
The person who got me into Sonic was named Chris.
Though he's probably more well-adjusted than I am (he has a wife and a son and is making great progress on his career).
>You don't see boomers defending the terrible shit they grew up with
It's more along the lines that you drown it out
>You don't see boomers defending the terrible shit they grew up with
Have you not SEEN the soul/soulless arguments where they shoot down unquestionably positive QoL things like right stick camera control as "soulless" because Spyro the Dragon forced you to stand still and snap to Spyro's head if you wanted to look around the 3D environment?
I was thinking more the lines of how people like the AVGN isn't afraid to shit on most of the shitty games he grew up with
This. That being said, Reignited absolutely changed the presentation the worse.
the avgn isn't a boomer, boomers were born in the 50s & 60s
AVGN is a comedy show, user. Most boomers are out there wanking old school games for being hard, old comics for having "no politics" or 80's movies for being ledark.
those are millenials
Isn’t that the guy that cucked Chris “Oney” O’Neil?
True but people want James to speak for the shitty products they endured as kids because he can articulate through AVGN the frustrations and design shortfalls that plague older shovelware games.
AVGN is a fictional personality that isn't actually indicative of what James Rolfe actually thinks, and he himself is a film buff that occasionally gets nostalgic over older video formats such as VHS.
I've never seen James said something he reviewed as AVGN wasn't exactly how he felt about it himself.
the fun thing about this retarded board is that all of you are in your mid 20s and call each other ''muh boomer, muh zoomer''
>mid 20s
That would be nice if it were true.
Kek, is this guy still pissy people called him out for his Sonic Movie review, what a bitch.
>Sonicfags will inevitably and unironically call Rise of Lyric a misunderstood masterpiece 12 years from now.
Fuck you and these shitty gen categories.
>Chris-chan and Sammy
>in 2022
>baby boomers were the last generation that grew up
The "kids these days" stereotype exists for a reason.
No they don't only a select few retards are trying to do that.
Sammy pretty much moved on with his life, but the horrific incident with Chris last year will guarantee that he stays relevant for a while longer.
Chris being a literal motherfucker has nothing to do with Sonic though. The only Sonic related thing he did after Sonichu was the blarms incident, which was what, 8 years ago?
>8 years ago
this faggot unironically likes sonic heroes anything he says shouldnt be listened to
>Chris being a literal motherfucker
that reminded me to this
what a game lol. Also by sega by the way...
I haven't genuinely enjoyed a sonic game since mania and still think 3 and knuckles is the best game, and will never be topped by sonic team or whoever is still working on sonic now, probably nintendo iirc.
t. old sonicfag
I am a big fan of Sonic and have resisted the urge to buy Forces on sale multiple times.
Maybe if they did one of those insane sales where it's just 2 bucks, but even ten is too much.
I'm mostly a fan of the classic era games and STC.
>all of you are in your mid 20s
sir this website was created in two thousand and three.
Forces is so short you can buy it, beat it, and still get the refund from Steam.
Sonic Fanbase:
>SEGA tries selling Super Sonic as DLC for 2$
>Sonic fans protest enough to the point where SEGA makes it free and refunds everyone
Pokemon Fanbase:
>Doesn’t complain about Melmetal’s absured Candy requirements in Go, requiring 400 Candies (with Meltan Candies being 20 km for 1 candy, you need to walk from Tampa to LA AND BACK if you intend on walking only)
>Effectively requiring you to buy Let’s Go Take a Shit to grind out candies much easier
>No one minds
>Mew is locked behind a $60 controller, something that would have been free with the older games
>No one minds and actually defend GameFreak for it
>Release an unfinished game for $60 and then asks players to pay $30 more for what would have been the post game in earlier titles and still don’t fix the issues in the main game
>No one cares
>Release a 49:50 remake of Diamond and Pearl at $60, don’t fix bugs that should have been fixed, remove several moves and keep several Gen 8 mechanics despite being “faithful” remakes, lock content behind other games like with the other Switch games, and make it in Unity so that Home won’t be able to use it
>No one cares
But yeah, Sonic clearly has the worst fanbase.
i want to believe the oldfags actually moved on
People saying Sonic 06 are good now are probably people only familiar with the fan fix that's being developed if I had to guess. The game had potential but was clearly just unfinished due to Sega rushing shit for the holiday release.
There's no way you're posting "le cartoon avatar hands arms crossed" shit
looks like a Boozerman model
This guy literally likes Sonic Heroes, he has no right to speak with authority on anything about Sonic.
He also just makes really shit videos in general.
Mark lost against Cybershell in the debate. SA2 is better than Heroes
One's an autist who has spent an ungodly amount of time going into the minutiae of every Sonic the Hedgehog game while the other has literally admitted he doesn't even enjoy playing the games that much and just likes the toys and characters.
Is it me or does sonic look more like a cockslut in this version?
I for one don't like leftovers pussy