Are you ready for tomorrow?
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yep because its a holiday here in bongland
Today is my Monday.
Perfidious albion and our (((bank))) holidays win again
Reminder that today is international worker's day.
yes i'm going to do my best because it makes me feel good
imagine picking a career you hate.
i quit my job a couple of weeks ago and am going to enjoy NEETdom for a few months. no way in hell im going back to an office environment
imagine being able to find a job in a career you like
As ready as I can be. My hand has healed decently so I'm likely going to be running a forklift again which is just joy.
What kind of office work did you do? I'm trying to get more into something like that as I'm tired of more physical labor stuff.
Tomorrow's a bank holiday, so I get a 3 day weekend
>wah wah I don't want to contribute to the economy
Tomorrow? What are you talking about? I'm about to head off to work.
You bet
>wah wah give me attention i'm just pretending
>3 days off work! yes!
>on Yea Forums for 72 hours straight, did nothing.
>back in work Tuesday
>everybody talks about the great things they did over the break
>"so what did you do for the holiday user?"
Yes. I'm a senior software dev and the working hours are the least stressful part of the week. That's also because I have no life outside of career. After 6 PM, it's working on a startup of mine which is stressful.
I have an dr appointment tomorrow..
What has the economy ever done for me?
What kind of office work did you do?
i had a shitty public sector job where i had to be on phone all day and talk to junkies and old people
Yes monday is my day off
i'm a neet and i've been enjoying my steam deck :)
Ah. Yeah that make sense why it was pretty shitty then.
Thinking of trading in my 2-3 year NEETcard for some part time waging.
Bro, I’m to the point of putting in fake support tickets at work and just coding my game. I hate work so much that I just only work 2 or 3 hours a day.
Bank holiday monday, get fucked faggot
I'm looking for an entry role into the IT space and been applying like crazy. I work a 9-5 currently with a 4 week notice period and have been considering just quitting my current role and just telling interviews I still work there.
There's no major downside to me doing that, right? Besides the temporary loss of income I mean.
I get every Monday and Tuesday off :)
yeah i dont have a job xD
I put my supervisor as a reference when applying to the job I just got, thinking they wouldn't call him, but they did. That was a funny conversation. I put my 2 weeks in the next day so oh well
>>"so what did you do for the holiday user?"
My manager is always asking me about my weekends and evenings and I have to lie to her so I dont look sad
>being this dumb
job opportunites
easily available food
every product you own
hospitals and medical care
safety and security due to military and police presence.
I could go on but you get the point, without an economy you'd be naked, starving and having to defend your life every night you fucking moron.
>5 days break ahead of me plus the weekend
>never had a shitty office job anyway
lmao keep grinding redditjack poster
Imagine finding any careers interesting
What sort of entry level IT role are you looking for?
t. working the helldesk, please don't do it, run while you still can
Imagine slaving away for a society that
>stole your foreskin
>got you addicted to ADHD meds in your formative years
>indoctrinated you by way of public school
>fully admits to hating you and wanting you gone
NEET life is the way to go. Hit your slavemasters where it hurts.
unironically this, all jobs are meaningless busywork that you'd rather not be doing if you had the choice. can anyone prove me wrong?
I'm not a wagie, so hell yeah.
Sure am, gonna play Sekiro and Victoria 2. We won WFH chads.
>is To day
>OP focusses on To morrow
>OP also worrying about Yes terday
Security, hopefully.
Helpdesk is the "safe" option but by god is it slow in terms of career progress from what I heard. Good luck, user.
The only worthwhile thing you listed is easily available food but that's because we wrecked our forests and now there's nothing to eat left out there.
>stole your foreskin
>got you addicted to ADHD meds in your formative years
Guess i'm too european to relate.
i wanna be a fireman
That said the senpai says I need to keep working and giving a portion of my paydays to the house on top of helping with the cars, and I’m stumped on whether the path to a fireman is started with either volunteer work for experience (and cannot take with the jobs I got), or just waiting for the big civil servant exam
Hell no.
>no timestamped mushroom print with post
Amerifatt detected
I took two weeks off for the ladder start in Diablo
I don't even know what day it is you little wagie
>tfw got bumped up to a cushy position that pays more last month
worst case scenario is I feel like I don't have enough to do
>I'm looking for an entry role into the IT space
oh no no no no no no...
sounds like fun
>wagecuck cant count single digits
Based retard
Work is not that bad, you bunch of cretins.
I'm a bricklayer and I cant' get enough of it. I get paid to lay bricks and it doesn't even feel like work because I enjoy it and it's rewarding to get paid for hard work. If you're all working a dead end office job where you stuck in a boiling hot cubicle all day, no wonder you hate your life.
It is, yes. And it's piss easy to get stuck there forever.
Basically, two kinds of people work there - the revolving door ones who quit every few months and get replaced and the few veterans actually slaving away doing password reset for three years straight, for one reason or another. The latter will never get promoted, especially if they're efficient - somebody has to keep the helpdesk going after all and there's always a vacancy open as it is.
yeah I work weekends
would you be laying bricks if you didn't get paid for it you fucking retard?
How can I get good job with a Biology degree and a Business Analytics degree? I should have just did software engineering
>tfw not a lazy faggot and genuinely look forward to making mad dosh digging 6 inch trenches for cable all day and getting fit while doing so
You must have a pretty low IQ to not find the repetitive act of laying bricks soul-crushingly tedious.
Why do you think boomers love DIY so much?
Creating stuff feels good
Yes, it would be.
Don't try and throw your "IQ" around here, m8. You're a retard if you find yourself on this website.
Never forget that you are a fucking retard.
Wtf bros I thought college would get me better job opportunities..
>you must be retarded because *I'm* retarded
literal projection.
It still does to some extent, it just ALSO needs experience.
Being a NEET is fun for a while, but too much free time will cause you to not give a fuck about anything anymore. Since I work again, that liberating feeling of friday afternoon gives me just enough joy in life to not want to off myself.
Also, finally earning money again and being able to buy whatever I want and not feel that dread of having to pay bills or gas for my car feels good. Being financially secure feels good.
im starting a new job tomorrow. I fucking hate being the new guy.
I only work three days a week and I make pretty good cash
I have plenty of time off to do what I want and shitpost so honestly I've got it pretty good.
I'm good at it and I got that good by repetition now I have a skill that can earn me a living which feels incredible.
how do you get experience if you don't have none but none will hire you because you don't have some
I get to see my oneitis again so sure
yes i am because im a NEETChad i serve no shlomo
don't need to count shit to read your CT scan :^))
>"work" from home
>job has so few expectations of me that I will probably play vidya all day
Honestly I would be happy if they had something for me to do. I want some actual work experience so I can this shitty pooinloo company for greener pastures
>need to start looking for full time work soon
>only want to work 3 days, 4 max because otherwise weekend is just raped
>from past experience managers never agree to this, or they'll just remove me from the applying pool
Good guess, but I'm actually Canadian.
Companies would rather leave the extra missing workload on current employees while they hunt for experienced workers from other companies instead.
Literally anything to avoid hiring a newbie.
I'm off for 3 days starting in 2 and a half hours. Yes I'm fucking ready.
there's a difference between doing DIY for your own benefit and slaving away for someone else like a cuck
literal retard
ya gotta work for free you dumb fucking retard
or have connections which you dont
have fun being min wage for life you stupid prole
>something does my thinking for me
I work at a warehouse and it's my job to order supplies, have enough stock to keep the laboratory up and running. Do some fixing here and there if need be. And yeah, the first few weeks of figuring out where and how so irritating. Just gotta keep asking till it's baked in your memory.
you don't know how to world works.
When I was searching for jobs I lied on my resume constantly. I'm pretty sure every one with a brain does this.
>job opportunites
so wageing gives you the opportunity to wage more? lol
he knows exactly how it works he just wont accept it life on life's cuck terms
there are hundreds of thousands of young men and women who feel the same
can you learn english before posting again please
>literally a post with an undecipherable tether to reality
Sure is Reddit here
Being a lazy piece of shit all day isn't based.
1 week of Eid Mubarak holiday :)
found the jew
>tfw four-on four-off shift
Feels good having four day weekends every week.
Companies are really sneaky nowadays. They ask for references from previous direct managers sometimes and look them up on LinkedIn or call them through the main company hotline.
And regarding required skills for the job, they only list SOME of the skills on the job ad, so you could copypaste from the job ad onto the resume but you'd only meet 50% of the requirements if you haven't worked a similar job yourself and won't know what to put.
I even asked some IT people I know the kinds of duties they do and added that as some fluff. Still didn't work.
For my current job they actually asked me to provide a w2 as proof for my last employment. I said something like oh it was a contract job and didn't work out so I don't have one haha but here's one I have saved from the job I had before that, and that was enough for them. Had me nervous for a bit. I think they were just desperate to fill the position.
I get this Monday off. Seethe and cope
Looking forward to it actually :)
I love my work, sucks that you don't take any enjoyment in yours.
The people aspect of being new at job is what I find the most annoying.
Which of these fuckers are gonna really help me and which of these fuckers will be annoying assholes?
And having people stand behind you, and you being new at that place, fumbling something so simple in their eyes, I fucking hate that.
>No giving 90% of what you produce every day IS the right way to live
kike sheep ITT
Just depends. I got hired as an engineer at a TV station because my resume made my boss laugh. Some places just suck and you wouldn't want to work at them.