Liking villains makes you an idiot and a bad person.
Liking villains makes you an idiot and a bad person
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Liking heroes makes you a basic bitch and not a good person
cool and totally not retarded thread OP
Of course
fuck off I'm not a bad person
You hate villains? That's funny then user because you must hate yourself
I like Jack of Blades because he's an idiot and a bad person
Liking neutral characters makes you a filthy centrist PICK A SIDE.
lel did seeing something here trigger you that somethingawful's troon hugbox not prepare you for?
Well, depends on the villain.
Wow, speaking of triggered. Villainsimps are the most fragile creatures.
>Liking villains makes you an idiot and a bad person.
But user, I AM an idiot and a bad person.
>I'm a hero
>My conscience is clear and one-note
>I can justify doing anything to anyone because I am right and you're literally voldymort
>The entire world revolves around me, and is in the process of moving from not thinking like me to thinking exactly like me
Wrestling is fake.
At least you have the self-awareness to realize that.
Someone consumed too much media as a kid
Liking villains? No. I often like antagonists if the writing is good enough, however.
No,no, no! Liar! He's a LIAR!
See, this is why you villainsimps are so insufferable. The instant yo get called out for worshiping abject malevolence, you desperately attempt to erase all nuance from the concept of benevolence. Being a good person is complicated and takes an active effort to achieve. It's easy to be a total cunt and shit on people for no reason. The only time villains are ever interesting is when they know they're an asshole, and hate doing what they do.
Shut the fuck up, villains are cool
Now post your favorite villain boss themes
You don't really know a lot about how much variety there can be in how a villain is written, do you? You're describing a chaotic evil villain like that's the only kind of villain there is
OK how u know?
No, being an idiot and a bad person make me an idiot and a bad person.
Liking villains is just the consequence
You started the thread dipshit. You don't get to talk shit and expect people to sit and take it because you identify as good within your limited andselfish worldview
If you think a villain is cool and badass then they are a bad villain.
Just like cool heels.
I see myself as a villain so they're endearing.
Not my fault villains always look sick as fuck
Also just to clarify an antagonist is not a villain.
>Villain wants to make a perfect world
>This is somehow a bad thing
>world treats me like a villain
>"wtf why do you sympathize with villains"
>I know, I got lots of updoots on leddit! I'll post it on Yea Forums too!
s*ged and r*ported
>limited and selfish worldview
>says the Ganon-fag
>"MUH WINDS!!! I mean, my people can rot in the haunted desert for all I care while I fill Castle Town with monsters, but MUH WINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tell that to women
not liking villains simply because of their antagonistic position in one perspective makes you shallow and lacking empathy
I can agree but only when the villain is your typical disney villain that's just evil to be evil with no redeeming qualities.
>you should have empathy for the guys murdering civilians in the streets
>they're just following orders
>Being a good person is complicated and takes an active effort to achieve.
>Having moral superiority for hating on fictional characters
Holy shit go back to R*ddit already
People like villains because they're cool, it has nothing do with their morals
If the villain is charming and entertaining, then people will love them
Reposting reddit shit like this makes you retarded and subhuman, but unlike the ability to relate to villains I assume OP has zero qualms about doing this regardless of effort or actual reason
If your idea of a villain is one guy killing innocent people on the street, consume better products
>it's reddit shit
>n-no, I don't use reddit, a friend of mine told me it's reddit shit actually!
>makes you
but i already am an idiot and a bad person
I don't care if it's from reddit, it's reddit
What about when a dev casts the good guys as their villain
It makes me non-jewish
usually the main characters are ego tripping psychopaths
Liking heroes makes you a boring dork
Liking villains makes you a cool chad
>complains about all those things
>yet for some reason, their ideal way to get this across is to use not just anime, but an emotional anime girl
Are these people even self-aware?
If my motives met your approval, would you no longer resent the outcome?
>killing the villain makes you just like them
Villains are always right.
Heroes are always wrong.
I am a bad person and that's a good thing.
>Jojo-fag thinks it's people
Audiences love villains because they're self-inserting psychos who desperately wish they could go around doing terrible things. That's the only explanation for why good guys are automatically hated in every media work ever, regardless of actual context.
Good villains are supposed to be either a threat or empathetic, preferably both.
Liking them indicates that the writers actually did their job, simple as
Sometimes someone is labeled a villain just for being against the status quo or for something that will likely filter out some of them. I guess you could say i'd be a bad "person" for agreeing with something opposed to the norm of the populations existence. But at the same time ill die on that hill because your hill is nothing but niggers and lying to pretend that everyone is equal and special.
Want me to like your villain?
They better be
>reasonable motives
That webm is proof women are retarded.
>Only good boys are complex!
>"Bad" boys aren't and all villains are BAD TM!
Jesus what a pathetic take. Also a even worse take on good villains. A good villain isn't some retard who feels bad for doing what they do. Alot of the best villains are smart enough to recognize or not care about the status quo.
>tfw no polka dot dress gf
That's ridiculous unless the villain is poorly written and one dimensional. Most antagonists are not evil and doing wrong for the hell of it.
Liking villains doesn't mean you sympathize with their actions. Sometimes they're just entertaining.
What the fuck was his problem, again? Too strong and wanted a challenge or something?
>good villain
No such thing. You can whine about "MUH STATUS QUO" as much as you like, changing a harmful status quo should never come at the cost of people's well being.
Of what, being an overrated forced meme? Not really, no.
Trannies and broken people/leftists don't understand charisma and don't understand things that go against the status quo. They are weird sterile failed humans who would not survive without the big corporations/government around that make use of them.
'ate Luke Skywalka
'ate Mario
'ate Batmon
'ate the allied powas
'uv Darf Vader
'uv Bowsa
'uv da Joka
'uv 'itla
simple as
>No such thing.
The antagonist isn't inherently a "villain". Even the protagonist of a story could be the bad guy. The antagonist is just the person that is against the protagonist. Any good story doesn't have an objective right and wrong.
>Cost of peoples well being
Naive people are so funny. The status quo almost always causes its own suffering by being weak and easily swayed towards opportunistic shit like welfare/affirmative action etc. I'm glad it made you reply though. The weak should parish and we are living in a sterile anomaly of a time period where they have far too much say and protection.
You can like villains but not think they are good you absolute retard. This also works for main characters like Bender or Rick who are good entertaining characters but are not good people and should not be emulated
Yeah, but I'm specifically talking about villains, regardless of which narrative slot they're in.
Oh please. Stop pretending like you wouldn't get wrecked if shit got real.
She is only likable as a onahole
>I'm specifically talking about villains
Well the definition of a villain is basically a one dimensional evil character so I guess so. Any story with a villain is probably quite bad.
I guarantee you OP has given money to muh Ukraine charities lmao
weak little NPC faggot. I would absolutely destroy you in a fight irl. Thank anonymity and 21st century comfort that you can get away with shit like this without consequence.
>dude everybody that ever thought darth vader looked cool is just a fucking psychopath lmao
The irony of using Walt's Alice is wasted on someone like you. You even responded to a retard as if what was typed was worth the effort.
>You can like villains but not think they are good
The website you've posted that statement on is demonstrable proof of the contrary.
A website is not a villain what the fuck are you on.
he's on heavy doses of hormones
>Audiences love villains because they're self-inserting psychos who desperately wish they could go around doing terrible things.
Sounds like projection to me.
I love DIO because he's a charismatic and memorable villain.
>That's the only explanation for why good guys are automatically hated in every media work ever, regardless of actual context.
Ah yes, peak delusion.