what causes this?
What causes this?
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Looks like a botched surgery to make his dick bigger
that a powerful really male after HIS surgery
no refunds
Squidward is he nigger
What a fucking idiot.
I payed almost 1.5x the amount for my dick extension surgery because it's my DICK. You cheap out on it and this is what you get.
anime, fatherless childhood and porn addiction.
>what causes a man to save a webm of another man's penis onto his computer
hmm this is a tough one
is this the bbc that i heard so much about? i'm not impressed.
That's what an FtM's dick looks like? I can only imagine the regret she has.
Curious, but is it capable to get a boner or is it always some flabby sausage?
I don't even see americans as human anymore
Imagine how far gone you have to be to conceive of this as being an actual suitable substitute for a penis, to be so far gone as to believe that it is not only the real thing, to believe you've had it all along and everything is fine, but to believe it to even be superior.
i dont think that is a dick expansion user
>man's penis
it's an ftm tranny. These weird flesh sausages are how they make pseudo cocks. It's just skin and meat from the leg or arm wrapped up into a burrito and stapled to the pelvis. Sometimes they take the skin from a hairy section of the leg, then your entire "cock" is hairy, even up on the head. Sometimes they place it wrong and it's coming out of the waist rather than down at the pelvis. lol
is this ftm?
Well sucks for him.
Imagine having to shave your entire cock every few days so that it doesnt turn into a caterpillar
What do you think? Really think about it you fucking tard
What the fuck
imagine mutilating your own dick because of porn addiction, you're no different than trannies
>inverted taper
Lmao they really stitched it on the wrong way around
Is this the so called arcade stick?
dont these things rot off? also where are the 'balls' lmao
When did Yea Forums start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
the only thing porn addiction made to my dick is that i can barely feel anything because i fapped to much
I have seen models that have a sort of pump they can use to simulate an erection. It's purely pretend though, afaik there's no sexual pleasure from their flesh sausage. I mean it's generic skin from limbs, it doesn't have erogenous pleasure sensing nerves. "Sex" for that person is probably no different from pushing your finger into an onahole until you get bored.
how does this not make the person more suicidal?
>Curious, but is it capable to get a boner or is it always some flabby sausage
Not naturally, but I remember reading something about having to use some kind of pump for it. I can't provide a source for that however
no balls on tranny so not a man
Hi Rugg
it all started when trump became president, Yea Forums always loved traps like this
Yea Forums really is going downhill, this site became way too homophobic and racist.
You say "mutilating" but i say "enhancing".
I think it's worth it.
The ladies love it.
And it's not a big extension it's only 2 inches
like 6-7 years ago, Yea Forums used to love traps but normies came along but tbf this is a disgusting creature so
yeah dummy where do you think the skin comes from. They take it from the legs or arms. Laser hair removal is another like 15k, what's the point in spending that money after you see what the docs left in your pants lol
you think if surgeons could make it get a boner there would be impotent retards who cant get it up? Dont you think everyone would just get some sort of dick extension?
so fucking much of it
long, too
How do the fucking doctors look at this and say yeah that's fine good enough?
ive heard something about dick pumps being able to get it semi-hard. hard enough that with a cock ring you could insert it into a heavily lubed vagina. i dont know if that was just wishful thinking though
Why do you chuds blame literally everything on porn addiction?
Is it because you actually don't interact with people otherwise anymore?
The fat kid always go made fun of in the changing room because his peepee seemed so small.
it's a side effect of being an american doctor, you're so fat that you have no idea what your own reference material looks like anymore
nice mutilated dick faggot
>Yea Forums used to love traps
Yea Forums enjoyed a fetish
trannies are turning a fetish into a lifestyle
it shouldn't surprise anyone that Yea Forums enjoyed crossdressers when your typical crossdresser character was someone like Bridget from GG, as opposed to actual IRL 50 year old Johnny who used to work at a construction site.
Bro, the thing in the op is the best possible scenario. This is what these freaks usually end up with:
How does he pee?
bee stings?
Yea Forums never loved traps. it was all memeing for fun until this phenomenon actually caught track and its now being pushed by normies to be accepted in society
Nah, doing that destroys it and actually trying to have sex using it will cause it to tear off. It's held on by fucking nothing.
Through his ass maybe?
What are the downsides?
Because of cash money. Literally the only reason is them banking on the mentally ill because the fad is insanely profitable.
Why only 2 inches? Also did they put some silicone implant?
bro got the hella phimosis, gonna need a whole squad of jews to fix this one
They are medically licenced and allowed to perform Frankenstein operations on other humans with cheers from the rafters for helping these BRAVE faggot retards get a Oscar Meyer hotdog installed on their pussy.
Make sure you GET VACCINATED because some labcoat dipshit with no soul tells you to. Fucking noose all these cocksuckers I fucking hate doctors.
for liberal left0ids, as long as the vocabulary you use isn't demeaning, everything is alright
those left0id cucks don't know a detail of the butchering job those mentally ill trannies pay tens of thousands of dollar for
if people weren't degenerates addicted to porn and tinder hook ups having a small cock wouldn't be a big deal cuz your roastie wife wouldn't have been riding dicks and raping herself with silicone phalluses for years before settling down with you
women think they're "missing out" if they're not getting their vag gaped wide every other day, then they wonder why they aren't happy in a monogomous relationship, and then they wonder why guys retreat to porn and video games
How come FTMs never get circumcised frankencocks? I thought it was superior?
you can pump and work out your penis to be bigger, you don't need surgery
These are all cosmetic surgeries so if it's fucked up the only solution is more surgery = more money
Guys we decided not to have our son circumcised. Problem is, i know nothing about uncut dicks, my parents had me snipped.. how do i clean it how do i teach him to use it?
that kill the dick. dont do that
Looks like a burrito lel
>oops all foreskin
trump lost
not looking, i'm scared.
tbf i think a lot of these people go find surgeons outside of the western world to perform shit like this, paid in cash.
Broken black cock bros...
dicklet lol
it doesn't, just don't over do it
i got my pp to be 5.7 - 6 inches in circumference, hard thick veiny erections
lol your dick is still tiny
Mine is smaller.
See you anons in 3 days.
I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting when I clicked on that, but I would have thought it'd be more disgusting than that.
I don’t think that’s possible
this is just a lump of fat with zero structure
they would need to construct some kind of tubing to at least give it shape
why do people do this to themselves... i understand wanting to be the other gender but for fucks sakes look what it does to your body and it's forever,
i mean yeah it work but for a short time. on the long run it will kill your dick
Metal Gear Solid The phantom piss
yeah most of the stories I've read about getting genital surgery like this involves them going to fucking Taiwan and paying out of pocket 20 grand or some shit. When things fall apart (literally lol) their only real option is to go back and pay for more surgery. In one story it seemed like the doctor knew there was nothing to be done and had already made bank on the troon, so she just stopped answering and returning phonecalls lol
it doesn't though, the changes are permanent almost and do not hurt the dick whatsoever
Holy shit, it's criminal they are encouraging mentally ill people to do this.
why can't people just be happy with their own bodies? if you want to improve yourself go work out or something, surgeries should only be done when it's absolutely necessary.
Shit like this always makes my cock shrivel up.
Can't we please just threat this as a mental illness and give them actual help?
are you circumcise? because you sound american
theres usually like a squeezy air pump in the "ballsack"
im not american and jelqing is a real technique that works
I’m so tired of this board’s stupid obsession with trans stuff
i know Yea Forums is obsessed with troons but this is literally what happens when you have a defective foreskin
royalty sometimes had this and it prevented male offspring from being born in europe look it up
Nah, it's easy money.
you cant work out a bigger dicks
and size does matter
>so she just stopped answering and returning phonecalls lol
Kek, based gook doctor
>Is this a /pol/ psyop?
Oh, totally. Pretty obvious since there’s already a couple people claiming jews are to blame somehow. These faggots are all up in your face being loud and obnoxious because the only way they can convince anybody is if everybody who isn’t a complete retard self-selects themselves out of the project, same reason why nigerian scam emails are so full of typos, after that, it’s the hard sell and trying to appeal to the lizard brain being very aggressive and loud when convincing people. Any amount of analysis about what is being said and it all crumbles like a house of cards, so you cannot be allowed to think for yourself at all.
women can be sexually satisfied in a marriage with a 4 inch wiener
they are never sexually satisfied in a marriage after spending their 20s taking as many of the biggest dicks they can shove into their cavernous vaginas
you are coping cuz you're hoping everyone will just assume your totally avg unimpressive dong is actually 12 inches, and that you're not short and fat
that and thailand and im sure a few others. while im sure you CAN get this done in the US i think it takes a lot longer, which probably gives the person enough time to think "hmm maybe cutting off my dick/vagina isnt really a great idea?"
What the actual fuck
I don't hate trans people, I care about them enough to want them to get real help and not have some fucking kike doctor mutilate them knowing that they'll still regret it.
just accept it, you're fine man
that's literally a tranny you retarded idiot, there's no balls and you can also see the scars.
that thing isn’t a dick
it probably feels like plato
I've done my research.
Don't do them its like stretching a muscle and one there's a tear it's over.
If done right like mine none. If fucked up, alot. So don't cheap out on this.
2 inches is safe as fuck. Any more than that is when it gets tricky. Think about it like extending your legs. The longer the length the weaker your legs. And 2 inches was enough. I didn't want a gigadick. Just something that got my partners aroused.
Feels good whipping out the bad boy on a girl's face and having her smile and saying how big you are and how the condoms don't fit anymore. Guess I gotta do it raw. ;)
>Yea Forums used to love traps
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
you are lucky then because you are the first person that it work for him because that shit will destroy the sponge
I don't think I've heard of this happening in the west yet, I HAVE seen lots of post op mastectomies though presumably done in the west, I assume since that surgery already exists as standard treatment practice for a serious illness it's easier to convince a doctor to do it to you just for fun
>that's literally a tranny you retarded idiot, there's no balls and you can also see the scars.
wow i didn't even notice the lack of balls
are you sure you're a straight man btw?
what are you even trying to say, dumb esl?