Why is nobody talking about this? We are witnessing leaks of the next major flop of the gaming industry.
RIP Starfield
>overabundance of content
hard sci-fi ludo-kino is back on the menu
2001 is a boring turd
Disgruntled ex employee is disgruntled.
Its not that big a deal
that sounds like a cope desu m8, if a Bethesda dev is saying it's buggy it must be 10x worse than it sounds considering their past.
>if a Bethesda Dev
Yes, even if it is its not a bid deal. Its like saying the sky is blue.
>there’s too much content
That’s a bad sign, that sounds a lot like Skyrim’s “infinite quests”, like there’s a shitton of padding
Eh, I'll wait to make my own conclusions thank you.
Bethesda gameplay feeling "alright" is high praise by their standards.
Nigga shut the fuck up. Its gonna be space Skyrim and everyone is gonna play it, regardless of your anti-shilling or whatever the fuck you are trying to do with these threads.
>unreleased game unfinished
Nothing burger, there is zero chance starfield will flop. It will probably be shit like all other Bethesda games though.
Because it's Bethesda. Anyone who thought this game wouldn't have some big flaws is either new or a fool.
Because EVERYONE expects Starfield to be a disaster already. This isn't surprising or unexpected, not in the slightest
Because nobody is surprised?
Only cope is you Snoybot
I'm only interested in seeing what gameplay loops DARPA are trying to ingrain into us this time, beyond that I don't care about Bethesda games anymore.
Everyone that owns a PC or Sexbox :)
If by disaster you mean " Incredibly successful game you don't like" then yes everyone expects that.
this doesn't mean anything, some guy said a bethesda game is buggy and kinda boring? no shit, anyone could say that
They all expect fallout 76 in space. I expect it too look an entire generation out of date compared to the norm.
>the engine is a piece of crap tho
no shit it's bethesda, the company known for its buggy engines.
>good looking
Who cares, as long as they provide a great environment for modding in a sci-fi setting it'll be alright. Day 1 pirate, unless they add multiplayer of course.
>it's not on
>if not on
Reading comprehension levels are way too low
>the game is not even out and the snoy are already coping
You love to see it
>having the cute boy over playing games 6 days in a row
>acting cute and playful
>he's still ignoring me
I think he's the one girls.
>complains of too much content
>unfinished games not having finished features
>comparisons to horizon
This means absolutely nothing
Or maybe it's just most people who aren't fucking retards to expect anything good from Bethesda anymore.
>Summer Glau at 37 years old
>Your son calls me mommy too
Look at that flat panface
Quick reminder that Todd has delivered every time and anyone who says otherwise is a cocksucking faggot, maybe even the op.
Why did this post make me laugh so much?
>I think he's the one girls
Top fucking kek, I can picture user getting angry over finding out that a "cute boy" is actually a girl just because of her mannerisms. It's like a reverse catfish, but for fags.
The ones on the left are a flash photo and a screenshot from a webcam, not exactly comparable to the professionally-lit and staged photographs on the right
What we know so far:
>It will be Bethesda's most hardcore rpg since morrowind
>there will be space travel
>it’s the biggest engine upgrade since oblivion
>you can join the enemy space pirate faction
>the story will involve unravelling the secrets of the universe
>this is Todd’s longtime passion project
>the concept art shows bethesdas most unique and alien world since morrowind
>the lead quest designer is the same as far harbour
>you can join a space megacorp
>you can join a group of space cowboys
>you will have a robot friend to adventure with you
>it will have bethesdas most advanced character creation screen to date
Yep, I’m thinking it’s gonna be toddkino
>the game is launching soon and theyre still looking for fun
jesus christ
I think they learned their lesson on forced survival and item degradation.
I think 76 showed them what not to do
We'll see. My confidence is at an all time low and I don't even keep up with them as a studio anymore, thats how far they've fallen.
You could have told me Starfield was already out and I would have believed you. Bethesda doesn't really exist anymore, they are trying to crawl out of a crater of their own making, doubt they'll climb out honestly.
There's barely any open world RPGs in the same vein as BGS games. And yes I've already played through Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come Deliverance multiple times
Because its not a good genre. Look at 76, its just a mess why would anyone emulate that?
Cope britbong.
Yeah, Todd makes fun games even if they are never perfect.
Post face.
Starfield is going to be:
-a dumbed down casual "RPG" with some very retarded plot twists
-full of bugs on release
-very popular, its going to reach easily 20 million sales
Only you are stupid enough to care about a Bethesda game. Everyone who had a brain stopped caring by Skyrim and even the retards got the hint by 76
Saw an user mention this before is this worth a pickup?
ana de armas is legit beautiful
awesome tits, too
We're going to be witnessing Sonyshits losing their minds every up until release and for years after.
hmmm who to trust
>salty ex employee shitkicker who got filtered by flying
I enjoyed it.
You have just proven to everyone that you look like a goblin. Surely you can't look that bad that you are afraid you will become a new basedface.
>flying is shit
That might as well mean it's actually good, most normalfags ñcan't tell good flying in videogames for shit, just look at NMS and people being okay with it when it's pure unadulterated dog shit.
>if not on
gaming "journalism" everyone
the book? yeah its alright, nothing groundbreaking
the movie? not really
if you are going to watch the movie then definitely read the book first, it has LE TWIST at the end that is actually decent
A man can hope
>muh pew pew pew
He said everything looks good except he doesn't like the flying, but that could literally just be personal preference. He said shooting was good, game looks good, it's almost done, and that there's a ton of content and beta is starting this summer
How is any of that an indicator that the game is going to flop or doing poorly to you? Are you retarded?
>Dev praises Pinko snoy game.
I think it is reasonable to take the opposite of what this retard thinks.
>Shooting feels alright.
Shooting has problems.
>Flying is terrible
Flying is great and filters liberals.
>Lighting and stuff is not in the level of HFW
Lighting looks great and not corporate
>There is an overabundance of content, probably too much.
There is not enough content but there is enough that "Games Journalists" will cry and piss and scream that they have to do work.