PC gaming is dead.
PC gaming is dead
Other urls found in this thread:
>turn off meme lighting
>card lasts another five years
>have the money to buy a decent gpu
>"Ohw nou muh eletricity buil"
Just don't be poor
can we start with optimizing games and programs again? please?
Just go team red.
if I can afford a $700+ gpu, I can afford a $150 psu
>new stuff
Fuck that just give me a 1660ti for $150.
Plus 1000W energy with Putin taxes.
still live with my parents
>I'll just buy a Geforce 4 MX, none of that shader core shit
first time ever Im downgrading just to save on the monthly bill
fuck this 3090 furnance
rtx has been a mem all this time and we all been conned
I have a 1080p monitor. Why do I need a 40 series gpu again?
>1000 W+ consumer electronic toys
Globohomo will not allow this because muh carbon emissions and shit. Prepare to either get raped by carbon tax or start saving up carbon credits by never taking the plane if you want to play on x080 class GPUs.
120 FPS.
to render at 4K and downscale to 1080p so you get good antialiasing
my 1660 super was $220 right before the pandemic hit, and this thing has been great in everything that's not cyberpunk. that game humbles the shit out of my PC. might be a bottleneck since I'm running a 3700x, but 1080p on medium with shadows turned down and still seeing dips below 60fps.
The games I play (fighters) are hard locked at 60 fps
I dont have any problems with AA as it is.
Don't forget the deep freeze room you're going to need to house it so a human being can survive the heat.
You VILL buy ze 1000W PSU
You VILL pay ze carbon emission tax
You VILL buy ze Pluton chip
You VILL eat up ze system bugs
Und you VILL be happy
Literal space heater wattages. I'd be surprised if Nvidia is allowed to sell these things in Europe.
you really don't play arena shooters, rocket league or racing games?
3700x is more than enough to run any videogames currently.
It's your gpu.
I can't think of a single game worth playing that requires something stronger than a 1660 Super for 1080p resolution.
>this concerned over graphics the least important part of playing a game
Why is Yea Forums so leddit?
I sometimes play Doom 3 and Doom Eternal but those games make me nauseous if I play them too long
He said worth playing.
> High-end cards may be pushing 600+ watts in the near future
No thanks, satan.
>mass replies
>posts shitty synchro
ffs this is a new low even for you baitfag
>any game over 70 GB
>worth playing
I literally pay 15$/month for electricity
Undervolt + turn on Vsync and lock framerate to 60. My 3070Ti went from drawing 320W and running at 75°C to barely 200W and 65°C with zero penalty to performance just with undervolting. Stock 3090 draws so much power because Nvidia wanted it to beat AMD in synthetic benchmarks, in real world usage you can easily cut that by 30% or more, even if you take a 2 or 3% hit to performance it's still plenty enough and you won't notice.
sims 5, gta6
>to barely 200W
I remember when we used to call gpus housefires for drawing 200w
>no games being made for pc-exclusive trying to push for graphics
theres no reason to update or worry about this shit
trump lost.
My £500 PC has a 550W psu
I had to be talked out of getting a 450W
Life is good
NPC hands
The higher end stuff has been pushing 200W+ for over a decade now but yeah this is getting ridiculous with 3000 and 4000 series. What's more scandalous however is how much we are getting buttfucked with price hikes, it seems like every generation they add $100 to MSRP which translates to $200 on custom cards.
I dunno I remember people laughing at vega for being 200W
based merchant's blood
How else are they going to stay warm with no natty gas?
We do have gas we just don't want to use it because it's cheaper to import.
>not having a 1300w psu for years
do poor fags really? i thought 1000w+ was already the standard?
I run a 3080 on a 550W PSU. Works for me.
lol, lmao.
We have soaring energy prices, politics are globally pushing for lower energy consumption. And they want to sell 1000w plus graphics cards? lol, lmao even
>new gpu eat more power, less efficient than the old gpu
Where are the fucking green cunts? Should they start catching the news about this? Why nvidia allowed to run unchecked like this.
Because the average steamfag has no standards
Merkel is the most evil woman who ever lived.
>poorfags unironically crying about this
Just get more NEETbux lmao
>nvidia's sale pitch in euro: buy our latest GPU, it comes with a heater too.
Yeah, Europe is a bit fucked, my electro bill tripled going from 60 to 180(3080ti oleds surround system use a fuckton) moving to a 4080ti would cost me 500 a year extra just to play games.
But eh, if thats my biggest problem, life's pretty good
The next gen Nvidia cards will be 300-450w TDP at top end. It's not that crazy.
I don't give a shit about GPU power consumption as long as it's cooled properly and quietly. But I do care about prices. GPUs are 2x more expensive than they should be currently.
also $500 low end gpus will just be the standard soon
Twitter trannies lost.
>The next gen Nvidia cards will be 300-450w TDP at top end. It's not that crazy
They already are...
>3070Ti went from drawing 320W and running at 75°
lmao my 3080 draws around 260w undervoltet at around 64°C in a fucking SFF case
For people who know anything about electrical engineering should realize that the 'recommended' power supply wattage for PC components is generally overstated by a factor of 30% - 50%.
The main electricity hogs in a PC don't draw nearly as much power under load, just make sure the PSU you do end up buying is 80+ gold or above rated.
>to beat RDNA3
Then I'll just buy RDNA3
If they sold them with one of those old radiator towers, then I would buy them.
This. I undervolt + framecap for strobing (BFI), at most hits 200W at low settings. 280W at ultra. Works fine on my 550W PSU.
I don't think so, sweaty.
In fact, games are going to be larger and run worse just because you couldn't keep your mouth shut.
The 1660 Super is the people's champion of GPUs. Nvidia will never release anything with comparable value to it ever again.
And that doesn't account for power spikes, which are common for high end Nvidia cards. You need a PSU with double the estimated total system draw just to avoid random shutdowns from power spikes.