Why can't fighting games be popular again?
Why can't fighting games be popular again?
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I got told to neck myself xD
Buy this then.
shut the fuck up and download Fightcade
because arcades have been so fucking dead for twenty years that people think japanese life support constitutes being "alive"
Because you're not young smoking cones with your mates playing on the playstation anymore. You're playing online for fuck knows what reason
meh it'll be dead within a month and I'm not interested in any of those games. if i do get interested I'll play on FC lmao
>*Capcom tests the waters with a collection of all Dark stalkers games with rollback never made before*
Go back to r/kappa cancerous spicoid
Because fighting games were fun to play with your RL friends while drinking or having some banter. Like RTS the online hyper-competitive mindset killed it.
>inB4 "git gud"
Isn't a proficiency problem, is just that I don't want to spend time with your kind.
Don't beg for a new Darkstalkers or Garou then.
I read this in Maxs voice lol
Aside from the execution problem that most new players have as well as it being 1v1, fighting games just have so many knowledge checks as well as strats/counters that require way more effort to counter than it does to execute. That builds up a lot of frustration in players that cause them to ragequit.
idk but this happened to me in SFV today
>get matched against hobo ryu
>get my ass beat
>he doesn't run it back
>get pissed, continue playing more games
>get matched against a hobo ryu again
>probably the same guy
>he's on 6 win streak and needs one more match to get into silver
>wipe the floor with him, prevent his rank up
>he presses play again
>I leave
Back in the days, I was playing with my friends on the same console. So we had our own little meta and we were roughly about the same skill level. Also, absolute coomer games, so they were really nice to look at.
Now with everything being so connected and friends being busy, more often than not I play online and well... you either really learn the game or get stomped, and its more frustrating than anything. On the coomer side things got way more tame so, why bother.
tldr. fighting games are fun locally with friends but fuck with playing against online tryhards.
I've never played any of those games sir
God I wish I could snatch you up by your little tranny neck and snap it like a twig
what's this?
>>tests the waters
the consoomer tells himself
There's no way to play those games on PC right now, that's why I'm buying the collection.
>buy the same game again that you’ve already played a million hours of
Get fucked. I won’t except anything less than a new Darkstalkers that has the same production value of a new SF entry.
>Why can't fighting games be popular again?
Liberals and Jews. You can blame them for censoring Mortal Kombat 11, Guilty Gear Strive, and possibly Street Fighter 6.
Because they're the exact same since they first came into existence
How do artists draw this and not feel embarrassed
MK11 and Strive are garbage games on top of being censored.
yes, neck yourself namefagging shitlord
people in this thread told you multiple times how to play them right in this minute with better netcode
I don't live in the third world so fightcade is not available to me.
you wont get buff from just wishing, sissy
Nobody has figured out the dopamine drip design that modern service games survive one
Matchmaking is awful and the matches are rarely even
the problem with fighting games how fast and intense they are.
Comparing video games to meals, fighting games a like Popsickle-ice, you have to eat it fast and you can't eat very much of it. If you do it doesn't feel healthy/good.
It's not a thinking mans game and wears off fast. The best part of fighting games are tournaments and multiplayer.
Now multiplayer is very hard to organize and there are much better party games for multiplayer than fighting games, like:
>Racing games like BurnOut/MarioKart
>Power Stone
>Rail Shooters
>Brawlers like Crawl, Dynamite Cop
>Adventures like Spelunky
>RPGs like Divinity Original Sin
By being absolutely based?
Fightcade is a meme even on the third world, its just a few guys with 100k-300k matches that only use top tier
reminder that saucy is a janny alt account that tries to bait you into breaking the rules
it only comes out on slow days and constantly references its race and fucked up fetishes in order to bait
t. never used fightcade
Fighting games are just stressful, especially the ones orientated towards ranked mode. That's why a lot of people don't like em
The last generation was rocky to say the least. SFV launched with the worst launch in fighting game history, Tekken 7 was ass and remained ass to this day because of all the shills from Aris, KOF14 was shit and died on the spot, Xrd butchered GG gameplay and is only circlejerked by casuals because of the graphics.
And the trend is still continuing with more awful games like Strive, Lumina and KOF15. Whether SF6 is good or not will be the decisive factor if fighting games will become popular again, Tekken has no shot at it because they are convinced Tekken 7 was good from the shills and Harada is still as smug as ever because of it despite all the shit he pulled the last gen.
They're fine the way they are now
Maybe its because I'm a huge casual but frame data seems useless for me
What are you talking about OP? Smash Bros. Is more popular than ever
Many top tier players don't know frame data. It can be useful for quickly figuring out how you should be responding to a certain situation.
I wish it would stop coming up whenever people talk about learning fighting games because it just scares potential players away.
They suck and most of the players have been playing for a long time, so newer players have to invest a ton more time to ever accomplish anything in a match.
No one wants to constantly lose and the time investment isn't really worth it.
People will say your best option is to play against real players but learning combos is only possible in labs and no one wants to put hours sitting in a training ground.
Learning against players is impossible especially in games with corner traps, frame traps and infinites
If I get hit once and that costs me the game it is not a good game
Having a general concept of what's plus and minus is very important but studying the numbers for a specific problematic move isn't so important cause you can figure it out from just experimenting in matches. Looking it up online just speeds up the learning
>If I get hit once and that costs me the game it is not a good game
stop playing anime kusoge and play a real fighting game
they became ugly and unsexy.
SFIV unironically killed fighting games as a genre with its repulsive roided money proportions on characters and instead of going back they DOUBLED THE FUCK DOWN with the insane horse steroids in V.
same with Tekken, Soul Calibur, KOF, Guilty Gear etc. and don't even let me start with Mortal Kombat. They somehow made everyone look much much uglier and less appealing and unattractive. Everyone these days is just an edgy grimdark serious version of its former self. They even made the DOA girls ugly. Even the dudes (no homo)
Realistic graphics were a mistake. Also no one likes ugly people.
>no Darkstalkers Chronicle The Chaos Tower
into the garbage.
they're too hard, and online play is too stressful
Not enough ryona features.
Beacuse I don't want them to be, I don't want you fags around wasting time.
>Doatard wants fighters to look like malnourished models
Aspies love talking about fighting games but never play them
I dislike how almost every fighting game these days either dump the entire roster on you from the start or lock them behind DLC. I miss the days where you had to do the story mode or fulfill certain achievements to unlock missing roster characters.
Tekken 7 sold 9 million+ copies, SFV sold 6 million+ copies, GG Strive is the best selling game in it's series. The fighting games i play seem to be supported just fine OP.
>Why can't fighting games be popular again?
because the fgc is dead
no more evo, no more days of justin vs daigo or yipes hype, no more triforce fuckery, spooky is fed up with streaming
community that helped pushed fighting games is long gone
I will masturbate to sweaty muscle girls
Because of your negative attitude.
>I miss the days where you had to do the story mode or fulfill certain achievements to unlock missing roster characters.
that's because of online and it is not worth it to do that anymore
i miss those usf4 like you wouldn't believe.
It's main purpose is to know if it's your turn to play or not. If you have hit a blocking opponent with a 5 hit combo and the final hit in that combo can't go into a 6th hit without going minus, then you should stick to the 5 hits, otherwise your opponent might punish you for going for a 6th hit.
Clark's grappling is still there