I told my therapist that I spend around 5 hours a day gaming and they want me to take medication. Is this how it's going to be from now on Yea Forumsros?
I told my therapist that I spend around 5 hours a day gaming and they want me to take medication...
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Your therapist is a bitch.
sue her for being transphobe
> citing the American Academy of Pediatrics guideline of no more than one to two hours per day of "screen time".
I do not believe there is any objective amount of hour that has been agreed by the DSM-V to suggest medications, but they kind of do agree on some questions for diagnosis. The wikipedia says 2 hours per day but that source links to a dead article from over 12 years ago which is outdated. There should not be an hourly constraint that has been widely agreed on to suggest such actions. Also 5 hours a day doesn't suggest 5 hours everyday, it's very vague for such a strong action.
>seeing a therapist
haha, what a faggot
Retarded larp.
Since schools all use computers/iPads for education now most students get like 5+ hours of screen time just by paying attention in school. This whole "screen time" ordeal seems like pop science but I do certainly think that children should be kept away from electronics until a certain age. One would think after millennials and zoomers that children need to be kept of the internet or they'll be mentally fucked for life.
You and I both know full well this attack on this hobby is a piss poor effort to try to get people socializing and fucking again, the world knows its destined for population decline and thus, less tax payers and GDP growth in general, they're desperate.
i literally sit in front of my screen for 95 % of my free time, not an exaggeration, i also fap 3 times during work days and 6 - 9 times on free days
i also talk to myself out loud, shitpost in my head, think about what shitposts i will post on here when i am at work and never had a gf / sex with 27 years
Based. Also how do you fap that much? I feel like I'm going to die after two faps a day.
No, he did not. Or maybe your autism made you misunderstand why you're getting meds, I wouldn't be surprised.
>being so trigger happy on psychiatric meds
shit country
Your therapist needs to get raped
>children with gaming addiction
>shows a fucking 'gamer girl' e thot
why do they always do this. rhetorical I know why
What I see every time, I do kind of need something that is like seroquel that isn't serooquel though. Something that feels like a sledge hammer between the eyes but doesn't fuck my body up
If this actually happened then the therapist is either severely out of touch, did this because of some other part you might have mentioned or you have an addiction which is harming your every day life (up to and including school/work performance, social relations, general social behaviours) regardless of how many hours you play.
One can be addicted to gambling for example with only playing one or two rounds of blackjack every week. Although there is a definite correlation, it isn't necessarily about the amount of time spent but rather the degradation of other areas of your life.
meds now
What medication would solve this problem?
>Child with gaming addiction before 2010: plays WoW
>same but after 2010: plays Fortnite
my job literally involves me being at a computer for at least 5-6 hours a day, easily more as well
i am just very horny and play with my dick out of boredom, i fap a lot to my imagination and use my porn folder merely as "inspiration"
>Yea Forums doesn't know what addiction is
Whatever it is they feed boys to zombify them and make them not want to do anything at all because their female teacher can't handle him being just a little too energetic.
Breath of the Wild
>5 hours
I've been playing 8-16 for the past 10 years... Uhh bros?
just give the kid his ipad you tv-watching dreg
You should have told them that you shitpost on Yea Forums 8 hours a day. You don't play 5 hours a day
Antidepressants? I know SSRI's will fuck you up good.
Protip: you can't
>Antidepressants? I know SSRI's will fuck you up good.
They want. It's hilarious how many people on this board still mistake antidepressants with sedatives and anti-psychotics. The whole "zombie" thing is literally a meme based on people who'se only experience with psychiatry is a vague impression they got hearing someone talk about One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Also, there literally is no medication to treat things like game addiction. The only possible scenario here is that the therapist concluded that user is not actually addicted to videogames, but instead concluded a different diagnosis - the gaming here being seen as a coping mechanism with that underlying problem.
Depressed people might spend inordinate time on the computer simply because it's a way for them to escape the painful participation in more commital activities elsewhere. But they might as well just sleep or be watching TV and it would be the same. It's not the games that are a problem, it's the fact that more important activities are neglected all together, causing harm.
If user was really diagnosed with additictive behavior problem, the therapy would not be just some meds. There is no generic behavioral addition medication in the world.
>Seeing a therapist
That was your first mistake
Is this because you told her about the gaming or because you told her a bunch of other shit surrounding this that would be actual reason for medication
People cant afford kids so if thats really their mission they are targeting the wrong thing.
your seeing a therapist. chances are you were already a basket case and gaming had 0 to do with it. they were already planning on putting you on meds.
you are wasting your time
No i'm not.
If you told her you watched netflix 5 hours a day she wouldn't care. Why are you talking to a therapist user? Why are you tlaking to a woman therapist as a male? She's just gonna tell you you're gay and secretly trans or some shit.
They WON'T*, sorry about that. What I meant is that 2nd+ gen antidepressants don't have sedative impact. Meaning they don't turn you into a "zombie". In fact, they do the opposite.
Sorry if that was unclear. Or if that is not the part that does not make sense, just quote the particular part that confuses you.
I know. It's my own way of coping with my own mental health problems.
I told her that after any interaction outside, work, college, coffee I need like 4 hours at home alone to get back up to recharge.
She said even 2 hours is too much. Just get out, why are you so tired all the time.
Now they are coming for the games. Tell her you will play less if you get a blowie every week at your session.
What meds would you even get for that? Fuck this clickbait bullshit
>med fucks with your natural balance of serotonin and norepinephrine
>"It has zero side effects, no risk of dependency, and is good for you!"
The biggest sign that we're under invasion by discord trannies is the people unironically sucking pharma's dick
>If you told her you watched netflix 5 hours a day she wouldn't care.
Look, it is possible that this particular therapist is a COMPLETE IDIOT, that happens. Especially in the US, the standards among psychologists are often incredibly dire (we would not have the ADHD and autism "epidemies" otherwise), but it's actually more likely than not that no, they'd arrive to the same conclusion.
This is clear from the fact that they proposed medication. The medication CANNOT be for actual addiction, because behavioral addictions, once again, cannot be cured with medication. Only behavioral regiments.
So the only belivable and likely answer is that their problem isn't with the act of playing itself. Just with the fact that user does not tend to other aspects of his life appropriately, which indicates something like a depressive disorder, which CAN be managed with medication.
So I'm pretty confident the treatment proposed would be the same even if user said he spends that time watching netflix.
only 5? fucking casuals
>go see someone who gets paid to find "problems" within you
>you talk about a harmless hobby that can be attacked easily since it's not related to your ability to slave away your life
>they say you need to swallow pills to "heal" you then come back later to see if there's any progress
>there isn't any progress because there isn't any problem in the first place
>repeat ad infinitum
I wonder why
>2nd+ gen antidepressants don't have sedative impact
Also go on to any wiki page for 2nd gen ssris like prozac and you'll find a laundry list of common side effects
I'm addicted to video games please give me a few ladders
Instead of playing games for 5 hours you should switch to pursuing a career as a game maker where you will spend at least 8 hours a day developing games
Can't you just refuse? Mine tried to push antidepressants on me but I just kept telling them I've taken them in the past and didn't like it until they stopped.
>"It has zero side effects, no risk of dependency, and is good for you!"
That is not what I said. All medication has potential risks. Side-effects are pretty common among most anti-depressants - ranging from short-term but drastic increase in anxiety to gastrointestinal problems.
Chemical dependency is not a problem. Psychological one can, but that is true of anything, even basic foodstuff. Psychological dendency comes from false correlations your brain makes between substance and effect, so you can develop that even on chocolate.
Discontinuation syndrome is a different issue and depending on the specific type of medication, can be non-existent to SEVERE. This is absolutely something the doctor needs to inform you.
But none of them will turn you into a "zombie". That would mean sedative effect, and that is literally the opposite impact they are designed to achieve.
I'm also not saying you should chose medication as your first port of call to begin with. There is about a dozen different treatments for common disorders like anxiety and depression disorders, and you should probably start with the less invasive ones than medication. I completely understand and respect people who have issue with psychomeds on principle, and as long as you do actually seek other forms of therapy, it may be the ideal strategy. Basic regiment alteration (namely strict sleep schedule and exercise), CBT, mindfulness meditation and TCMT being the ones I'd recommend first to anyone, and onl if all of those fail, or seem impossible to even start with, I'd suggest looking into medication to help the transition and to "kickstart" the non-chemical treatment strategies.
But my point stands though. People have no clue what modern antidepressants do. Most of them even consciously lie about them. The whole "zombie" meme is a lie.
Cope tranny
Chemical dependency is not a problem? There must be thousands of articles in Pubmed written by actual scientists that disagree with you. Stopped reading right there.
Do you actually have any clue what the words "discontinuation syndrome" mean? The fuck is this? Are you kidding me?
I was on Fluoxetine for two years and it turned me into an apathetic zombie that stared at walls without a thought in my brain. It almost completely silenced by internal monologue.
>Stopped reading right there.
That is a lie. Never started reading. That skill isn't in your toolbox to begin with. I'm going to guess you are the same person who posted this aren't you?
Literally throwing around words you do not understand at fucking all.
I know that quitting prozac is so bad that some people start taking it again just to deal with the depression that prozac itself gave them
Unless they'll give me dole I refuse to acknowledge this 'video game addiction'.
You are very powerful
>I was on Fluoxetine for two years and it turned me into an apathetic zombie that stared at walls
No, it did not. You are either lying, or it was placebo effect. Either way, you are an idiot and have only yourself to blame for your state.
You're an actual tranny aren't you? How many pills are you on?
Isn't it time for your meds?
>psychiatrist, a professional on human behavior and mindsets
>has zero understanding of introversion
Introverted are truly the most punished group, brother.
Strawman but true in a fair amount of cases
Yes, you can refuse any kind of medical treatment even if it's life-saving as long as you're not acting psychotically or something.
SSRI meds effects vary dramatically from patient to another. There is a reason why theres so many different SSRIs available.
Holy kek, this is the person telling you to take your meds
Yes it did, you cocksucking faggot. Don't sit there and tell me what I experienced in Fluoxetine is fucking made up. Other symptoms I experienced on Fluoxetine-
>Rapid weight gain to the point my body is riddled with horrid stretch mark scarring, I put on 40KG in the span of three months going from 70KG to 110KG
>Infrequent out of body experiences, looking at my own hands yet feeling like I was staring through a TV and through someone else's perspective, my hands were moving yet didn't feel like it was me moving them
Fuck you, I'm glad I told my doctor to fuck off and welt cold turkey. Those tablets screwed me up and made me waste two years of my life.
>5 hours of binging Friends is okay though
>5 hours of reading books is okay though
>2 movies back to back is okay though
>8 hours of bullshit work is okay though
>you play too many video game here are drugs
I dont care anymore unfortunately. someone should do something about this.
they wont. you probably even agree with it.
who cares.