>if struggle results in justice, then is struggle just?
>Do we deserve to struggle?
If achieving justice requires evil... then is it really evil?
Maybe, justice is evil by another name.
Maybe, being good requires an ounce of evil.
If struggle results in justice, then is struggle just?
does it matter?
JZZZZUUUUHHHHvvvvvrrrrrr (lightsaber sounds)
damn brat....
>if bread results in toast, then is bread toast?
>believing in good and evil
>concepts meant to exist exclusively in relation to God(s)
>instead of using the term moral and ethical
Kreia I'm sorry I don't understand your philosophy. I'm just gonna go bang the girls on the ship
>I don't understand
Good now you are beginning to understand.
luv Visas
ate people who want to urt her
simple as
>Blind woman is called Visas
Bravo Avellonne!
She's right though. Value philosophy of others is wrong no matter what, only personal philosophy is correct. If my statement was incorrect, perfect government would exist.
>Muh justice
"Justice" is a societical construct, there is only the force.
>Muh struggle
There is no struggle with the Force in balance.
>Muh evil
There is only the Force.
>Muh good
There is only the Force.
And you're attempting to fuck with it.
>Unsheathes vibroblade katana
Literally the point yeah. You think it is only two options. Force good and force evil
If you deconstruct the lever she actually likes that
You always get Kreia points when you do something smart not relying on the force.
>Wait until the first axle goes over
>Flip the switch
>Either it goes MULTI TRACK DRIFTING and eurobeat starts playing before everyone dies
>Or the train derails and everyone dies, (including you)
>Or the train derails and doesn't kill anyone
>Look her in the eye while this train crash is happening and call her a cunt
Good image
Everyone in this thread and especially OP JUST yourself into the trash bin where you belong.
Oh fuck off you shitty old hag. You're just mad you got your ass whooped by your former students.
I always forget G0-T0 is a party member, even tho he's one of the more useful ones.
>ass whooped
nicest way to describe rape
She'd just nod and smile at you.
Literally what she wants out of you.
Why can't I find a higher quality version of this image?
Kreia deserved more.
God I fucking love Kreiaposting
I really like the concept of an A.I that is programmed to protect something it absolutely despises, as far as it can do such a thing.
The whole concept of G0-T0 is pretty interesting, even if going through his ship sucks.
>blah, blah , blah
The only reason sith or Jedi tolerated for so long was probably cause she was hot in her younger years.
Nar Shaddaa is the worst fucking planet
>Have played the game like 5 times, still don't know what triggers the forced visit to Jekk Jekk Tarr
>First time players won't know what they're getting into, can possibly softlock themselves by running out of healing items where it is impossible to get more
>Mandatory solo fight with Atton who might be the worst party member in the game
>Lightside players get the hardest, most bullshit bossfight in the game with Mira Vs Hanharr
>After that's over you have another 45 minute section on G0-T0's ship
It just never fucking ends. KOTOR 2 does almost everything better than the first except the actual planets you visit. Dantooine and Korriban feel like afterthoughts. Korriban especially with cave you can only enter with maxed out alignment, even tho the game encourages playing as a Grey Jedi
What is good and evil?
unlimited CONTRARIAN
What if I use multitrack drifting?
This attitude is a driving factor in the shit state of the world and will 100% inhibit any further progress in human civilization. Kindly fuck off for the rest of your natural life and take that half-measure bullshit to your pauper's grave, you sniveling ratfuck.
Fuck you and people like you. Genuine ignorant trash.
Whatever you say, Movieblob.
you think kreia gives good head
She taught Visas everything she knows about it so I believe so
star wars was never good
ibb co/album/qFx4SW
Double - no, TRIPLE filtered
Think for yourself you fucking sheep
The irony being that she's actually just manipulating you into doing what she wants
when does thinking for yourself ever result in her not being an unpleasable cunt?
what a redditor take on ethics
too afraid to call child rapists evil?
True but there is not much thinking you can do if you don't know that you are being manipulated.
I don't think we had the same experience user, I've had strict mentors before and I don't think she came off as unreasonable when she berates you for being a homicidal, power tripping cunt.
>25mb each
what is that artist smoking
>Game railroads you into doing something or presents you with a binary choice
>Character (stand in for devs) berates the player for making the choice that the game forced you into making
>midwits on the internet call this "good writing"
If you enjoy being condescended to by greasy videogame devs (toymakers) via the mouthpiece of their super cool oc donut steel character in their videogame (children's toy) then by all means.
>no, my sky daddy, I can't decide what to do with my life without you threatening me with an eternity in a bonfire! My hands and peepee feel weird when I look at girls, sky daddy, what do I do?!
this post (virtual turd) was written (vomited) by a faggot (faggot)
>im gonna be contrarian on Yea Forums for epic (You)s
An angel of righteousness could walk down the streets of New York and kill lots of men and women before encountering one that doesnt deserve it.
Legit, what does calling someone "evil" accomplish that you couldnt do otherwise? Like you need to call a rapist evil so you can not feel bad about killing him fr fr?
Yes, the purpose was for certain forms of roleplaying to be discussed, not for you to post-hoc subvert the character. Every game with consequences could always have one more path that satisfies both parties by using 300 IQ (like peace between all factions in NV for example) but that detracts from the intended roleplay. If you actually agree with Kreia's point you would not seethe at the devs for making Kreia say mean spirited words in your monitors direction.
>goes full retard to try and make it seem like he's baiting
she was always going to betray you
>dodges answering
Good and evil are what you use for kindergartners who would take the evil guy beating everyone up as a role model and beat other lil niggas up.
if you are interested in this subject you should actually read some Aristotle; maybe start with Socrates Apology
good and evil are abstract terms but if you cannot undeniably define some greater sense of good, you are socially retarded
Beyond simple fake dualism that mutts are trained to default to and ask
>who are the good guys
>who are the bad guys
Every situation has simple to determine quantifiable evil people doing evil deeds.
You can take some event from recent past like the Bucha station massacre.
If it was Ukrainian side tochka missile then some pure evil kike in an underground bunker ordered to bomb civilians of his own country but not of his race and ethnicity and murder them for a false flag. The operator that pressed the button to launch the missile and input coordinate is also evil, but to some extent the lesser one as he would be jailed or shot for not following orders.
The western media reporters and photographers are also complicit as they were falsely reporting to finish the hole loop of false flag.
I could kill them all involved without blinking or having any hesitation of remorse. Easier than killing a stray dog.
Am I evil? perhaps but not as evil as they are.
>i have my worldview shaped by videogames and movies
how did you type any of that out seriously? dude just have sex...