Who the fuck even plays this?
Who the fuck even plays this?
me its really fun
why are you lying
about what
being fun
how am I lying?
Not fun without friends, i dont have any friends and am too much of a cuck to talk to randoms so fuck this game.
lel nice thread faggot
me lol
i fuckin love hunt
I hit 700 hours last night. These days I only play with randoms too.
I want to unlockthe avto and machete in the tome, then I'll probably take a break from he game until the next event.
waht baffles me is, how can a game made by fucking crytek look this fucking ugly?
It was good the first year then it got casualized to shit now it’s terrible. Such is the fate of most video games.
quick rundown?
i play it daily, either with friends or randoms from the discord LFG
its really fun, its tense, all the guns are fun to use
this guy is being a seething clown because the game was once at a point where they had a choice to make, either make it a coop pve survival horror game with pvp or make it a first and foremost a pvp cowboy shooter
devs say they cant do anything due to a bad contract with their server provider but if they fucking cared they break off the contract and take the hit for the sake of good fucking servers, the desync has only been getting worse over the last year or so with the games playerbase growing and besides that, every time they have a big event going (see free battlepass with unlockables) the servers get so stressed daily maintenence and downtime is the norm
Half way agree on this. It's also power creep. People want to win so they optimise their playstyle and the devs are forced to balance around the meta. Early days were great when no one knew what was going on and all weapons were used. I kind a want the multiplayer to emulate the solo mode by only having items and weapons can only be found in game so we could get some more diversity in styles again
Ex fucking cuse me? Its maybe best looking FPS out, the audio is top-notch too and no other game has so good biaural.
Also, fuck all this bloodbond/event/skin shit. Every event is just an opportunity from crytek to milk out the bloodbonds you've accumulated. Rewards are dog shit and can only refund trait points or buy bullshit meta skins that melt into the shit covered swamps
What else are you going to spend your BBs on? Once you have like 8 or so hunter slots and 5 loadout slots, that's it. There's no other meta way to noticably improve you QOL.
>*Clips into a ladder and shoots you through walls*
>Heh nothing personell kid.
Fuck Crytek. The game gets buggier each patch and the servers shittier. Instead they milk the pay piggies with more DLC and events so they can fund their shitty ass Crysis reboot.
nobody in australia so I got steam to refund me
BBs shouldn't exist. I know it's a way to keep the game profitable, but it feels like it also has become their focus in recent updates. Things get added just so we can keep the economy going and not because they would change/improve the game in any significant way. I really love the game, but this microtransaction stuff is a torn in my eye. What do you mean by QoL? BBs are just locking things behind a paywall
reminder theyve left out the "monetization plans" out of their dev vlogs for over 4 major updates now, 5 if they skip it again with 1.8.1
they say they want to be transparent because they know that people are worried where the game is headed then they cry they couldnt add a slide about monetization into their powerpoint because MUH RONA WORK FROM HOME ABLUBLUBLBUUU
The game is solid. It's just all this extra stuff and UI getting more cluttered every update. It's like I am watching a friend on life support laugh at an old joke we told each other. The way I wanted to change the game would kill it because it wouldn't make any money, but it would probably be for the best
not him, but I have a great PC and for some reason, my textures refuse to load every single game
everything is on high, I have 60 fps, and shit looks like pic related half the time, no idea what the issue is
I started playing this recently with a friend and I noticed that. I keep blinking around the map, yesterday I died when I was on the upper floor of one of those fat zombies, while having 1 health bar left and somehow I instantly got teleported bellow right next to him and he raped me. It was hilarious, but I can see this being a fucking problem if it keeps happening
Is the game still ruled by long ammo niggers running the darkest skins possible?
Yes, but you have to be the pistol white shirt chad you want to see if you want it to change
9 FMJ rounds and a Slug with fanning, wipe a trio without having to reload and it's just a sidearm.
How's the reach with the slug? I like the gun for the primary fire, the secondary always felt like a shart in the wind
the poster child of the game, Winny my beloved
kino ost
Yea but I'm doing my part by running shotguns and fun off-meta meme loadouts like Poison Sense builds whilst rocking Billy Story's pinstripe red pants and pimp orange fur coat. If I can get on the leaderboard then you can, too. Smart positioning and tactics will carry you much further than the ability to consistently click on heads or sit in a bush for 30 minutes ever will. A bare minimum of 1k hours is required for sufficient knowledge of the game, though.
>when that piano song comes on
There will always be long ammo sniper nigger bushwookies but theyre now almost exclusively in 5-6 star mmr with other neckbeards so as long as youre not there youre in for fun short to medium range fights with varius weapons
I gotta get back into it.
Is the ladder wallhack exploit that big of an issue?
Slugs on handcannons and the LeMat are 15m headshot, 10m body one tap, with the exception of the Romero Handcannon/Hatchet, which is 16 for no reason. Full barreled slugs are 25m headshot, 15m body. Nothing more satisfying than pretending to run from a shotgunner rushing you and then clothes-lining them around the next corner.
i miss the extreme scope sway and the dark atmosphere, now it caters to the normie fag audience
fuck this game.
thousands of people?
and the player numbers are actually rising because its a really good game
No game gives me a bigger adrenaline rush than this. I just wish I eould be bettee at it, especially the PvP aspect.
I got a 3ktd playing by myself vs trios. Gitgud
I like it a lot. It does require way more focus and dedication than other games so I go through periods of not playing at all and periods of playing it non fucking stop
>and the dark atmosphere
I just started playing it, what was it like before?
Junk of Cryengine
A few updates ago they changed the rates of fog and night maps so they'd happen much less often.
'Ate Dolch
'Ate Uppercut
'Ate Lebel Marksman
'Ate the Mosin
Luv me Martini
Simple as
No, not since they started handing out temporary bans. 6 star sniper trios will always be the biggest threat. I mostly play solo these days because 99% of the playerbase, even those proficient at clicking on heads, have no fucking clue what they're doing. When I'm solo I can just rapidly reposition on teams or take the bounty and ollie out if it's a stacked 6 star team. Playing on NA West coast servers in duos is so much more relaxing than East coast on trios where all the neckbeards stack together.
Neat. Always had a good time using double barrelled and slugs. Gonna give that LeMat a try again. Shotguns in this game is generally always a good time. "BANG BANG and bayonet charge" as my boys call it it's not a bayonet but you get the idea
Best shotty in the game. Simple and reliable.
The new Slate was fun enough for the event but you can't beat the double tap.
He's talking about pitch black night in the beta when guns had extreme sway years ago. They almost completely deleted gun sway, night and fog to appease sniperniggers and then locked them away from the rest of the retarded playerbase with skill based matchmaking, leading to 6 star lobbies being the most boring shit imaginable.
The shills in these threads don't tell you about how in 1.0 they absolutely fucked the graphics into the ground because they were greedy and wanted to sell the game to consolenigs too.
PvE nerfs
gunslinger mode
rapid fire perks for everything
sway removal
back in the day you actually had to bring a light into night maps
it played like a whole different game
>best shotty in the game
Don't get me wrong, Rival is my second favourite shotgun after Specter/Slate, but no way it can beat Romero.
"Nope, can't beat the Romero"
>gunslinger mode
whats that?
Yes it was like dayz mod night where you had to navigate by looking up in the sky to see the black of the trees blocking it the stars
a toggle that lets you play the game like call of duty instead of having to raise your weapon before shooting because for casuals pressing shift is too hard
I love this combo. Springfield with or without a scope and the spitfire. Pretty cheap also
I can't rely on the Romero since the current glitches with it in addition to just how bad server desynch has become. It used to be so reliable and the last few times I've shot someone square in the chest and nothing. I hardly run Slugs on shotguns as they seem to just disappear when you're aiming at someone playing on a server they know they shouldn't be on.
Crossbow and Sword are god tier, I had a hunter get 14 kills in two games with that loadout, 7 with each weapon.
Patiently awaiting the day region locking is implemented and all the high ping fuckers are banished back to their dark realms.
t. 3 star 1.1KD
After all they've done to appease the chink audience, I doubt that'll happen.
>fuck this game because im a cuck
thanks for the free marketing
4 star 1.4KD, thank you very much.
Anyone outside of that range is a scopenigger or ping abuser, I won't hear otherwise.
It's already in the works. Then they just need to reverse the stupidly massive trade window time that they implemented because they don't know how to code their game.
yep, its bounty time
they fixed that today
ranked should be contraband only
dont give me hope niggro
that's a dumb idea
Nobody below 5 stars and 1.7KD has any idea what they're doing. You may as well run through the Bayou blindfolded, it's just a crapshoot of rubberbanding up and down the heavily rigged MMR system. Shotbolt with proficient aim is still decent but you should feel bad bullying retards with a sword. The day I let someone get close enough with a sword is the day I uninstall the game.