*makes all other horror media obsolete*
*makes all other horror media obsolete*
8 was better
>Uses asteriks instead of greentext
>reddit opinion
Go back
everyone who's seen a computer knows about greentexting and would probably overuse it if they were to post here. not doing it is hardly a reddit trait.
SH1 was released in 1999
SH2 in 2001
Since then not a single trash that dares to call itself "le horror" managed to top these or even get close
And never will.
I still never got the urge to replay this garbage and it's been five years. remake 2 is better than this walking simulator with unskippable cutscenes.
Hey fuck you, Silent Hill 3 is great
>cutscene simulator
what a disgrace
why didn't you save her?
video game fans when they realize movies are basically drawn out cutscenes:
I love it but second and third playthroughs destroy a lot of the magic, you realise how scripted a lot of it is.
The first part in the mansion is still great, but as it goes on its gets more and more linear.
>feel like replaying
>remember the shitty ship section
The game really ends when you´re done with the Bakers. After that point it just feels like filler they tacked on because it would have been too short otherwise
She was a cunt
I like the ship section, its Grandmas house that I always dread replaying
i bet the ship actually filtered people. it's genuine horror gameplay. not many cutscenes but instead survival action in a dark, claustrophobic environment. while the horror probably peaks in the first hour with all of the scripted stuff, the ship was a strong segment to have towards the end.
She was an old lady about to die. You're doing her a favor
7 was fucking garbage. It's basically a walking simulator. It's entirely obsessed with graphics over gameplay and a western audience. It's a literal fucking hide and seek experience. You can't just kill the family until a scripted even let's you. Choosing either girl doesn't fucking change anything. The tanker level is bullshit and just reused assets from Revelations 1. The little girl shit is so bad that I even forgot that was the point of the story. It's basically a retards first "resident evil" when it's not even an RE game. It is genuinely a tech demo commissioned by Sony for the PS VR and Capcom just slapped the RE name on it.
Kino game
RE fans are pathetic. Fuck you.
how is village if I liked this one? oor is it just coomer shit?
Coomer? That's literally like two hours of the game max. Village is excellent.
I think people dont like it cause it takes them back to step one and asks them to actually survive. Its peak gameplay for RE7, the last time you experience it before the linear caves and last boss.
But peanut brains are just like 'THEY TOOK AWAY MY GUNS?? THATS BULLSHIT'
horror-wise village doesn't deliver as much. but it's still built with the same blueprint and is high-quality and polished action game.
Village is bad
There's no inventory management or claustrophobic spaces, so the combat is less tight
The boss fights are worse and there's no good puzzles
I honestly only like RE1 on the DS. RE4 is ok, and I enjoyed Revelations 2 more because it felt like an actual survival horror game. I haven't played any of the new remakes because fuck Crapcom but I enjoy jacking it to the girls. RE7 is fucking garbage and will always be garbage.
all i hear is about that tall lady on Yea Forums is it scary at all?
>It's a literal fucking hide and seek experience
Tell me you never got past the first section with Jack without telling me
>B-but you cant kill the monster chasing you!
Welcome to a common element in horror, go play COD
The absolutely abhorrent voice acting from the main character completely killed it for me
It's not that they take your guns, it's that it feels like pure filler. It's an entirely linear experience meant to "challenge" the player but you know it's a beatable thing otherwise why would it even be in the game. It's just padding filler like the underground tunnels.
The concept for this DLC was fun, but it was just a linear A->B 2 hour experience.
Also wasnt a fan of them bringing back Jack after his definitive death in the main game and send off in Ethan's vision.
I love 7 until the ship and mines. The ship is just boring because it forces you through those walking simulator cutscenes and does the thing I absolutely detest the most in the game which is those playable flashabacks. They're just there to pad the game time and it's so fucking infuriating to play through. You're not even without weapons for long since you get enough items right away to defend yourself and the retard blobs don't go through doors.
Its 7 but with better gameplay and levels
Filtered retard. You have to play hide and seek with the mom or grandma or whatever with the lantern. And like anyone with a brain has already said it's a terrible experience to replay because of how scripted and linear it is. At least with classic RE games you can replay those infinitely and have a good time.
The ship ABSOLUTELY filtered people
It's one of the best sections of RE as a whole, 3 levels with 3 passages you can unlock and go through with roaming and ambushing enemies while you are initially stripped of your weapons, all in peak atmospheric horror sections. It gives you weapon after that setpiece, but seeing the shadow of molded turning a corner while you have no weapon was enough to give the oldfags used to escalating action an aneurysm
Like I mentioned, the tall vampire lady is only a small part of the game. Her portion is more atmospheric than scary. There's one dedicated "horror" area which is pretty much just a big puzzle and creephouse. The rest is just some set pieces and lots of shooting and exploring.
2 > 4 > 2 Remake > 7 > 1 Remake > 8 > 3 > 5 > Code Veronica/X > Dead Aim > Survivor > Outbreak > 3 Remake > 6 > Chronicles games > Survivor 2 > Gaiden
Absolutely filtered
Nah, its a send off to the open survival parts of the game before the last section.
And yeah, its obviously beatable. Nothing in the game isnt, I literally dont understand your reasoning there.
Same with your argument of filler. Its a whole new area designed to be fun to playthrough. You might not enjoy it, but that doesnt make it filler. Making you go back and replay, say, Margaret's House would be an example of filler.
Play Condemned instead.
RE1 on the DS?
Not even RE1 on PS1? Which is exactly the same just without the shitty knife QTEs?
And not REmake? Objectively superior in everyway?
this seems accurate
>It's an entirely linear experience
It's one of the least linear parts of the game
You have 2 set of staircases plus an elevator you can unlock.
You can go back and never use the elevator, avoid molded, use multiple routes
It's Like Main House basement and one of the highlights of the game, but it filtered people because you have no weapons for 10 minutes
That's the simple truth
I wouldnt say so. Doll house though is peak horror if you dont spoil for yourself what happens in it
Also, btw, when you get close to LAdy D you can see how she's using a lot of makeup to mask her rotting flesh, so I dunno why people find her hot.
By killing the last survival horror franchise and turning it into a generic first person jumpscare generator? I agree.
Silent Hill 4, Origins and Down Pour are the best silent hills gameplay wise so they are the best games
the ship section isn't bad, it's just a tedious level design for replays since all floors mostly look the same
RE was supposed to be an FPS anyway. So 7 is a literal return to roots.
>Comndemned: Criminal Tazer
>Le monsters were our demons all along
Worst game Yea Forums ever shilled to me
>Throws thousands of guns at you in the final part
>Shitty janky final boss who is literally a random nobody monster
Worst game Yea Forums ever shilled
The "doll house" is literal filler, and the only "scary" moment in the game
>can only carry 1 weapon at a time
>you need to drop it if you need that crowbar or axe to progress
too many stupid design decisions but it was ok 6/10 game
This isnt true, each 'House' is dedicated to a different type of horror
Lady Ds is you're old school Gothic Horror. More atmosphere and suggestion than anything else. Your Bram Stoker Dracula type horror
Doll House is your psychological horror. Stuff changing inexplicably, horror born from the uncanny and reflecting the characters mental state. PT/Light-Silent Hill type.
Fish lad is a mix of the old B-Movies and Lovecraftian horror. Like if Creature from the Black Lagoon was a old one.
Last is the junkyard which is the weakest, trying to be grindhouse meets mad scientist.
>Everything I dont like is filler
You literally dont understand what that word means, retard.
I do, that's why I said it. Donna and Moreau are literally filler.
Because, felt like they didn't know what to do and just put two time wasters before the last lord and the eventual fight with Miranda.
No they arent.
Gameplay wise theyre each completely new areas. Dollhouse in particular is a massively unique section from the rest of the game.
Do mean story wise? Which doesnt even matter?
Well youre wrong there too since Ethan needed to get his pickled Daughter's body parts.
Absolute 0 IQ
Filler. Donna and Moreau could have been so much better.
>It felt like they didnt know what to do
They put in two unique segments of the game that were designed from the start. It was always going to be about visiting several unique locations to collect the jars.
Filler is if they made you go back to the Castle halfway through and @Collection 5 keys@ or something. Aka filling time without putting as much money or dev time.
It isnt a level of the game you just didnt like.
Couldve been better =/= filler. Youre just spouting off a meme word
You can say they were undercooked areas, or they were not as complex as other levels. Id disagree, but at least you wouldnt be using a word objectively incorrectly.
How the fuck do you retards still miss the point as to why everyone hates the tanker level? It's a fucking tanker level in a series filled with tanker levels. Whether or not they're actually good is irrelevant because at this point everyone is so sick and tired of them They're also one of the least interesting levels to explore in these games and RE7 is no exception.
Im not tired of them. And the level was good.
>t. zoomer who hasn't played any other RE games
Filler isn't a meme word.