WHAT went wrong?
Total War: Warhammer 3
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needed another year in the oven.
>release buggy unfinished game
>don't patch it for months
>tell fans the most anticipated feature is coming out at the end of the year as a BETA
It's competing with a far more feature complete version of itself. It released early with bugs and the campaign in general is more annoying than fun, with no sandbox mode.
Once immortal empires releases there is no reason to play 2, warhammer 3 has bugs but other than that it's better mechanically for a few reasons.
No playable Skaven in the game really hurt it in the end. I've seen people rioting over this shit and everyone ultimately turned their backs on the third title.
>SJW company
>only Chaos (which was already in the game) and a bunch of shit literal who factions no one cares about
>no combined map to let people play as the factions they actually do like
No reason to buy it.
warhammerbros...... the eldenchads are laughing at us......
they kinda fucked it
It looks like pink wokeshit and groomer unicorns, I have no interest in it whatsoever whereas II has enough cool shit to occupy me forever.
The game's code must be a total fucking mess.
You'd think with almost a thousand employees they'd be able to fix shit a lot faster. Or maybe being too big is half the issue - no one seems to be coordinating or learning from the other teams. 3K and Troy actually run well, but WH2/3 are apparently stuck in the spaghetti code for whatever reason.
I don't didn't think it affected me but lots of people are reporting broken saves and worse performance in WH2 after CA recently patched the chat function or something.
They just can't stop themselves from fucking up. The ambushes in 2 have also been broken for over half a year.
>The ambushes in 2 have also been broken for over half a year.
Oh? What happened to them?
Thanquol when
too much bloat
Factions of offer are shit. No once cares for 4 flavours of chaos demons, fat retarded people, nuChina and Russians. The latter two designs are also really bad holy hell. Oh and the made sieges somehow worse.
The AI completely shuts off when they're on the defense and will just stand there and let you shoot them.
Not a huge issue if your playstyle doesn't rely much on them, but it's game breaking for any faction that heavily focuses on ambushing since it completely trivializes the battles.
Kids had their fun. Now it's time for elric chads to rise.
Let's see
>Clearly unfinished
>Doesn't stand up to Warhammer II in features and content
>The main gamemode everyone buys the game for is treated as side content
Immortal empires should be free for everyone btw. It's some retard-tier max greed that you'll have to own 3 games for it. Capitalism is a mistake.
>The main selling point, the demon factions, have super barebones rosters
All demon factions need at least 1 more fully new unit and like 4 reskins excluding the standard chaos warriors which they all should have had
>Disgraceful optimization
>Full of anti-player mechanics
Who at CA pushes for these? Who thinks players actually enjoy getting assraped by the mechanics of the game is specifically designed to make the game worse for you?
>Realms of Chaos campaign actively prevents players from doing what they want to do. Expanding.
>rework AI to work better in sieges
>AI completely breaks down and spots moving and attacking at random intervals
Whoever was in charge of development should be blacklisted.
Unfinished release
Still alot of fun for me since the latest patch
Skarbrand and nkari are great
They reduced the load times by 70% in a patch for WH2. Apparently it took a complete rewrite of the code. They need a completely new engine but don't SEGA wants to give them m money for it.
The campaign just isn't fun. Vortex wasn't either, but at least we had Mortal Empires like a month after 2 came out. 3's campaign manages to be even worse than Vortex and who knows when we're actually getting Immortal Empires.
I haven't seen many people say they like anything about 3s campaign. It's boring and tedious and you can't mostly ignore it like you could Vortex. You're forced to interact with it because they AI will complete it with ease otherwise.
> stealth patches WH2
>only adds a new add to main menu and removes chat
>and breaks mods
Yet they have the gall to make you pay for blood.
>The game's code must be a total fucking mess.
Remember when they couldn't fucking port Norsca into Mortal Empires for months? I remember.
Everyone bought it for Immortal Empires... a feature which won't be released for MONTHS
They did the same thing to Shogun 2, giving it a dirty patch that breaks the game while shilling their latest game. Fuck CA, I pirate all their games and DLC now.
>You'd think with almost a thousand employees they'd be able to fix shit a lot faster.
They constantly have 10 projects going on at all times. Being the biggest company in the UK means you have to churn out high amounts of stuff to please investors above all else. They literally could not have delayed Warhammer 3 again because it would miss the fiscal year if they did.
A 1/4 the content. Nothing really wrong with how it plays or bugs or anything, it's just WH2 by its end had so much content.
WH2 on release with just eye of the vortex was probably worse, didn't even play it much until it got the ME patch.
>Realize near the end of II people clearly didn't care for the Vortex Race (Most DLC lords completely ignored it)
>Instead of turning those kinds of campaigns into side content you triple down with an even more retarded race that allows for even less freedom of gameplay
When they shifted from 1-2, the advances in QoL features, lord mechanics and gameplay styles made up for the loss of army variety, and that was added back in a month later via ME.
The campaign wasn't great, but it was at least designed to allow a map painting campaign if you just felt like ignoring it.
3, to contrast, has some nice campaign gimmicks for lords in a game where the campaign is the worst part and cannot be ignored. We'll have to wait an entire year before we can play the other races now.
>Months on end for dripfed reskinned units and fucking replenishment values
>Meanwhile modders have drastically expanded the rosters with new units on literal day one of the workshop being up
>WHAT went wrong?
Shit campaign again but this time it takes at least 9 months to get map painting mode back instead of just 1.
>Dawn of War 3
>Total War: Warhammer 3
>3 Kingdoms
Medieval 3 bros...... its not looking good...
this is like expecting people to only play vortex campaign with high elves and rats. im impressed its even that high.
>once again blood DLC
>no immortal empires
Game won't be worth buying before next year.
>including wh2 style victory conditions in addition to the chaos realms one
Too many Charlemagnes i suppose, how fucking hard is that?
CA clearly has some kind of internal problem. It's obvious that there are different teams working on games and that they do not communicate with each other or even check what the others did that worked.
It gets worse
A few days before, some posted on r**dit that they looked at Shogun II's MP, and found a room named "hot Ashigaru sex chat" (which was just a chatroom with a funny name, where people talked about random shit), and how funny it was
CA nuked chatrooms a couple days later, claiming it had nothing to do with that post and was a planned thing since a long time
Chinks and no chorfs
Oy vey
>Prematurely killed Three Kingdoms
>Warhammer 3 was a dud that came out a year too early
>Went back and patched in Epic Games spyware for Warhammer 2 that breaks mods and save games
I hate CA so goddamn much.
Normalfaggotry and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming industry. No fun ever allowed
At least Thrones of Britannia was good.
they've been working on mods since the game released not since workshop support happened
that's still more content in a month than the devs can do in a year
I'm a big warhammer fan and I've bought the first 2 games with most DLC, but they decided that China was the target audience for 3 and so I felt they probably weren't interested in my money
I'd take Jack Lusted over the retard behind Warhammer 3
At least Thrones had some really cool ideas behind it, even if a lot of content got the axe and the setting is boring
I moved back to playing tabletop so I spend my time painting Dwarfs rather than playing total war
Replenishment tweaks for two factions doesn't take six months.
Are consumer 3d printers good enough yet to let you print your own warhams models?
It didn't meet the expectations that 2 set and needed 6 months to a year to get things together.
I'm sure it will be great some point next year, but a poor launch by clueless management will hurt any game.
This is honestly the bizarrest reason among many other very legitimate reasons to not want to spend money on warhammer 3.
>full price on a game worse than its direct predecessor with little hope in sight
>but that one faction being inspired by an ancient civilisation (unlike the others in warhammer which are all ocs) thats the dealbreaker.
They do if you've managed to make such a mechanicus tier clusterfuck of spaghetti code that changing replenishment values would give Greasus 200% physical resistance or something
not defending CA, just fact-checking disingenuous statements
lots of people use 3d printers nowadays, they're especially popular for people playing 10mm warmaster because they're capable of high quality detailing at small scales
Bad decisions all around. Unfinished mess. Luckily I could try it on game pass otherwise I would have bought it. I’ll just have to wait for immortal empires and hope that comes out good.
Saw in their roadmap for WH3 that they mentioned something about a rework for chat and how it's their BIG RESPONSIBILITY to PREVENT ABUSE and make a SAFE SPACE in chat, so I'm assuming they'll be spending the next several months wasting time trying to make sure nobody gets called a faggot in a chat that barely anyone uses in the first place.
I'm a basic bitch tw "modder", the replenishment values are just excel cell tier edits lmao
>but that posterboy utopian faction which doesn't fit the lore at all
Most Total Warhammer fans are not looking forward to another strategy title, they got enough of them as it is.
what they crave is true to form large world single player game that rivals Red Dead Redemption 2 in scale that is set in the 40K universe.
The company knows this and that's why you're seeing more non-strategy game titles for Warhammer
There is a conquest victory option, user
>defeat every major faction
>control 50 provinces which is pretty much the entire map
but good luck doing that shit while trying to manage corruption/rebellions/demon gates in every single fucking part of the map at once
Do you have an recommendations for entry level printers? I kinda fell out of the hobby but a friend and I were thinking about getting into minis again..
I'm not entirely that tracks. Is it the least fucked human empire? yeah probably, is it ruled by humans? no.
I do think they could have made the dragons a bit more corrupt by all means, but cathay is not a place i'd ever want to live.
>large world single player game that rivals Red Dead Redemption 2 in scale that is set in the 40K universe
I don't have one, but you can go to the 3d print general on /tg/
my biggest gripe with Cathay is that they made it too noblebright
OG Cathay was similar to post lore expansion Tau where underneath the facade of pure intentions and greater good there's a dystopian mess
WH3 Cathay is like pre lore expansion Tau where they're the obvious good guys and every mild negative aspect has a worse example of the same thing in another factions regular excesses
OG Cathay could expand their borders in every direction if they stopped infighting long enough to wage a full scale war against their present, looming external threats
This Cathay has no explanation for not being the conquerors of the world
There's probably a group of people working at CA who's sole job is attached to handling the communication space, so ingame and community wise, etc.. If those people didn't find an issue to raise in the next meeting, their jobs would be at risk. So these fucks will hunt for issues to justify their pay.
omg these heckin good boy hot air balloons totally fit this established setting and has nothing to do with chasing dorrar
>more non-strategy game titles for Warhammer
Such as...?
>hot-air balloon bad
>steampunk helicopter good
Wartrannies are the most inconsistent cucks around
no actually, the 8th edition dwarf stuff is the worst thing about them, but at least it didn't make them noblebright