I never played a souls game before but I decided to give this a try
>go to a cave
>meet a boss
>kils me in a few seconds
>repeat this infinite times until I muscle memory its moves
>kill it
>go to a second cave/building etc.
>same shit happens
Is this the whole game? Repeating everything over and over again? I might get a refund from gaben if so
I never played a souls game before but I decided to give this a try
You're supposed to explore level up your character and stats so you don't dying instantly you retard. That's why it's open world.
The game is meant to be difficult yes, but not that fucking hard.
If the first few tries you fail and get frustrated, go and do something else to level up a little then come back and try to fight the boss again and you'll find it's a lot more reasonable.
This is something 90% of the people playing this game fail to understand. I cringe everytime I see some faggot complain about Malenia killing them dozens of times when it only took me a couple tries to learn her moves and beat her.
Serious question user; are you autistic?
autistic people love doing the same thing over and over again
Sorry it's not for you, bob.
Short answer, yes.
Long answer, the game offers you a variety of busted weapons and spells if you don't want to memorize the Miyazaki's autismo artificial difficultty attack patterns of every boss. Rock Sling, Rotten Breath, Beast Jaw, Rivers of Blood, etc
If you're having to repeat any of the first cave bosses like this, then that's a you problem.
So was it true ER passed the 20m mark?
The ark schizo would flip his shit if it did
>Is this the whole game?
Yes, but you should improve at the game so you won't die as much. I don't know if you've done any of the early main bosses yet, but Margit and Godrick, the first two main bosses, individually killed me more than most of the late game bosses together. That said, the bosses found in caves shouldn't be giving you too much trouble, but you did say it's your first Souls game.
when you get good you stop thinking the fights are all about muscle memory and you start dodging delayed attacks properly the first time you see them.
If you want to know a strong build that makes learning the game easier then i will tell you a good build right now:
>use a light or medium weapon with a medium or large shield
>get the absolute minimum strength/dex/int/ or faith to use the weapon/shield you want. using weapons with lower requirements is better if you are new to the games (the basic longsword is a very strong weapon)
>get like 45-50 or even 60 vigor ASAP
>get 30 endurance
>wear heavy armor with good stats
>dont worry about damage stats until you are like lvl 90+ get your damage boosts from weapon upgrades, talismans, and flasks.
There you go. the game should be significantly easier with this sort of set up.
The game was meant to be played as a level 1 wretch from start to finish. If you can't beat the game that way. You may as well not even bother. Go play a more carebear friendly game.
I can understand this with the other souls where you could get Boss Locked, but in ER you can just skip boss and return when you are over leveled.
This nigga dying to erdtree burial watchdogs?
this is a new level of shitposting
those are in catacombs, not caves. I think he's talking about the beastman of farum azula. That's usually the first boss most people get to outside of tree sentinel.
Pretty sure he's just shitposting. This is my first souls game as well, and none of the cave/catacomb bosses at the beginning took me more than a couple of tries.
>individually killed me more than most of the late game bosses together
This. I felt quite a bit of satisfaction going from getting my shit pushed in by Margit to one shotting Morgott without summons
Elden Shit Ring is the worst souls experience, you fucked yourself. Should have started with Demon's Souls or Dark Souls.
That's what I do. I power up and figure out a strategy. A tip: get faith up to 15 and stack buffs like a mother fuck. Flame, Grant Me Strength and Ash of War: Golden Vow can be obtained quite early to boost phyical and fire damage. If you need a bigger boost, Radegon's Soreseal is also easy to get but it reduces your defenses.
Those games aged like milk. Experiencing DS1's dodging after Elden Ring is torturous.
I only ever played DS1 and I have a retard question: How do you level up in this game?
I already beat Margit, Godrick, Radagon's doggo and Rennala.
I'm currently in Caelid and am at castle in which I apparently now I have to fight general Radhan that is raping my ass so far.
Now, I'm unsure how far is this in the game, but something tells me that I should've been able to level up by now. So how the fuck do you do it in this game?
>If you need a bigger boost, Radegon's Soreseal is also easy to get but it reduces your defenses.
I think early on the HP and Defence the soreseal gives you outweighs the damage reduction loss. The soreseal's in that place with the bats and spirit knights though right? Might need a guide for a new player to know of and get through there.
I'm serious.
Actual brainlet.
Whatever you want to call me.
In DS1 you could do it after beating first boss, yet I'm not seeing any option to level up at all.
>Pick up a game
>The game has controls
>If I don't press the buttons, the enemy kills me.
>Die and restart from the check point.
>If I don't press the buttons, the enemy kills me again.
>This just continues, forever.
Wow, who thinks this is good? What if I don't want to press the buttons, huh? Developers not good enough to think of that, I just have to read their minds and do the inputs they want me to do? Fuck that.
Super Mario Bros. is such a piece of shit.
>Those games aged like milk
zoom zoom
>Experiencing DS1's dodging after Elden Ring is torturous.
shitter, zoom zoom
Considering that the cutscene that gives you the ability to level up is scripted, it's literally impossible to miss.
>Game presents a challenge
>After struggling, the player overcomes the challenge, and is rewarded with tools for overcoming further challenges
Yeah, that's games in general.
>Meet a boss
Went for a coffee with it, faggot?
What cut-scene? The only cut-scenes I saw so far were boss related ones.
I think you have to rest at Agheel Like North to unlock leveling up.
>I think you have to rest at Agheel Like North to unlock leveling up.
That is incorrect. She will always appear at the third Site of Grace you activate, no matter where it is.
>i cant learn from previous experience until i literally beat the information into my head dozens of times
>>>>>its the games fault
really I have the exact opposite problem OP.
>go to cave
>just walk through nothing stops me
>fight boss
>die's very quickly
>get worthless spirt ashes
when was the fun part? why am I playing a souls game looking for content
This implies that you beat 3 major bosses at the level your character started as on your first run. Normal people who couldn't figure out how to level up would have just looked it up online less than 4 hours in. The chances of you being serious are little to none.
Rest at the site of grace at the gate. A woman will show up. Say yes and you will be able to level up.
It's not. It's only scripted for a very specific site of grace at the gate. I myself basically missed her because I didn't rest at that site of grace when I touched it. Which made me go around like an idiot wondering how do you level up only to discover that I needed to rest at the site of grace at gate specifically so Melina appears.
One thing that would be interesting is interacting with npcs and questing, but the game doesnt allow that and to complete any quest you have to religiously follow the wiki and be careful not to do things that lock you out of quests.
Its such bs.
not true at all. there's like 8-10 sites of grace where she will appear. you basically have to never rest at any bonfire in the beginning of the game.
She sure as hell didn't for me. See . It's only after I went back to site of grace at gate and rested there that she finally appeared and I had shitton of sites of graces unlocked all over limgrave and mistwood by then.
>She sure as hell didn't for me.
user, you are literally and objectively retarded. In fact, you're so retarded that it's probably a pretty solid bet that if you reconsidered every thought and action you've ever taken in your life, you might realize that everyone around you is acutely aware of just how much of a complete failure and fuck-up you are. Please, please consider killing yourself. It's really the best option.
they give you the ash of war knife right next to two bonfires (and surrounded by like 5 more that will all proc the cutscene) so that you will sit at one.
only on 4channel.org is this an issue.
It's basically a 100% chance that unless you intentionally fuck off in an intentionally opposite direction, you will meet her either at the church with Kale, or at the big gate next to the ruins filled with soldiers. There's maybe, MAYBE a microscopic off-chance that you don't rest at one of those two Graces, but it's so small that it would have to be intentional.
Will try
I'm level 9. I went with vagabond.
Out of bosses I beat so far, only Godrick and red dog fucked me over way too much. Rennala's 2nd phase was aids as well, but her first one was a joke. If anything, I died more to mage shitters that infested academy than her.
I'm at my 8th try with Radahan and I just can't do it and I honestly refuse to do it until my dumb ass starts leveling up.
no one is impressed or believes you. die tranny.
You dumbass retarded ass can't read niggers! What part of me having sites of graces all over limgrave and mistwood unlocked and that down syndrome looking bitch not showing up until I didn't go at THAT specific site to rest didn't register to you?
It amuses me to know that everyone who has ever met you, hates you.
Stop projecting your life onto me. The fact that your parents never loved you and that you had zero friends growing up is not my issue,
Why didn't you look up how to level up earlier?
Everyone in this thread is laughing at you.
That's the one, and it is better at lower levels where you haven't hit a soft cap yet. Also, no shame in using a guide sometimes. The prep for bosses still fells like a journey.
>so lonely that he thinks he is the only creature on planet
I assumed that like DS1 I had to beat specific boss until it unlocks. At first I thought I had to beat Godrick for it. The first npc I met at least told me that. To go to castle where Godrick is because that is my only hope due to being maidenless.
Plus, the game didn't feel out of my level up until Radahan and Caelid area in general.
>Plus, the game didn't feel out of my level up until Radahan and Caelid area in general
Damn, bro, I wish I was as good at videogames as you are.
She does? On my first play I got fucked over by a trap and teleported in the mine that was located in Caelid. I wasn't aware of fast travel at the time so I was trying to get back to where I was on foot since I was clearly under leveled for everything there.
Long story short: She only appeared once I was back at Limgrave area.
Unrelated to whole Melina thing, but that motherfucking trap took at least 10 years off of my life when I first fell init. Fuck that trap!
>bro it’s worth wasting hours and hours of time memorizing attack patterns for a brief few minutes of satisfaction beating the input-reading infinite stamina HP bloated boss and getting internet bragging rights!
Imagine if all that time was spent learning something actually useful instead
The only boss I gave any sort of respect for was maliketh because parrying him is way too much fun
Rest of the game ranges from alright to awful. 50 hours in and I just want it to be over already, game drags on way too long for what it has to offer
This was my experience with the first few dungeons. I strongly disliked the first 20 hours, nothing felt impactful. I had to reach the castle to start enjoying the game. Limgrave is kinda dull.
>Is this the whole game?
>Repeating everything over and over again?
They literally turned it into a meme marketing slogan now with the "Go next!".
I personally got tired of the "formula" already back in 2010. It's honestly very tiresome and shallow.
>but you should improve at the game
>160 hours in and still get walled by every boss
why did i get the bad kind of autism bros
Actually one thing that isn't good in ds1 is the dodging. In ds2 and ds3 yes, but in ds1 i always use a shield
>She will always appear at the third Site of Grace you activate
That's bullshit, Jack. I don't care about this leveling bait discourse going on, but that part right here is pure bullshit.
It's bullshit because 1: On my first play when I went exploring she appeared on my 7th site of grace. Which was at gate. She never has shown prior. Before you ask: Yes. I rested at all of these.
>1st site of grace: near Varre
>2nd site of grace: that cave that leads to dragon communion
>3rd site of grace: said dragon communion
>4th site of grace: Kale
>5th site of grace: first catacombs
>6th site of grace: yet another cave filled with wolves
>7th and where she appeared: one at gate
It's bullshit because 2: On my second speedrun play in which I simply went for boss rush, my first site of grace that I only touched at that point was precisely the one at the gate. She appeared. Literally one site of grace as such.