So, what do you think so far? imo aside from Orisa it's significantly better but it's just fuckin Overwatch

So, what do you think so far? imo aside from Orisa it's significantly better but it's just fuckin Overwatch

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I hate it

Been ages since I played OW so it honestly felt kinda nostalgic.
Bastion feels pretty powerful but still comfy so I'm set.
5v5 feels a lot better than 6v6 and role queue is great because I have a reason to wind down for 10 minutes between matches.
Also I'm glad they fixed the leaderboard so I can see other people's damage/kills so I can be toxic more effectively, before I could only flex medals but now it'll be a lot easier.

honestly i dont hate it, im still coming around to 5v5 but i will probs get used to it. Supports need more of a buff imo seeing as they got no changes

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i main orisa-rein-winston-ball
Hammond is still as strong as ever, so good.
Winston suffered in 5v5, he's not as survivable as hammond, so he's inferior on that alone
Rein got absolutely shafted, his kit doesn't work properly in a solo tank enviroment and without lucio and with the new role passives he's fucked against dps heroes. On top of him not gaining anything from the tank passive compare to other tanks.
Orisa is a completely different character. She's "fun" but i loved her defensive playstyle, her gun and halth and her ult was one of the most underrated ones in the game. I just don vibe with the new kit. The new voice lines turned her from a cute robot girl into soulless robocop as well. Fuck Blizzard.
Sigma was a lot of fun tho, i may shift into maining him

>DPS are hitting people instead of shields most of the game
>flanking is highly encouraged and effective more than before
>healers are now more like support DPS and carry more responsibility
>Tanks feel more beefy and impactful
>Doomist isn't instant killing everyone and chimping out all over the place

Sucks that Zen feels impossible to play but otherwise pretty happy so far.

ok but why a new game
and i don't mean why ow2 i mean why not just go with the 1-3-2 when they demoed it like 3 years ago and the community shit on it
now they re-release it except as 1-2-2 and suddenly the community is onions facing over it and agreeing the game is better now that people can die and there's less shooting and healing tanks
i spit on your grave overwatch fuck you jeff have some backbone next time

It's literally how the game would've been if they patched it regularly after 2020.
This is not a new game, it's not bad but it will probably die pretty fast

Nobody actually thinks the game is better now.
You are only reading shills replies

So you are telling me that Blizzard are selling their """new games""" in form of patches to previous titles?

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it's funny because even kaplan said that solo tanking was awful in internal playtesting.
The only reason they did it is because they were utterly incapable of nerfing double shield (when everyone knew it was all on sigma, as the comp never existed before him) and wanted to reduce queue times to hide the low active playerbase

>as the comp never existed before him
t. Brainlet

orisa rein utterly crumbled under any competent dive, it lasted for what? a single month?
Rein Winston offer no synergy as well since they don't cover eachother's weaknesses

They're free updates.

You know the game is dead as fuck if even a shilling thread couldn't pull any attentions.

what I don't get is how are people retarded enough to even consider making "arguments" such as when every map is exactly the same. so it's exactly the same game -1 hero on the map at all times. nothing besides the reworking of some characters and the newly added passives feels or plays or looks any fucking different to me personally, because all the maps haven't changed at all, so there's no possible way the playstyle has changed so dramatically just because there's 1 less tank on either side

It's the same game hard pass
They just called it overwatch 2 to hype people because they were getting tons of shit in 2019

feels the same, why did Ieven bothered to come back

You should play the game first before commenting dogshit

its good but but the worth the 2 year wait plus queue times are a problem.

not worth the 2 year wait*

Never played much OW. If I wasn’t told this was the sequel I honestly couldn’t have told.

what about the story mode?

Won't play.
Role Queue is for retards

feels like I'm shooting peas, voice acting is souless, maps are awful, team mates are clueless
don't know why I came back

I had a dream where fought against Saxton Hale. lost.

Anyway OW sucks and OW2 is just an update. Porn is the only saving grace of the game

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you ave to pay for that

I refuse to play it until the pve drops. That's the entire point of this "sequel", that and next gen consoles. The pve gameplay better be extremely fleshed out and distanced from the event mission gameplay and give an actual definitive story to the original's lore if they're expecting anybody to play it. Overwatch and its pvp only took off because everyone got interested in the world and characters of the game and now too many games have this shitty nu-lore that never gets fleshed out.

People liked to play it because there was flexibility, no role queue, no super long waits because there wasn't a role queue, and the ability to change their loadout.
Nobody, and I mean nobody likes playing a FPS and being locked into one kind of character

>there was flexibility
Not really. There was always an expectation of having at least 2 supports. Can't speak for the tank situation pre-season 3 but you effectively had a soft role queue expectation from the community especially when compfagging took off.
> no role queue, no super long waits because there wasn't a role queue
All valid yeah.

I like most of the changes, but playing my boy Zenyatta is suffering. The removal of all CC gives flankers like Sombra, Tracer, and Genji free reign to do whatever the fuck they want and not be punished. Sombra especially is a huge pain in the ass; by the time you've noticed her hack you she's already melted all your HP. She's fucking broken in that regard, just trash at anything else. They need to give Zen some method of escape other than hitting 100% of your shots.

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>Not really. There was always an expectation of having at least 2 supports.
Expectations and reality were two different things though, what you had instead was people joining teamchat with mics and discussing what to swap to, what everybody was willing to compromise on, and try to make shit work at least once a match if you were being countered. Or you could be proactive and make a counterswitch to their comp that could turn the tide.
Now you're stuck with one role, so if the counterpick your team desperately needs is Hitscan, and your retarded Hanzo and Widow refuse to switch off their DPS, you're stuck sitting there in a role that can't make a difference because your DPS can't actually hit the broadside of a barn and you can't swap DPS to make some miracle win happen out of nothing.
You'd win with 3 DPS, 2 tanks, and a Supp sometimes, or 2 Supps, 1 Tank, 3 DPS, or the rare 4 DPS game, 1 tank, 1 supp, and your team actually synergizes vs not.
Compshitters ruined the game by complaining about shit that didn't effect 90% of the community and because Blizzard listened to the 10% we got saddled with rolequeues that forced 90% of the playerbase to quit.

new Oriasa is insanely good you fool. She can solo carry a game.

I think the most retarded change is Bastion. He's pretty much guaranteed to get at least one kill every time he presses shift, and the same goes for his ult. Who thought giving a hero an ult where you're completely safe while being able to one-shot enemies from across the map was a good idea?

My buddy has a fetish for D.VA. that is all.

>My buddy
It's you, isn't it?

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I mained dva she hog before, kinda sad for single tanking honestly. Can't duo queue with my buddy anymore since we both are tank mains. I don't really like dps or support

Same. Me and my sis were amazing Zarya + Rein combo. Now we can't play OW together because they reworked other mains(Symmetra and Torb). Literal no fun zone the game

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based blizzard dabbing on rolecucks

its shit

>Dabbing on rolecucks
>By adding role queue
You do understand that you can't even change to other role when you are in a match. For example if your tank can't play against their tank but you could, you can't swap roles with said player. I won quite many matches when I played OW Ranked by swapping with my tank or healer because enemy had a DPS or tank that they couldn't handle.
Now you are locked to your role completely and can just watch from the side as the healer gets raped because they can't play the role but just wanted to get in a match.

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Playing support is fucking miserable now.

i have, you retard. i play the exact same as i did "the first one", and so did everyone else both on my team and the enemy team. this stupid fucking "it feels fresh!" argument needs to go away as it's nothing but a blatant fucking lie

More like overwatch POO hahahahaha

Yup. No surprise you get a game queuing for support literally instantly whereas you have to wait over 10 minutes for either tank or DPS.

>role queue is great because I have a reason to wind down for 10 minutes between matches.

it's still the same overwatch which i already hated and will never come back to it. OW2 is not bringing it's old userbase back at all. Also healers are still deal breakers in the game, and I will not beg for healing anymore.

>The new voice lines
they made her full african barbarian nigger which is hilarious

Hanzo doesn't have scatter arrow anymore. It's shit.

Orisa was effectively a shield generator. She did more harm to the game than even double shields. Sigma was just the last nail. they made it 1 tank because they are totally lost and as you said are trying to reduce the que times. it didn't fix anything, it's just more pathetic attempts from the dev

>sombra has synergy with zen thanks to damage orb and hacked enemies taking more damage
its a major improvement overall but they need to keep it up. theres no reason ana still has her CC that goes through dooms block and her grenade still stops all healing instead halving it for enemies, orias is way too overtuned and the open queue meta might end up 2 tank 1 dps 2 healer if zarya isnt touched, that is unless the lower ult charge from tanks is low enough to change that.

Not expecting much. Once it finally releases, it will get some traction before everyone forgets it. Blizzard will then end up screwing the game even more to counter any meta. The only chance this game has to make it is if Microsoft throws a lot of it's fuck you money it has so they can experiment with new shit instead of focusing on it's dead Esports.

is 4chanX broken for someone else? it fails to load sometimes and looks like this

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Even OW1 is still popular, it's just not a streamer game so people think it's dead. I doubt OW2 is going to make it into a big streamer game again but getting regular updates again is going to bring a lot of people back.

>twitch views matter

what a stupid metric.

works on my pc

>junkrat and ashe are my favorite characters
>like the fact that the game isn't shield spam but it also MASSIVELY fucked my characters who like when the enemy is immobile with a well defined frontline

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support feel even worse to play not because they got nerfed but because everything else got buffed out the ass.
>less shields so youre more vulnerable to flanks/shots
>all units are brawlers so flanking is more encouraged meaning less peel if you get dove
>dps got 10% movement speed buff so a tracer or genji can dive right in and adad spam you until you die with no way to fight back
>brig, the character specifically for dive and flankers, lost her stun so she's just dead weight while everyone can jump you
What were they thinking with the movement speed buff. If they give support CC then that could be their gimmick and things would be fine then but they just left supports to die with little to no change

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Also add on the cc skills being removed, so dive is more viable than ever.

If you're support you should basically either play moira or mercy, moira so you don't die randomly, and lucio so you can pocket the best 1v1 player on your team and give them even more value. As an example, soldier with mercy pocket is disgusting, and I'm only a lowly diamond soldier main but I'm literally unstoppable now if I ever get a mercy pocket. Had a game where it felt like me and my mercy were literally the only players vs. 5 enemies and we still held our ground.

>Doomist isn't instant killing everyone and chimping out all over the place
dead game

how is everyone playing this when the game isnt out yet and doesnt even have a release date?