Do it faggot.
Do it faggot
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the music is good
Team Fortress 2 is one of my favorite games and I love it
FFXIV has a large job variety
FFXV has pretty graphics and I like post-timeskip Noctis design
The creator of revolution 60 is cute
The Last of Us II: It has some very good visuals.
Mass Effect 3 was better than Andromeda
Is ergonomic with the PS4 controller.
Binary Domain had nice robot designs.
>hating a video game
like just don't play it you dumb loser
league of legends used to be enjoyable back in 2011
Call me a pleb, but I think ME3 is the best in the series if you ignore the ending. Best gameplay and story
3>1>2 >> Andromeda
Death Stranding has some decent music
Dark Souls 2 has some cool lore
Elden Ring has some great visuals
Elden Ring was very easy to refund.
i didnt pay for it
It did that one thing pretty good
The art style is pretty good since the warm tones they use give the whole game a rather cozy feeling, which is appropriate given that Max is visiting her old hometown. This has the added bonus of making the art style way easier to produce, since it can get away with less detailed textures since all they have to do is follow the color palette.
League of Legends has some nice character designs
The beginning of Yakuza 3 to about early mid of Yakuza 3 was good. Once you get to Kamurocho, the game loses the little fun it had to it.
I think Undertale fucking sucks and by derivation it's sequel whatever the fuck it's called also sucks.
But those games have good music, albeit this one is a remix and tbqh the Sonic mania parts are the ones that make it good but yet I can't stop listening to this.
Also, don't even dare to reply to me undertale furfags I fucking despise you and refuse to elaborate why I don't like your shit games.
BFV intro was kind of okay.
Nier automata spawned some nice lewds I guess. Too bad it's dogshit
Final Fantasy II has some neat music.
>I hate this game because it makes me ponder my sexuality ugh, must pray to Christ, pray the gay away!
some environments in the beginner's guide were cool, i guess.
I would go 2 > 1 > 3 >>>>>>> Andromeda
3 is the first game to truly sour me to the gaming industry
I should replay them
most fighting games are shit, but the women are hot
Hoffman is an enjoyable character.
The game is unironically terrible though
I replayed the entire trilogy twice. My first run through ME3 was greatly enjoyable, but in the end it got soured for obvious reasons - I used to hate it too
My subsequent playthroughs, when I knew what I was getting into, made me appreciate ME3 for what it is
Music is pretty good.
Kamek is kek.
xenoblade 2 has morag
I was going to say this. Yordles are great.
Fire Emblem Fates Revelation has still um has the uh you know it uh it fucking
I don't know, it has decent art like the other fucking games? I really can't think of a single redeeming quality for that fucking piece of shit. Not only the worst FE but the worst game I've ever beaten.
Emerald Herald was hot. I want to pee in her butt.
Superliminal's puzzles were good, at least.
Extremely based take
I like Morgana/Ryuji's skillset
you hate a puzzle game but like the puzzles?
The narration that begins halfway through the game and the final sequence were extremely bad and completely unnecessary. I don't want a game to tell me "you have le depression because... YOU JUST HAVE IT OKAY?"
Imagine if Portal 1 ended not with its kino finale, but by giving you the cake and having a masturbatory congratulating sequence. It's terrible.
Dark Souls 3 made the Faraam armor look good
wait, what the fuck? god damn it, i was looking forward to playing it, i didn't know it had some gay narrative.
DmC Devil May Cry added the style meter announcer.
It’s prequel is the greatest game ever made
Elden Ring will probably get devs to stop cluttering the UI.
The graphics are very impressive and one of the flashback scenes set apart from everything else in the main story managed to make me feel something.
The puzzles are good, though. If you don't care about narration, it's enjoyable. I'm just an autist when it comes to these things.
For me ME3 had the highest highs, and the lowest lows.
I love how much it manages to tie together and pay off regarding certain plot arcs and characters (even ones that could have died in past games). I like the party chemistry, I like the overall gameplay, I like how persuasion options are tied into reputation points instead of forcing you to be 100% Paragon or Renegade, etc.
But Cerberus lost any depth to become shitty supervillains, a few side-characters get the shaft compared to others, fetch quests on the Citadel aren't fun, and the ending, to put it lightly, is less than great.
uhh.....assassins creed valhalla.
the design isnt horrible? i like the theme, i like everything about the game, except the shitty gameplay. why did they change it
I appreciate Arcane's existence, even if I don't give two shits about the game it's based on.
The overpriced DLC and prequel magical girl manga was actually better than the main game.
good porn
Mega Man 9 briefly brought Mega Man back to relevance when the series was previously dead and mismanaged as fuck. It also has some nice robot masters, RM weapons, and pretty much good everything besides level design.
chrono cross has a nice logo. fuck that game.
It's well liked by many.
it has tons of porn
I love every Danganronpa game and I hate every Danganronpa game. They have wonderful stories and all of their stories are complete shit, same with their characters, settings, and visuals. Why do I continue loving Kodaka's vomit?
Dead by Daylight, you can tunnel faggots because they always wear pride cosmetics
>Superman 64
I honestly can't think of something nice to say.
Having an actual fork in the plot with two separate areas and their own sets of characters and quests was neat.
I appreciate war thunders attention to detail
Witcher 2?
Charge Blade was a cool addition, the music was great, the maps at least looked nice.