I’m tired but I can’t sleep because my dad is coming round later to “inspect” my house like he owns the fucking place.
Give me a game to play that will keep me awake but isn’t too demanding.
I’m tired but I can’t sleep because my dad is coming round later to “inspect” my house like he owns the fucking place.
Give me a game to play that will keep me awake but isn’t too demanding.
where are you hiding those onaholes son
Lock the doors
hide your nude statues
Probably a larp but im curious, why would he "inspect" your house?
Zoo Tycoon 2
My mom died in September a few days before my birthday. And now he thinks he can step in and control me and my brother because his current marriage is breaking down.
Anyways, game recommendation?
Right? People get way too smug and familiar sometimes
It's a long story but basically he found my bad dragon dildos when I was living at home, so he inspects my house to make sure I don't own anymore.
>like he owns the fucking place
Be honest, does he?
No. My house is socially rented. I live in britfagia.
Because here in serbija our parents, they stay forever! they will not leaf me along. I take bread and wodka to them, I say "look I have need taken care of" and they say "no, you do not have borscht, you do not have winter coat" and I say "get out of my life". I move kosovo and my parent move kosovo too, they tell me "give us room or you are bad son, go to hell!" but i say "no you move kosovo, you find apartment, i did same, you go hell".
>own my own house
>dad comes over to make sure I'm not drinking myself to death
>pulls up to my place and sees 20 new Marijuana plants in my yard
God I love Hawaii. It's a socialist Shithole... but I can legally grow 20 plants and my nearest neighbor is a mile away. Just gotta worry about my psycho control freak dad who somehow thinks I'm still 14.
So he kinda does. Everybody kind of own your house.
hawaiis going to be underwater within 5 years user
I sometimes think about smoking weed because I have severe depression and I could use the distraction since mom died.
high quality post
Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad
how's the tap water?
it's a little salty
micheal please think about your health. I love you and will visit again soon.
Asalama-uhhh I mean aloha!
>I could use the distraction since mom died.
weeds just going to emotionally abuse you too user
Would it help me sleep?
>yes my brothers, the great island caliphate of Ha'Wayyii
just like your mom, it'll let you sleep for a couple hours and then it'll come wake you up, either directly or by vacuuming/making noise. very unpleasant.
It's our secret code for a booty call.
I don't plan on being alive in 5 years
Do it bro. Weird fags on here will make you feel like you're worse than hitler for smoking DUDE. But it's a nice distraction. I like it cause I still can function unlike when I get drunk.
No tap water. I get my water from the rain. I don't pay for city water. I have a big tank that catches it and then a UV system that burns all the 3rd world germs out of it.
It's too expensive though.
Like seriously. Anyone thinking of coming here. Milk is like 6 dollars a gallon and gas is about 7 bucks.
I thought hawaiians would be taliban level haters but then I realized they're less dangerous than white people. They're too drunk and high too be mean
buy another one out of spite and leave it out on purpose
>I don't plan on being alive in 5 years
right, because hawaii will be underwater.
This is the reply i choose to believe in. Thanks OP.
If he owns it, then not much you can do.
If not, lock the doors and go to sleep, fuck what he wants to do.
Civ 4/5/6
>I don't plan on being alive in 5 years
Wonder why your dad treats you like a child.
Game recommendations?
No. Because I live in the middle of nowhere and own lots of guns and blow shit up. Also I live alone. I'm just asking for a bad accident to happen.
Another thing. Getting guns here is a bitch. Everything else is great unless you want to live like a normal American. Then you're fucked in the ass
are you formally planning to blow yourself up or is the 5 year thing just an estimate because if your estimate is off youre going to find yourself shoulder deep in the atlantic ocean my friend.
Ehhhh. Those kinda games would put me to sleep. I appreciate the recommendation though. I’ll look into them at some point.
Yeah. I'm very immature. I rent houses out that my family owns and then make the rest off a ranch they own. He is really worried about me ever since I got in trouble grooming that 9 yr old on snapchat
Kingdom Hearts
Stop taking over my thread. This is about ME. AND VIDEOGAMES.
Pacific ocean. But I understand where you're coming from. Think everything from Europe to Muttland is the Atlantic. And then Japan to Hawaii is Pacific. No other ocean matters (like the Arctic and Indian). FUCK THOSE OCEANS
op how are you liking kosovo?
Hmmm. I guess I could replay them. I never finished 3.
it was worth coming here after all
captcha: XD
>Pacific ocean
i said atlantic actually
Be glad you actually have a dad that cares enough to do that
amen to this, my dad doesn't do anything like that for me, I don't even know what he looks like. If he's tall or has red hair or anything. Bastard.
It’s not caring. It’s control. He just doesn’t like the fact that my house is a little messy when he comes over. He always tells me to open a window. Right now I feel like telling him to fuck off quite frankly.
I live with my parents. I'll probably be here when their health fails, assuming mine holds out. Feeling drearier these days. Heavier, more listless. Harder to sleep. I need to lose weight but I just don't have the motivation to do anything but work, do chores, play vidya and sleep.
>Right now I feel like telling him to fuck off quite frankly.
yeah? what else are you feeling like doing man?
Playing a game that isn’t too taxing but won’t put me to sleep.
Get in a fist fight with your dad. Assert dominance and make him question his mortality.
I would only lose, he is hairier man than me, large hand, face like side of train. You would not want to be in dark room with man like this I am telling you.
deep rock galitic or shovel knight, the game has dlc now
>deep rock galactic
Is that the co op game with dwarves?
yes, it is popular in your demographic