Play Sekiro

>Play Sekiro
>get filtered hard by Owl (first fight)
>think "this game sucks its Simon says"
>Play MGRR
>learn how to parry
>love the game
>Play Elden Ring
>love the open world, lore, art direction but absolutely HATE the combat due to cheap non creative attacks and input reading
>beat Elden Ring
>go back to Sekiro
>have newfound respect for the combat as its way less cheap than Elden Ring
>game is actually fun now and I'm running through bosses in 2-3 times

I think the combination of training my reflexes in MGRR and playing Input Read the game made me better at video games.

Any similar experiences?

Also Sekiro thread

Attached: 1651378133541.jpg (1200x1070, 255.04K)

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they dont read your inputs you are just bad

Souls bosses absolutely do read inputs you dumb nigger, it's a well documented problem, not even OP

I have good reflexes, so I was able to enjoy Sekiro pretty quickly. I like how fights are like dances. Also, I like how skills and prosthetics can be used to make real combos. Very beautiful game.

>Plays one action game and starts to see filth for what it is
There is yet hope for humanity.

I guess it's not that much of a problem in Sekiro because Wolf is extremely agile, faster than any Souls protag, has infinite dashes, and has a 100% block rate with his parries.

That's true. When you play games you get better at playing games.

I used to think the stamina system in Souls games was really good. Then I realized the game literally revolves
>one hit
as a cycle. Its fucking tedious. Its not resource management its just the same shitty pattern for 5 fucking games. At least Demon's Souls was good.

corrupted monk is my favorite boss. it just feels good

GOTY edition is $29.99 on Amazon right now. I was JUST eyeballing the page wondering if now was the time

they absolutely fucking do
if you try to heal against Owl he'll instantly do his jump attack, Genichiro will fire an arrow and Isshin will dash towards you with his sword (phase 1) and will jump attack you with his spear (2nd phase) etc etc...
not that it really matters that much since you still have time to heal and deflect all of those

to be fair funny cathedral knight is weak as shit but reads chugging 1:1

does sekiro have any online functionality like the souls games?
thinking about giving it a pirate

The game is also designed around wolf's basic moveset so it's more refined. It also feels like the game encourages you to play aggressively (hence Isshin saying hesitation is defeat)

In Elden Ring it feels like some bosses are best fought circle strafing, running in for a jump slash, escaping which is boring

Now is time.

Literally all action game bosses do, sorry, this """""problem"""""" didn't start existing right when you happened to start paying attention. Good games can make good use of it. Most FROM games aren't good.

Brought it on sale and been enjoying it so far, just beat Corrupted Monk and up to Guardian Ape and aside from the latter, the bosses haven't given me too much trouble but mini bosses like Headless, Shichimen Warrior and the drunk guy have kicked my shit in

people talk about genichiro being the big filter but owl nearly filtered me as hard

that skyscraper katana of his doing your entire health bar in one hit is something else

>ha ha ha!
>leaves fly up
>mikiri stomp noise


This. I noticed in the Genichiro fight i had exactly enough time to chug and dodge

What the fuck is input reading? How is this even fucking real? Of course they read your inputs, their AI has to know what your character is doing to come up with a response. Are they supposed to be completely blind to the player's actions and attack a probability cloud??

Punishing a heal isn't input reading

>Play Sekiro
>fail hard
>start training regiment in real life and becoming a true warrior
>go back to game
>defeat every boss in 1 try without breaking a sweat
it was that easy

Elden Ring has bosses act INSTANTLY when the player pushes a button, to the point where they will do nothing if the player does nothing. They aren't changing behavior based on player state, they are literally directly programmed to only attack when the player does something.


Attached: FKeLsKBXoAUj1W7.jpg (1920x1080, 103.46K)

Why not?

isn't it exactly that?

heal = heal-punishing attack

Sekiro was one of the main things that introduced input reading, no? Anyway it's a sick game, glad you came around.
People don't seem to like when bosses respond too quickly to player action. In fairness, it can be overturned (see: fighting game CPU), but FromSoft is generally pretty good about it. In Elden Ring there are instances when the enemy will only initiate action once the player does. Of course this means you can manipulate the AI.

>Sekiro was one of the main things that introduced input reading, no?
No. its been around since arcades. Fighting games probably are the most notorious for it. God I hate you zoomers so fucking much.

He obviously meant introduced it into FROM games you fucking autist

Yeah, just waiting for openings and rolling only to do 1-2 attacks in the window the boss stops attacking is annoying, and I wish Soulsfags were more open to how this shit might be boring. In Sekiro, defensive play isn't about waiting for the boss to stop attacking. Defensive play can be used as a means to create more openings as you want to be as aggressive as possible in order to break the enemies posture. Think of it as a sort of defensive aggression as attacking, parrying, jumping, and mikiri counters all affect the enemy's posture guage. Instead of waiting for the enemy to stop attacking, you're constantly going back and forth with them.
It's not about difficulty. Sekiro can be tough, but it's just more fun than Elden Ring.

I honestly don't see how that's a problem. Yea Forums will find anything to pointlessly bitch about. It makes perfect goddamn sense for a trained warrior (or otherwise very threatening enemy) to wait for their opponent to make a move. That's how most IRL fights go down anyway.

it's like saying that a pvper reacting to you healing is input reading. The AI isn't literally reacting to you pressing the button itself, that's a fucking stupid way of writing an AI.

Play it and see how it works for yourself. Some enemies are classed as "agile" and will literally, and I mean literally, dodge every single attack you do if they feel like it. Its entirely random if they let you damage them or not.

Only things I really hate about MGR are rocket launcher enemies and that parry minigame with the sword enemy

But it is though. Its not reading state, its literally reacting to the button press. The most infamous example is a dude shooting spells into a wall and enemies/bosses reacting to it.

I mean, your first assessment wasnt wrong, it is Simon Says, just a fast version of it, once you trained your eye-hand reflexes with MGR you just got good at it

Your own experience shows that, you beat bosses in 2 to 3 tries as there is next to nothing to learn, just to press the very generous 30frames instantaneous Simon Says button.

The big difference is, like pointed out. The bosses in Elden Ring react instantly to your attacks. Have you seen the webm where the Lions jump literally every time a spell is cast at a wall?

Sekiro reads your input a bit but the major difference is the game was balanced. In Sekiro it feels like I am playing around the bosses moveset. In Elden Ring it feels like the opposite. Also in Elden Ring whiff punishes are rare as bosses can cancel their animations and punish YOU for trying to take advantage of them whiffing an entire 7 hit fucking string.

Elden Ring is a great game but the boss ai and design is just dreadful

Flys are always left up

>Have you seen the webm where the Lions jump literally every time a spell is cast at a wall?
last part of this webm for anyone curious

Attached: 1648082189520.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

you do realize that 99% of the people praising sekiro here are disillusionned ds3/bloodborne "soulsfags" that were absolutely disappointed with elden ring
complain about the company only doing a shitty half implementation of the posture system and jump dodges while keeping the rest of roll souls dogshit

So you were a retarded contrarian and now you became a retarded npc normalfag?



Just the phantoms which can be helpful if you get lost, which is rare

Suck my fat cock, faggot.

People felate souls as having deep combat but to me it's just what zelda should have become naturally over time instead of someone else eating their lunch. If zelda botw 2 came out and said "I'm a souls clone, a vaguely okay one" everyone would blast rope and/or cope about it and no one can convince me otherwise.

Elden Ring invented open world according to zoomers so people are gonna think that anyway

fromsoftware bosses are either ass or amazing with little in-between

The more interesting and creative the fight, the easier it is.

Most of the time you have a good grasp on the game when fighting shinobi owl though, and by the point you fight father owl you aren't dropping it any time soon. Good fucking fight

Sekiro didn't introduce it, I don't remember if Demon Souls had it but Dark Souls 1 already has input reading and it's extremely easy to test by just trying to cast a spell or drink estus within vicinity of an aggro'd enemy which prompts instant attack as long as they're not in middle of an animation already.

Jesus christ was it always this bad or did they really just phone it in HARD this time around


Name 1(ONE) open world game before Elden Ring came out.

Isnt fortnite technically open world

>was it always this bad
Yes, dodge actions themselves used to be far less common however

How did this get past beta. This looks really easy to cheese

I see that conversation in the thread now involves input read and will most likely involve delayed attacks that take place in Elden Ring in the future
One of the "deflects" heh for this criticism is for people to refer to Owl Father's delayed sword slam
It is a very slow slam which if you try to dodge too early, he'll change stances and dodge catch you

Thing is though, only the slam has hyper-armour. If you manage to hit Father before he tries to hit you for the early dodge catch, you interrupt him
The dodge catch is also deflectable

Attached: interrupt.webm (1360x768, 2.87M)

A delayed overhead used to be a trump card in a boss's toolkit, now its an entire genre.

The issue is that in Sekiro you have a very limited moveset and there's usually only one way to deal with any given enemy so there's very little room to improv.

Not sure why everyone is praising the combat. You even get a large red prompt if they're going to do certain moves you need to not just parry-mash through.

I'd rather have the game give me a hundred different tools and weapons to beat an enemy that allows me freedom to experiment, even if it invites jank into the mix, than to have to go through the game in a rigidly set way.

Do you seriously think Fromsoft playtests their games?

>dodge a vertical attack laterally and it feints to a horizontal one
>vs. a vertical attack that just tracks 360 deg for some reason