redpill me on this franchise
which ones are the must-plays?
redpill me on this franchise
which ones are the must-plays?
Other urls found in this thread:
online 2 plus
card (for the story and nothing more)
generations if you need more.
don't bother with the rest cept psp2i and then zero if you ended up liking those series.
4 is a legendary game
Phantasy Star 1 is... whatever. Take my opinion with some salt because most people enjoy it more than I do. The bright Sega Master System colors are very pretty and it's admirably ambitious for a game of 1987, but I honestly don't enjoy it much. The smooth dungeon scrolling is amazing for the time though.
I love Phantasy Star II. Abhorrent dungeon design, but it has my favorite soundtrack in the series and it's just a fun traditional JRPG. Out of all the Phantasy Stars, this one feels the most like a 16-bit sci-fi version of an 8-bit Dragon Quest game.
Phantasy Star 3 is one of the easiest RPGs ever made, to the point of being pointless, and the game feels about as unpolished as an alpha build of a game. The generations system is cool and you might get some enjoyment out of it, but its bad reputation exists for a reason.
Phantasy Star IV is a masterpiece and everyone sucks its dick for good reason.
Phantasy Star Gaiden is a very fun, cute little diversion and I think it's better than either 1 or 3.
The only one I played was Phantasy Star 2 and it does some really interesting things with it's story considering the game's age. I agree with the other user that said the dungeons are ass. If you play it, make sure you have a map of the dungeon you're in at all times so you don't get lost.
Play the generations ps2 versions of 1 & 2, then play 4. The story is linear so even though 1 is kind of barebones you'll enjoy the others more afterward.
Is the story continuous or can i just play 4?
you can just play 4. there are some over-arching elements with it being a franchise and all, but the "timeline" is like thousands of years or something. you're not missing anything crucial.
I think 3 had the best story and characters next to 4. I agree the game itself wasn't great though.
and the best music
You can just play 4. Presentation on it with the almost comic book panel cut-ins for cutscenes is fantastic, they put a lot of effort and characterization into it, especially for that era.
yeah that is also accurate.
>Play the generations ps2 versions of 1 & 2
Oh sweet, I didn't know there was a remake of 1
I'll try that one since an 8-bit JRPG is a bit too daunting for me
2 and 4.
1 was revolutionary for its time but has aged poorly.
2 suffers from an excessive random encounter rate but is good if you can push through it.
3 is tedious.
4 takes all of the best aspects of the series and refines them making for one of the best jrpgs of the generation. It's a shame it was never followed up by Sega.
Still partial to 4's.
the story is continuos but each game takes place thousands of years after the last one. 3 is kind of a side deal out of order with the other 3. Its not like final fantasy where every game has nothing to do with the previous one though. Its worth playing all 4 in order.
There's also a Sega Ages port of Phantasy Star 1 to Switch, and the AGES mode makes things much easier I hear. Even then on the original mode it doesn't feel that tough, a bit grindy on Palma at first though. And the encounter rate can be a bit high at times.
Literally the only enjoyable thing about Phantasy Star III is the secret Escapipe ending at the start of the game.
I love how weird of a setup Phantasy Star 2 is. Just wish the dungeons weren't so awful.
these are 30 years old. none of them are must-plays. just read a wiki.
how bad are the localizations / translations?
god you are such a faggot
Phantasy Star 2 is basically when Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism goes wrong
4, thats it
PS1 is pretty short. The PS2 version is good. Just beware: the fucking flagging for events is retarded. Make sure you talk to people multiple times and use the built in 'what am I supposed to do?' guide button multiple times. The game CAN'T progress unless you go through those random hoops. Even if it seems obvious where you are supposed to go, the event-scene won't actually trigger w/o aforementioned hoops.
>Jews get exiled from earth for ruining everything
>They find a trio of alien worlds
>IMMEDIATELY decide to ruin everything there, even destroying the most habitable planet
wtf was their problem?
IV is the best and easiest to get into, but they're all fun. I is one of my favorite 8-bit RPGs, I prefer it over 2 slightly. 3 is the worst but has some interesting ideas and I still like it.
I mean, SURE, they could've just settled on the planets, easily becoming the dominant species and enjoy a really one-sided "coexistence," but jews gotta jew.
Don't turn a Phantasy Star thread of all things into a /pol/ thread, faggots
After that, just go play Star Ocean II.
That's one old-looking 35 year old
Honestly there are no good mainline Phantasy Star games.
The two ‘best’ games in the series (2 and 4) are still inferior to the worst SNES jrpgs.
I’ve heard PSO was excellent tho.
Give it to me straight, bros; did Rolf survive his encounter with the earth men?
Rudo had a hard life
>Rudo was originally a member of the Algo army who eventually married with a daughter during his services. When the Biomonster outbreak occurred on Mota, both his wife and child perished in an attack. Rudo swore to avenge them; thus, he retired from military duty, becoming a hunter in dedication to their murder, as well as a mercenary.
Do you have any recommended map making tools or programs to use for the first couple games?
a fucking math notebook.
for the second game. they were included with the game.
I'd like to think so. At the very least it seems the Earthmen lost
why is arnold schwarzenegger in the cover of PS2
Deanna Troi is right there with him
I don't know why I played this.
Oh the layouts are just readily available like that? But that's so boring I had a swell old time charting my own progress through the labyrinths in the first game.
2nds dungeons are more convoluted and the random battles are often and difficult
no and that's what makes the ending so much better. legit probably my all time favorite ending to a JRPG.
Play Phantasy star 2 text adventures, all of them, then play phantasy star 2 so you can appreciate the characters better. The text adventures have english patches.
When people say 2 has bad dungeons does that mean the designs are flawed, or are they just actually challenging dungeons that make people mad because they suck at video games?
Somebody else who played Story of Mio, that's rare. It's a fun little adventure game.
The latter.
The latter, but Ikuto is just evil
You do realize that even the PS2 design team thought the dungeons were shit, right? They were designed by a newbie to game design and they didn't want to hurt his feelings.They're convoluted, same-y, and the overlays get in the way. I wouldn't mind them as much with a lower random encounter rate or if there were more landmarks and varied design.
>You do realize that even the PS2 design team thought the dungeons were shit, right?
>Just trust me bro
what the fuck am i even looking at
Pits, lots of pits
You basically just have to guess the right pits to fall into until you get the Nei weapons.
game should be played without guides. what's the fucking point.
It's something I heard in a video 3-4 years ago. It was part of a long YouTube retrospective video about PSII, I think? Sorry. I remember the fact but it's too long ago to recall the source.
That's okay, I'll try looking it up later. Sounds interesting if you're remember right.
>They were designed by a newbie to game design and they didn't want to hurt his feelings