What is a bad game you unironically enjoy?
What is a bad game you unironically enjoy?
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Dark Souls 3.
dragon age 2
Fable 3
I liked the original Destiny even when it was "bad"
death to niggers
league of legends
Murdered: Soul Suspect
I got it for like tree fiddy on sale
Elden Ring
kane and lynch 2
nothing really comes close to the gameplay and feel
its probably the only "bad" game that i can think of thats actually interesting to play
I played world of warcraft for 10+ years
Do MMOs count?
If so, Lord of the Rings Online. Shit's got so much damn soul, go fuck around in The Shire for an hour and dare say otherwise!
Counter strike global offensive.
Despite being THE shitty korean game that has outlasted all other KMMOS and half p2w, it has one of the best 2d anime aesthetics that no other game can compete with. It also turns some classic rpg classes on its head and gives unique takes on others like:
>priest is a swole muthafucka and can go from machinegun monks to a self carrying crusader
>gunners have the ranger class be stylish revolver wielding acrobats with infinte ammo not to mention a fun take of summoners by using robotic legions instead of magical summons
>the female fighter has a subclass based on lucha libre/wrestling having suplexes and steiners and even built in tag ins that was recently new
Just to name a few of the likes and loves I have for this game.
Fallout 3, NV, Minecraft and Metal Gear Solid 4.
Eden Eternal, the only chink mmo I would go back to
skyrim AE (sick of pirating it and its not on sale)
Assault Horizon gets way too much hate
the only inexcusably bad levels are the gunship one and the second part of the final one
I installed it the other day but holy shit I just can't handle the controls. It's like it's made deliberately to feel awful. Who the fuck thought these controls were acceptable? And I know i can change my hotkeys but WHY THE FUCK is the default attack key something I didn't even know existed in the top left corner of the keyboard. What the actual fuck.
Quest 64
heroes of the storm with the boys
This is a game made when you were four years old, user. You need to adapt, give it at least a week.
7 days to die
Fire Emblem Awakening
runescape but that might just be the years of brain rot talking
>something I didn't even know existed in the top left corner of the keyboard.
middle earth is not for room temp IQ infants
Shenmue. I still play it every year for the christmas vibes. I'd never recommend it to anyone though, it's a fucking slog.
ghost recon wildlands. kind of shitty but the combat had its moments
id still be playing hots if they didnt decide to bury it alive
I agree, OP.
I just enjoy that for the most part it takes place entirely in a small city.
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed.
it literally came out same time as Halo 3, there's no excuse
The irony is I'm the board Tolkien expert, I almost certainly have more knowledge of the universe than anyone else here right now.
digimon world 2
Never played an mmo from back in the day, huh?
I literally didn't yea. I dumped so many hours into WC3 custom games that I deliberately didn't buy WoW to avoid getting addicted. Never played an MMO aside from trying LOTR online just last week.
I used to go to sleep listening to a reading of the silmarillion and have sat down and read it all the way through about 3-4 times
The only published work I havent read yet is the one that came out last year nature of middle earth
I was also roommates with a guy who could recite half the poems in LotR by memory and had like $10k worth of replica weapons on the walls
X7. Its bad and there is so many baffling decisions but I found myself having some fun with it anyway.
godzilla on ps4
>I used to go to sleep listening to a reading of the silmarillion
square up bitch I can out lore you any day
Metal Gear Rising.
The combat is trash but the presentation and music is pure cringe kino
wait do you mean Survive? Rising is the one people actually love, Survive is the dogshit one.
NieR Replicant
Don't even lie, the actual game part of the game fucking sucks. Its incessant fetch quests, annoying traversal, and dogshit combat can't just be excused by "uhh it's like a meta joke on JRPGs dude huhuhuh". It's a shitty game, but it's worth playing because of the characters, who are the best and deepest characters of any Japanese game I've ever played, and the music/atmosphere. Not even the actual plot since that shit has fucking major holes and is generally contrived as fuck for the sake of making a video game happen. Again, I love love fucking loved it, but I would never replay it.
your mom.
No mans sky.
It’s grind manifest and still buggy as fuck, and half of the new content added since release is only a quarter developed.
But there’s something about the soothing music and simplicity of it that I find relaxing
based taste, user.
Two worlds
Smash Bros Brawl
it's garbage but I was still drawn in to unlock as much stuff as I could
Same. Game had some kino moments.
left alive
kinda hits ngl
Combat Arms
The game has been dead for over a decade now and has always been extremely pay to win, but I've always loved its gunplay.
I rank F.3.A.R. second only to the original, above all expansions.
>asymmetric coop is the bomb
>melee is the best its've been
>challenge system rewards playing with skill and variety without getting too specific and arbitrary
the closest thing to a "bad game" as Yea Forumstards would call it that i enjoy often is battlefield 5 (it's not actually a bad game)
an actual bad game i like is this