the absolute state of gaming journalist today
The absolute state of gaming journalist today
This guy was in an open relationship with a woman. There is NO WAY he was secretly gay and a tranny that whole time
LEFT : Incel,. Zero matches on Tinder, would be a virgin ronery loser for his entire life
RIGHT : Lusted after. Has non-stop attention from men and will never be lonely.
This is how easy it is for females, even if they are trannies in the world today in 2022.
>twitter tranny screencap thread
You should be perma banned
I think it was mostly a joke that turned into a fetish. I still feel like he's in too deep in some elaborate ironic joke at the expenses of himself, similar to Niko Avocado.
I'll give him some credit. His disguise does make him unrecognizable as Jim Sterling. Now he just looks like your average disgusting troon.
I don't keep up with Sterling, so I thought Yea Forums was shitposting when they said he'd trooned out months ago.
whats the deal with guys who have thin lips? they're always sexual weirdos.
>lusted after
only by retarded faggots
There are a lot of faggots who are so deep in the closet they go so far as to marry women because they can't accept that they're faggots.
or you can hire an escort like the rest of us
>trannies !
the sooner you realize transwomen are better than ciswomen in literally every way, the happier you will be
imagine thinking ciswomen, the most spoiled piece of shit humans on earth, are worth your time. fucking retards
Nah even transwomen realize theyre disgusting freaks of nature. Why do you think 40% of them kill themselves.
Why does Jim Sterling remind me of Grandma Ethyl from Dinosaurs?
Also, where's the video games?
>twitter screencap thread of a tranny e-celeb
This is the worst thread in weeks.
Yeah, we get it you should have been a hooker in San Fran because you're a better looky-looky than most bio-holes.
The 40% figure is % of trans people (or trans women, I don’t remember) that have self reported that they have attempted suicide, not actually successfully killed themselves.
Cope. I will post Twitter screen caps here and whatever other board I want
>You've been here and pay attention to the board enough for weeks
How much is that?
Granted I don't see every thread, I do check infrequently. I'm deciding what to play next right now... not sure and indecisive.
I'm playing final fantasy 15. It's all right so far if I were you at play Persona 5 Royal
Cope tranny. I know a lot of you want some dick from a user on here but we’re straight and detest your ilk
Those fags are heroes. The ones who Troon out are embarrassing.
30 bucks at tj hong kong
Holy shit I see it too. Ethyl is easier to look at somehow
Did his hambeast leave him?
guy on the left could be a slayer if he got a different haircut and frames that fit his head shape
best in the biz unironically
I'm as far left as you can be and would never support this insanity. I'm not suggesting killing yourself, just get some help.
Hello ohnoosho!
>Will never be lonely
He will when he gets old like all tranies. Will an hero.
who are you kidding lol. i think that's a kid anyway.
but transwomen are fake. not real women. I'd rather go without affection than be with a transwoman, and I say this as someone who doesn't actually *hate* them because they are still human beings / living creatures.
In any case you're trolling but I wanted to respond genuinely.
>Far left
>Doesn't support trans rights
You're just another cryptofascist
you are a sabbatean frankist and God wants you dead
Troons are freaks.
kill yourself
>you can't support socialist policies unless you also support my ultra-relativist pseudo religion
Today I will remind them.
Transgender cultists and kosher boshers gaslight vulnerable people into thinking that hormones and surgery are the only way for them to be happy, that they were born in the "wrong body" and that the way to start living as their "true selves" is through experimental surgery. The gender identity lie makes it easy for them to convince anyone with even a single atypical interest that they were really "meant to be" the opposite sex. The guaranteed state mandated acceptance and constant positive reinforcement from the media and their fellow grooming victims helps sell the con, too. But in reality there's no genuine appeal. HRT is ugly serum that makes you fat and ruins your skin, it doesn't "feminize". The "bottom surgery" is simply genital mutilation. It can't give you a real vagina. They absolutely do not need surgery or hormones to start loving the way they were born. Boys don't need to cease being male to feel pretty. Girls don't need to cease being female to feel athletic. The gender identity construct is inherently limiting. It tells people they need to change themselves to express any feelings they have that don't fall in line with the socially accepted parodies that our media considers "masculine" and "feminine". It's sad that people get tricked into hating and destroying themselves like this just to appease sexist stereotypes, even moreso that a lot of them are kids. If we had positive femboy and tomboy rolemodels rather than these transgender groomers telling everyone that self esteem is achieved through hormones and surgery, I think you'd see a lot more happy people who accept that they don't fit into gender stereotypes and a lot less miserable mutilation victims who insist on being called something they're not. The world becomes a better place when we celebrate tough girls and sensitive boys who break the mold while invalidating this meaningless and dangerous fad.
whats wrong with me? literally every "female" i look at i always suspect it to be a tranny.
>transwomen are better than ciswomen in literally every way
they're literally just as annoying as each others but in different ways
Literally sounds like the problem is that men are deprived of positive attention from other men.
Trannyshit isn't a real sexuality. It's just a cult based around a passing fad.
Jim was always a massive unsufferable cunt even before transitioning
There's no such thing as "transgender". You are whatever you were born as. It can't change. You've adopted a harmful and cancerous ideology that flies in the face of all reason and human decency. Boys don't have to stop being boys to feel pretty. Girls don't have to stop being girls to enjoy sports. The ideas you're supporting are bigoted and sexist. You're not a good person. Your fad doesn't make you unique or interesting. It just makes you a fool who can't think for himself and isn't brave enough to defy stereotypes. Stop enabling death cults that prey on the vulnerable and sensitive. Stop reinforcing sexist stereotypes. Stop marginalizing and erasing tomboys and femboys. Stop attacking LGB people for refusing to have sex with you.
I fucking miss him, cant imagine the pain of a father or mother losing his son or daughter to this sickness
I can't be mad at this because I don't read video game articles and I just use my own judgement on stuff.
Shit's easy.
Yup. And trannies reinforce that problem by pretending to be women and insisting that their beauty is female beauty that only exists in spite of them being male. They could have chosen to take territory for their fellow men by insisting that their beauty is male beauty and because of their manhood, rather than in spite of it. But instead they threw everyone under the bus for their own selfish laziness and unwillingness to fight society's bigotry. Never let anyone trick you into thinking trannies or their supporters are good people. They're scum.
Getting cucked shatter a man's ego so hard there's no way to recover past a cope of saying "I-I never mind sharing to begin with/ I actually was a woman myself/ I was a faggot all along". 99% of trannies are incels, cucks, or faggots who don't want to deal with the social stigma of being gay. The latter ones are the OG trannies, and tend to be the ones who usually pass, the other 2 groups are the modern ones you see on twitter, and discord groups.
Stuff like this makes me so depressed. Failed males so hopeless and neglected they will mutilate themselves for a shallow fraction of the comfort women receive. Like a pan-handler in a third world country lopping off an arm or leg to get more sympathy from tourists. And, whether or not you believe the average robot could pass and be satisfied from sex with other men, let's not forget gender dysphoria is a real thing; we generally see it as somebody believing the body they're born in is incorrect, but for the body you gave yourself to not even be something you particularly wanted? 41% for sure.
I mean, what's worse; being born with gender dysphoria and knowing you'll never have the body you want, or giving it to yourself by trying to exchange the body you were meant to have?
He did, look at the right.
Gender dysphoria is not a real thing. It's completely and utterly made up and was disproven a long time ago.
nah, he ruined himself with hormones. hrt causes obesity and premature aging. he stopped making content because he got fat as fuck and developed serious wrinkles at like 20 years old.
How do you disprove a subjective feeling, user?
That ill fitting wig. Put some fucking effort in.
> Be a landwhale
> I don't feel comfortable in my body
Well yeah, humans aren't supposed to have their own gravitational pull.
It's a literal sign of homosexuality.
The only reason you're even pretending to be a woman in the first place is because you realize how oveprivileged they are. The answer to make women accountable, and deal with the modern gynocracy we live in, not some faggot cope about "joining the winning team". Women can't do shit without their hordes of simps.
Based truthteller
Because social gender has been disproven. The experiment that initially attempted to prove the idea of social gender resulted in a double suicide. You can't have dysphoria for something that doesn't exist. And even if gender did exist, their claim is that gender is a societal standard. You CANNOT have dysphoria for a social norm. That makes zero fucking sense. It's like saying I have nerd dysphoria because I play sports but also like video games. It's a stupid concept that debunks itself. Women don't have to have long hair or wear makeup because that's not what makes them women. And men who do those things don't become women or stop being men.
People like Jim Sterling get this way because they're watching porn 6-12 hours a day. I've experienced it first-hand when I was unemployed. Watching women get fucked long enough will make you begin to associate with the women getting fucked instead of the man doing the fucking. After that, trannies and men isn't so far of a stretch. Luckily I could spot it immediately and got the fuck back to a healthy state of being.
Trannies are 100% created by porn, that's why so many seemingly normal people (not necessarily Jim) are just becoming trannies overnight. 100% chance they are watching porn half or most of their waking hours.
Stuff like this makes me so aroused. Failed males so hopeless and neglected they will submit and start taking dick and embrace the comfort women receive. Like a mind broken fuck doll wearing slutty clothes or lingerie to get more cum from chads.
Man, this actually makes sense, get masculinity destroyed. Have neurons fried, body destroyed, no way out.
It's literally a coping mechanism lol
Trans people are like 1.4% of the population. Depending on where you are the chances of you actually meeting one is extremely low so stop being a fucking schizophrenic about it and just view a chick as a chick until you're proven wrong
It exists, and is more properly called Gender Identity Disorder. It is a mental illness that requires therapy and medication to correct. Feeding the delusion by contrast is the absolute worst way to fix it
Dumb theory
Literally the modern eunuchs, there's NOTHING new under the sun, and this will forever be true.
you have a low iq
I want to cum on Taftaj's face then spit on him and call him a pathetic tranny.
I'll say that at the very least he puts some effort of his costume.
I work customer service and constantly refer to people as i see fit. If you are male, i will say sir and if you are female i will say mam. Im afraid ill get in trouble tho what do i do
i am above average
> i think i was hit on omg
heard of beer goggles, jim?
>t. porn addict
Sure nigger, I know your secret.
No, it doesn't. Trannies don't exist in nature and not a single instance of trannyshit existed before 1920. It was invented and forced upon children through grooming and gaslighting. It doesn't actually exist, without the influence of abusers there would not be a single tranny on the entire planet.
Keep doing so or if you're afraid of doing it then just take those two words out of your vocabulary when you greet people again the chances of you running into a trans person is low. I also used to work in retail you don't really have to say have a good day sir or ma'am just say have a good day
Since when did Yea Forums get so transphobic? Is this a /pol/psyop?
i knew he looked familiar!