Are DoA and Ninja Gaiden threads still riddled with Venus Vacation coomers?
Are DoA and Ninja Gaiden threads still riddled with Venus Vacation coomers?
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The two people who make daily DOA threads pretty much only care about the new shitty games and posting screenshots. So yeah.
>talks shit about VV fans
>posts image with a VV character in it
what did user mean by this?
Waiting for the schizo, any seconds now
both are literally from ninja gaiden
He made the thread
VV is the only thing keeping DoA relevant
Momiji’s from Venus Vacation moron
>Momiji debuted in the 2008 title, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
Maybe. I avoid posting VV shit in fighting game threads, but I get the impression the schizo is eternally buttblasted that 6 flopped.
she WILL grow up one day
VV is literally a DoA game
NG died before DoA thanks to nu-Team Ninja having NO idea what made NG great
You might have some hope for Ninja Gaiden but DoA is a soft porn franchise first and foremost now, this is the bed the devs made and now we all have to lie in it
>this is the bed the devs made
then they tried to get rid of it and DOA died
meanwhile Tekken and SF embraced it and they continue to be the most popular games in the FGC
I love the original trilogy along with black and 2 but tamaki is the best nu-doa design. i also need a sauce for this if anyone wants to spoonfeed.
KoF has a gacha as well as the fighting game.
Fuck forgot image
>face is super detailed
>body is cheap as fuck
What a lewd cabbage head
What are the best skills to have in VV?
STM reduction skills go a long way and are useful pretty much on anything
>start playing VV
>get Momiji & Kasumi SSR
>reach rank B for SSR ticket
>roll dupe for Momiji
Yeah, I'm a little mad
Blew my load upping +POW % skills. Gonna remember this for next time.
You'll get plenty of those venus tickets eventually.
Also you could alternatively save them and trade 2 regular SSR tickets for a single weekly SSR ticket which has an expanded roster of girls to unlock.
What should I do with the dupe in the mean time?
Also what's the best way to spend my free stones? Roll the Trendy Outfit gacha?
>What should I do with the dupe in the mean time?
If you get 5 identical suits you can combine them to unlock the malfunction for that SSR. Skill awakening a swimsuit to 5 also unlocks the P skill of that suit for use in your accessory slots.
Those starter SSR are pretty bad compared to the newer stuff though so you wont be holding onto them forever and instead will be trading them in for VIP coins.
1 SSR = 10 VIP coins. 1 universal SSR awakening stone = 50 VIP coins.
And unlike with SR suits the game will acknowledge the level of the SSR you trade in and give you the appropriate amount of VIP coins. Meaning that there's no problem in waiting until you get 5 dupes to unlock the malfunction and then trading in the costume for 50 coins.
>Also what's the best way to spend my free stones? Roll the Trendy Outfit gacha?
Never spend them on the basic venus banner. You get enough free pulls of that one already.
Wait for a weekly trendy you like or toss them at the big nostalgia banners that show up.
Perhaps wait until you see a 3.3% rate on a banner before going all in. The standard rate is 1.1% and 2 girl banners tend to be trap banners that have weekly SSR diluting the 1.1% pool.
Make sure to check the more banner info bubble to see the pool of suits you can get.
Sometimes 2 girl banners will only offer those 2, but those aren't the norm and will likely tell you up front on the key art. Same goes for a 3.3%.
Dont be fooled by the term step up either. Those are 1.1% and then become 3.3% for a single 10 pull once you put enough stones in.
How much better is DoA5 compared to 6? I see that it's finally on sale on Humble Bundle for once.
Fighting game is still the focus
beach volleyball is the core of the Dead or Alive franchise
It has more quality and quantity content, but chances are you wont be playing that online much. It's more of a single player game at this point especially considering that lobbies aren't a thing on PC.
Of course I suggest give it a pirate first.
Thanks, lots of good info.
Like it or not, VV is the future of the DOA franchise. It's never going back to being a fighting game series
Good, the series was always about the girls flashing her panties anyway
retarded coomers actually think she didn't come from a nintendo ds game.
They are like this for years.
You have this one Avatar-fagging schizo. He can be usually identified by a nice (contrarian) wall of text with either Ayane or Rachel image attached to it.
Then you have brainless VV coomers who only discuss which costume they want to roll for their princess and how much money they have already spent at this point.
And finally you have shitposters and falseflaggers who like to bait with OG vs Ligma posts.
Personally, I don't think there is really anything to discuss with this series anymore. I'm waiting for Wanted: Dead, maybe it will be good enough.
>the series was always about the girls flashing her panties anyway
The first four DOA games were legitimately more about gameplay than fanservice. It was just with DOA5 and on they started to focus more on fanservice, because it fit their money making model. The problem isn't the fanservice. It's the quazi gatcha crap they're doing. If they went back to being set game releases with all the content in the game, and good gameplay, they could have all the fanservice they wanted. And fans would be happy. But right now they've killed 80% of their audience to focus just on the coomers who are willing to pay tons for costumes.
Hey, you forgot about me. The guy who's always complaining that the design change with DOA5 sucked and made everyone look like the same model. Except Hitomi (who looks even worse) and the new girls.
This looks too good. Must be a fan made model and not in game.
It's definitely a 3d render, not from any game
I just saved it from some previous DOA thread
you're better than this guys, you can just make a good thread rather than using a shitpost thread until it hits the bump limit
So I did a single 10-pull on the nostalgia banner and got Sayuri's SSR
The VV goddesses are re-paying me for the dupe
Congrats user. You beat that 1.1% and got yourself a nurse butt. I would quit while you're ahead however
Yeah I know better than to try to replicate luck
Yes, but they'd die instantly if they weren't.
Holy shit
>using oomer buzzword
>in 2022
>2 years after it got outed as glowshit by evanglic shills
If you like tits, that makes you a "man", pissing your panties over imaginary tits makes you a faggot or a femcel, not the normal one
Be it a christcuck of femcel you are not allowed here anyway though. Tits or GTFO
op is a samefag autist that got outed as never even playing Doa ages ago and its just a hambeast that was jelly at women, they even found ops face
this too
also this
Imagine going to fucking Yea Forums of all places and trying to get anonfags to agree on how angry fictional nipples make ya, OP's doing that false flagging for a while and its somene who never played vydia
Even op's post style is straigh up how a virginal fat lady in her late 30s types
>schiz buzzword only landwhales and ledditors use
>cum buzzword to sperg at people who arent scared of vaginas
>samefagging to yoru own thread
>knowing avatarfags by memory
The chance of you ever having a ball sack is 0,0%, OP, you heard the men, post your tits, you need to fuck to calm down
And let's face it, that's really just KT's fault. 6 flopping killed DOA, and Ninja Gaiden 3 flopping killed Ninja Gaiden.
Where’s the face pic
The only good thing about OP is that shes a great lolcow to milk
>Ncose fagging still buttraped about DoA being kino of culture and Yea Forums stilll having based heterosexuals
>its the same retard who never played he games gaslighting how it totally wasnt like that before
you never ever played DoA if you get this angry at coocha and it really shows, in fact you played nothing, even fuckign Mario would make you rip your clitoris off because Peach had lips that make you insecure, seing your old daily gaslighting
Sex and DoA culture threads will outlive you far long your autismo crusade is gone and youre sucidied in your room alone
>If you like tits, that makes you a "man", pissing your panties over imaginary tits makes you a faggot or a femcel
BASED and truthpilled
echoing part of the thread that wasnt you or using your shitpost to talk about their game despite your raging, I will repeat the only reply they gave that you deserve: Post tits and gtfo, this is the only attention your body will ever receive in your life, enjoy, retard.
This is some high-grade autism. I can barely keep up with trips and yet you guys are supposedly calling out some landwhale just from an OP post. I thought the Ayane breast thing was already tipping the scales.
When will they update the shaders?
When japanese players embrace PC gaming more than they currently do.
make a new game already, holy shit
I'm not even a pit or foot fag but it's embarrassing to see these types of pics
Please post Leifang
>file no longer exists
Gacha is where games go to die
weird. here's another one
Even DOAXVV fags wish that they would just make a regular fucking DOA Xtreme 4
user both of these franchises died. Just enjoy the good games and let it be