Star Citizen 3.17 released
SChads keep winning
>literally double performance with segments of the Gen12 renderer being implemented
>AI finally works perfectly
>world loot added
>economy overhauled
>expands medical, mining and bounty hunting gameplay
>rivers on planets
Deus Ex-y immersive sim mission design and second star system by end of year
Star Citizen
nothing stops this train
At least you're doing better than Metal Gear Solid 2...
>AI finally works perfectly
Listening to the community 3.17 has generally been disappointing but again, nothing compared to 2016.
If you are still supporting after 2016 I just feel bad for you at this point.
The audience for Star Citizen aren't zoomer faggots that watch streamers though user.
>Listening to the community 3.17 has generally been disappointing but again, nothing compared to 2016.
Have you been paying attention to the community? They're saying this is the best patch since 3.0 hit.
>If you are still supporting after 2016 I just feel bad for you at this point.
Why? They've been doing a good job.
>pic related
>Deus Ex
you keep that name out of your mouth you subhuman cultist
Multiple viable playstyles for each mission
Stealth, assault, diplomacy
how is this not an immersive sim you dumb retard?
>plebs getting filtered by Star Citizen
many such cases
Still not interested in anything for black people only. Maybe learn how to broaden your audience to we the people and not just yo da peepz.
lmao Scam Citizen victims post FUNDS RAISED GRAPHS to cope with the fact that they still don't have their game?! This is fucking sad dude, seriously.
> to cope with the fact that they still don't have their game?!
The game has been live and getting updates every 3 months for the last 4 and a half years.
>/r/StarCitizen_Refunds after Star Citizen hits a billion dollars crowdfunded
Star Citizen hate is such a reddit take
keep pretending a severely buggy Alpha build is a game, you people are so fucking delusional it is actually sad to watch
>keep pretending a severely buggy Alpha build is a game
Alpha is a pretty loaded term when it's already better than Elite Dangerous which has been "finished" since 2014 and since released two shitty expansion packs.
Top twitch streams are irl garbage and f2p games.
>guuyyyze look! they incremented the version number!!
So all I have to do is release some shitty alpha and I can make millions on the false hope that my game is ever going to be finished?
We’re not interested in the meta of running grind missions for credits to get up some mmo ladder. We’re interested in the story and the objectives which are finite and you only do it once and then you are done.
Squadron 42 should be interesting, but seeing how the mmo game actually plays it doesn’t look like the shooting is very satisfying. Like I should feel sorry for the black bald NPCs you’re shooting in the dark using the sink.
Crusader No Remorse + No Regret was a incredibly violent video game, but they used incredibly satisfying violence. It included hilarious screams and puddles of red blood, and disintegrating whole human beings, scared scientists, breaking of glass and exploding barrels including screen flashes and nuclear power sources and irradiated tanks. It was glorious, no warnings about having seizures for gmo zombies.
Hunter Hunted and Infantry Online were also badass video games with emphasis on parody of violence.
>not playing a sandbox MMO with your bros and being a diplomat/bounty hunter/explorer/merchant/soldier/whatever the fuck you want
pleb filtered
you can earn an A-tier ship for every profession in under the time it took you to hit 60 in WoW btw
Ultima Online was a bad game. So is RuneScape, it’s twin brother or cousin.
It sounds like pleb filter to you means kike simulator for being a hiding place for your waifus.
Only waifu simulator is Duke Nukem, dweeb.
not only do you have bad tastes in MMOs you have bad tastes in boomer shooters too.
why does star citizen make this board seethe so much?
No one is seething, they are making fun of you. Do all star citizen cultists have autism?
not op
also what's there to make fun of? it's a buy2play mmo that seems to get tons of content
's pic related shows 4 years of updates
I genuinely forgot this shit existed.
this game looks utterly soulless man. what the hell are you doing? mining fake rocks and pretending you're doing something important?
anyone who isn't a brain damaged gen x boomer will be playing Starfield layer this year. you know, a game with an actual story, character, quests, lore, goals, etc.
How? After all the shit I've seen on this and all the promises, it's not only still pulling in money it's pulling in over twice as much as the start of the launch after years of just having relatively mediocre updates to a glorified tech demo? What is going on?
Enjoy your game written by Emil Pagurerillo
I'm sure it'll be great.
>What is going on?
Have you considered that people like the game and the free fly events are attracting people into buying the game because it's good and fun? Just a thought.
It's a good game. That's what's going on. Same thing as DayZ which is hitting all time high playercounts. You just got psyop'd.
>Each person on average has had to have paid over $120 on a game in alpha
This has to have just become some weird embezzlement or money laundering scheme at this point, he can't keep getting away with this
>Double performance
A whopping 39 fps? God damn Star citizen chads are eating well. Unless you have literally top of the line hardware in which you get 55 fps.
3.17 has been out for less than 36 hours
you really think the telemetry data would be accurate? Last week I was lucky to get 30fps now I'm getting 70-100 with clouds enabled.
Is it released yet? No? Fuck off and kys.
13% complete, 7% broken promises, wooping over 50% stagnant. After 9+years.
These r all things ur sacred leader promised.
Your winning gaem doesnt break promises, does it user?
See you in 30 years when he dies but his son will promise to complete it.
that is the most technology webm ive ever seen
Yet it's still better, more complete with more content than the entirety of Elite Dangerous and its 400 billion star systems and two shitty expansions after 7 years of release.
>cant steal ships and keep them
>paypiggies dont lose anything except the clothes on their back, have unlimited insurance for their ships
>paypiggies have monopolized markets before game even launches
dead before arrival
what content bro? mining fake rocks in your totally empty game with no story, no lore, no quests?
Do players that buy their own ships not get insurance? That's some pay 2 win bullshit
Can we bring back Space vidya games general at some point. Its been decommissioned for almost two years now.
you can get insurance, but it's not unlimited like the paypigs'
"Insurance" is the equivalent of a durability system in World of Warcraft. Even with lifetime insurance, anyone who upgrades their ships will need to insure their components. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
There's nothing to post about until Egosoft gets their shit together, Trainwiz puts out Undersspace and SC releases 4.0
Will there ever be an EVE Online were Im able to fly my fucking ship?
mining, piracy, bounty hunting, exploration, medical, transport, refueling. Each space station and landing zone is a "quest hub" and there's 7 planetary landing zones and god knows how many space stations in Stanton.
Isn't that why every time I go in game there's people talking about how they left EVE to play this? It's not 50,000 people in a megashard like EVE but server meshes are coming.
>unlimited free ship hulls
>not a bullshit polluting p2w mechanic
faggot shiteater
Maybe when some actual good space games come out. Hardspace shipbreaker is stopping development and getting a 1.0 slapped on despite still only having 4 ships.
X4 is still buggy as fuck
Starsector has its own thread
Everything else is in EA or has a player count in the double digits.
You would probably have better luck on /vst/ or /vm/ instead of having a general on /vg/ die because of how fast it is. Even /egg/ with a dozen+ different games still dies when it doesn't get bumped enough.
nothing but chores
exploring what there's no story no lore no quests
it's literally a chores game for boomers
If you're willing to flush a $450 million dollar crowdfunded niche space sim MMO down the toilet over extremely minor maintenance fees, seriously, the equivalent of gear repairs in WoW, then go ahead.
The standard game includes 3 months of insurance and within a couple hours of play you should have the ability to upgrade to different ships multiple times so the LTI on my Aurora ain't too valuable bro. Seriously you'll have enough credits from playing the game in a day to "afford" one of those hundred dollar ships within hours of starting the game.
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
ok retard
lmao ok boomer. very impressive
It's an incredible storm of hype and cope. You know who actually drives SC fund raising? People who hate it. Because the SC supporters, too afraid to admit they made a mistake, keep giving SC money in hopes of final validation. It's actually their business model now. SC is not a "forever game"
Go play cowadooty you ADHD-riddled neanderthal.
>Because the SC supporters, too afraid to admit they made a mistake
Absolutely delusional. If anything, the people who hate it are the ones who refuse to concede that they were wrong. Seethe.
no way boomer i want you to tell me about those sick ass rocks you mined today lol
>chris roberts was going to die divorced and in poverty had it not been for star citizen
honestly, how can i be mad? the man is a genius. i say let him keep scamming these boomers for all they're worth.
>a studio making a $450 million dollar game with 700 developers shouldn't have a nice espresso machine or a nice set for their daily development streams and presentations
I know Yea Forumseddit is for children but fucking hell, do your dads work in coal mines or something? Ever been to an office? This is pretty standard shit for any tech company. A barista on payroll making ten bucks an hour makes more sense than having your developers getting paid $60/hr to sit around and make their own coffee too.
shut up
>700 developers
>still have to scrap the entire project and start from scratch every 1.5-3 years
>boomers will keep paying for luxury appliances for these incompetent imbeciles like the good little paypigs they are
Derek Smart seething
>still have to scrap the entire project and start from scratch every 1.5-3 years
Literally has never happened shut the fuck up
Is the ice cream machine broken at the moment? I'd like a quarter pounder, a large fry and I'll get a vanilla cone for my puppy at home.
>have 700 developers
>buy one(1) expensive coffee machine + barista
in actual companies, the ones that produce and release actual products, each floor and office section has its own run-of-the-mill automatic coffee machine with a service contract
not in cultist lalaland though, where buying a singular high-end espresso machine to let a wageslave serve coffee in one place makes perfect business sense