Fix Yea Forums
Fix Yea Forums
rangeban bugmen
Can't fix what ain't broken
more coom threads featuring men instead of women
You're over 5 years behind on that, dumb ass.
more cunny
Right solution, wrong target.
Rangeban Americans.
get rid of moderation except for illegal content, im tired of taking a 5 minute walk and coming back and half of the threads I was in get deleted by a janny who actively lets blacked threads stay up
Wipe out the board every other hour
Ban OP for being a massive faggot
filter buzzwords
Fire all Yea Forums mods and jannies
You can only post 1 thread at a time.
OP moderates their own thread and nobody else.
Posting 3 times in a thread is autoban.
You can't, really. It's too fast and too popular and moderation could never keep up with shitposters or IP jugglers.
The only thing you can do is what's already been done -accept Yea Forums is a containment board and further modularize the boards. Videogame Shooters, Videogame Sports (fold the racing games in here), Videogame Fighting....
And rename this shithole Videogames Random.
Implement word filters with no warning, remove them with no warning
Make bans and warnings public (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Sticky threads for things like Yea Forums Sings or the TF2 Party Van
Fuck with us more often, we desperately need it, April Fool's was phenomenal when completely site-wide, all faggotry ceased for a solid and sustained 24 hours. We desperately need fucked with more often
Require registration and a paid email to do so. Usernames are still anonymous, the registration is only for moderation purposes.
adding to this, can only make one thread every hour
Make /incel/ - Internet Celebrities and fix half the boards on this site overnight.
Stop deleting video game threads
Start deleting non-video game threads
Rangeban problem offenders instead of endless 3 day wrist slaps
That's literally all it takes
The problem is this would require active work or effort and they do it for free since this place is just an IP mine for Hiro to sell information to Google and the FBI
so gookmoot can now sell your email too?
there's nothing to fix
Yea Forums is a containment board like Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forums
>Make Yea Forums again!
This is really what fucking Vtuber board should be be.
Unironically this. Range bans here in the UK are absurd and the board still keeps seeing posts of people obsessing over black dicks.
Add flags
MAKE Yea Forums NSFW
Fuck off, there are already like four Yea Forums equivalents.
How come the phrase "don't shit where you eat" doesn't apply to Yea Forums. People from other sites wouldn't be caught dead acting like retards on twitter or reddit but they come here spam /pol/ or race baiting threads from their phones, reset their IP's, say buzzwords 24/7 and won't ever change that behavior. How come Yea Forums accumulated a reputation of deranged shitposting?
It's the only way to stop falseflagging and samefagging short of requiring an ipv6 address to post.
Ban people who post wojaks and mentions of the word "tranny"
Ban coomers
ban all phoneposters
>Let's make it five!
ban wojaks and anyone who posts tranny consistently. You'll see immediate improvement
Exponential site growth
Phones and IP resets being easy
2016 /pol/
ban soijaks
Make more sister boards for all other genres and potential interests. Let Yea Forums become /incel/, a disgusting celebration of schizophrenic 21st century consumerism.
Range banning would target civilians as well
make trannies and its variants as spam words that either mark the post as spam so it cant be posted or just autoban, eceleb/offtopic shit of any kind moves to trash
Preventing spam, repeated threads and wojaks would be nice
Ps:Oh and, Yea Forums
Yea Forums Is way worse than/pol/ and basically stealth shits in every other board
You can't fix it. Just delete it.
why are you pretending like other boards don't have the same problem?
Heck /his/ is slow af and it somehow has worse race bait posts than Yea Forums
>We need mods that actually give a shit about the boards, and don't abuse their power or arbitrarily enforce rules.
>we need word filters (BBC, reddit, ect.)
>we need to stop shutting down actual vidya threads, and tolerance for certain topics that might normally be considered off-topic (cwc threads, LOL threads, ect.)
>Twitter screencap threads, coomerbait, racebait, and "what are some games that x" troll threads need to be deleted on sight
>moot needs to come back
>you need to reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
Just a few ideas desu, really the biggest thing is even moderation.
The funny part is that every Yea Forums spin off board is better than Yea Forums. Deleting it would probably be a good idea at this point.
Rangeban mobile.
Fix it how? It does it's job as an oveflow board well.
Literally just make it a yellow board already. All the problems fixed in one (serious discussion goes to sub boards, people can spam porn in peace)
How about banning trannies
This desu.
Someone make this user a mod
and IDs. wouldn't completely fix shit but it's a low-effort, high-reward solution. flags fixed Yea Forums overnight back in the day
Rangeban casualties can get through by just talking to someone on the IRC.
I've also had loads of bullshit bans reversed this way
Purely because Yea Forums is big enough and its janitors are weird enough that they're much less likely to get punished for it than they would on other boards. Yea Forums is far and away the board with the most divergent splits (/vg/, /vm/, /vmg/, /vr/, /vst/, /vrpg/) and even with all that it remains the highest populated board on the site, only competing with /pol/; and the only reason it's competing with /pol/ is because of the mass influx of Redditors and other political aspirants from the 2015-2016 period + Yea Forums's Fappening holdovers.
Additionally Yea Forums seems to have a bizarre "hands off" policy in regards to broad-swathe moderation styles where word filters are implemented only very hesitantly and only when they're becoming a sitewide problem, like "soi" getting wordfiltered moments before God of War was slated to release to cuck the billions of memelords who thought it was the funniest thing ever.
/his/ has always been kind of a magnet for that, it's the board for open-mouthed Nord roleplayers and Nazi fetishists. Last I checked there's at least a few people there that try to deny Joan of Arc did anything relevant in history purely because she had a bagina.
No sex. No politics. No platform arguments.
No exceptions. That will be $0.00 + 12% tip.
So ban nobody? Because there are no trannies here, just obsessed schizos who won't shut up about them
>add flags and IDs
but then what about hiromoot's ad revenue?
Lmao /his/ is full of leftists
Let's ban all the Redditors that think "tranny" is the funniest thing since sliced bread
Add flags and posting IDs
Make it so that new games are allowed to be discussed on Yea Forums for up to 3 months post release so they aren't instantly exiled to /vg/ if a mod gets a stick up his ass
Train an AI to detect wojak pics and instaban anyone that posts one
IDs have never worked on any board and they can easily be avoided by resetting your router or phone posting.
Flags are a bad idea but ID's would be a net positive.
This isn't incompatible with Nord roleplayers and "women r dum lmao" sweatlords.
Yeah because people used /h/ instead of just making their shitty rule34 dumps here right?
Who are you quoting?
Ban phoneposting.
Enable r9k sitewide.
All new IPs must wait a week before they can post.
Thread IDs.
Ban and filter all the wojak shit.
Block the site in Australia.
Not my problem
>moderate me harder, daddy!
You are unironically the problem. If you want to be told when to shit and when to piss you need to find another website.
Those boards are only as good as they are because Yea Forums is still around.
Fuck off, you'll never take my wojaks from me
Its insane how cap cuck and other retarded shit is still filtered but bbc, blacked and other shit thats used only to shitpost, bait and spam is not lol.
One of the biggest issues is how poor the moderation for the board is. Thrre's no reason why blatantly off topic thread about country politics/blacked porn/random off topic bullshit should hit the bump limit after being made two hours prior. Things like this get deleted instantly on other boards.
Ban soijaks
Ban political bait/discussion
fixed Yea Forums
Nuke Yea Forums
The first step is to STOP the constant racism, anti-semitism, and transphobia.
We need to get back to our roots and remember what Yea Forums is and has ALWAYS been about: hating women.
hot furry gay sex
I've actually been giving it a bit of thought and unfortunately it's rather terminal. It needs an entire ethos to change.
Like when was the last time you saw a CoD thread? Is CoD worse than it's ever been? Yes, undoubtedly, but we're not even shitting on it. used to live here, now it's a ghost town and I lost and the world just fucking watched were memes on here. Memes from CoD for fucks sake. Even outside of video games we were all about lazy town, be it cooking by the book or pirates.
It's a balancing act what with writing now being much worse than it was. You don't HAVE shows intended for kids that happen to have catchy songs you can make reference to, and AAA has become so much worse. Combine that with pop culture having this fucking weird cult feeling about it now, what with people s o i facing over and so on. Hell pepe was a french god damn webcomic.
We got to start being inspired, and that only comes with branching out.
Flags were amazing when we had them as /vint/. What's the matter, user, is everyone gonna know you're Canadian when you start a console war thread?
What's worse is that now the discord circlejerks started catching up on this cancerous extension which lets you embed pictures inside the main pic of any post and weaponized it. Now every thread of any anime game like Genshin Impact is just a BBC worshipping ring/BLACKED central for sharing undercover nigger porn. I just can't download images from Yea Forums anymore because I don't wanna associate my shit with a cuckold fetish.
Just how come are these still allowed to be used is beyond me. Even external archival sites started either refusing connection or outright banning people from accessing their sites if they detect the addon installed in their browsers. It really boggles the mind just how deprecated this site is.
flags are useless and it can fix /pol/ anyway
Yeah but the point isn't to stop all shitposting, it's to slow it down. Most shitposters aren't going to be arsed to do more than just rapidfire submit dumb shit. It'll stop low effort shitposters.
Only good post in this thread.
>Like when was the last time you saw a CoD thread?
That doesn't improve shit. Slower threads with good discussion would get fucked.
I'm actually Romanian but I live in the United States and I don't like their flag.
Yes it is
Spam filter racial slurs, they add nothing to this board but shitposting and racism being a global rule is fucking retarded if you're allowed to type them anyway
Ban wojaks and pepes
Ban buzzwords, especially idpolitical shit (blacked, bleached, bbc, tranny etc)
move light porn threads to /h/ or /e/ where they fucking belong
whenever someone posts on /pol/, ban them from every other board for 1 day
ban waifuniggers, they're unironically the biggest shitposters on the board.
>Just how come are these still allowe
Isn't the site supposed to stop you from psoting embedded images anyway? Or was that feature magically removed withint he last few years?
Remove the word filters from Smh, Tbh, and Senpai
>how can we make Yea Forums worse than reddit?
>IP number per thread acts like an ID (As in OP, user #1, user #2)
>Phoneposters can only lurk
Put down the pitcher of semen, you've had enough.
And loving lolis
But there's already a board for all e-celebs, it's called /vt/?
>All new IPs must wait a week before they can post.
I have no idea why they haven't implemented something like this. It'll instantly stop the hardcore retards like barry and ACfag from shitting up the board.
The way the "wet bandits" flood the houses after robbing them is an esoteric reference to the way the jews flood countries with sexual energy while destroying them to ruin all their stuff and leave a signature of their robbery. The element of the sexual/sacral chakra is water, which is why they have a blue sacral chakra as the flag of their country.
/nin/ and /ps/. Give Yea Forums to PC.
>Ban wojaks and pepes
No they're board culture
>muh BBC pictures
>wtf why are you making fun me i-it's okay to be whyte im speshal don't make fun of me
Racism is based pussy, sorry.
The fuck is this? I never saw someone spamming this shit. Its another cuckshit garbage ofcourse i assume.
It's a workaround similar to modern sound threads.
Yea Forums user here
I see you guys also have a moderation problem, us too
Mods and janitors don't care about our board as well
We've had several east vs west threads in the past week that don't get deleted and our users are too dumb to not fall for the bait
Along with twitter screen caps
I've seen that Yea Forums's moderation just lets a lot of Yea Forums shit left up
I hope we can all get some better moderation in the future and better jannies
Yea Forums is already worse than reddit