What are your hopes and fears for Overwatch 2?
What are your hopes and fears for Overwatch 2?
Blizzard gives up on it, oasses the game to somebody else, and shuts down as a company forever, taking Activision down with them
Anything else
Since Microsoft owns it now, It's f2p and overall a better live service than Halo infinite
It's just Overwatch 1 again
4k UHD pictures of Widowmaker's asshole. I want to see the butt hair stubble.
Renewed push for more OW SFM/Blender porn
None, I don't have any hope and genuinely don't see how it can do anything to hurt or infect other games or the hobbies on any level worse than what is already being done.
>that feel when the game is unironically in a better state now having played the beta, but there still isn't even a release date and now 1 feels shitty in comparison
hopes: more girls for more porn
fears: more niggers
>the game is in finally the state it should have been like 7 years ago
blizzard goes head in first and shoves it dick in until it's too late to give a shit
6v6 was always retarded and having 2 tanks made the game unplayable and cancerous
it's like they never did any real play testing or ever played a fps game in their life
The only real source of shields being Rein and Sigma makes the game unbelievably more fun, they better at least add an "OW2" arcade mode in 1 if they're gonna take so long to put the sequel out.
The game having an actual scoreboard just makes me wonder what the fuck actually counts as an assist
What did you see here?
fatter asses
un-gay tracer and soldier
Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat Widowmaker scat
More porn and the game dies
the game dies and there's no more porn
Widowmakers cat
built for hotdogging
reinvigorates the porn scene
its so bad that people quit bitter and stop making porn
More Mei porn
I hope for more fat/inflation/pregnant porn. My favorite fat artist already confirmed they’re working on another fat Tracer in its honor, so I’m glad for OW2
More ass and tits
Less ass and tits
If Soujourn is any indication, you might have your hopes fulfilled.
I hope all of you get perma'd off of Yea Forums so this shit stops.
you fags fucking suck, there was nothing wrong with 6v6 unless you were that bad that you got your shit shoved in every game
>Only the launch maps were ever any good
>Any time they tried to make an Attack/Defend map the players hated it so much they'd remove them from rotation
>Remove the entire mode and every map in 2
What actually went wrong?
no mommies
Oh man I completely forgot about lunar colony
As an exclusive Mercy player, I want some dedicated heal slut costumes. The more pink and slutty the better.
You will only have the pink bimbo outfit and you will like it. I hope they rerelease it, I might actually play again if I could get the pink healbimbo skin this time.
too bad
Giving a handjob to the person who got the kill
Pretty sure it's bugged right now and nothing is
Fuck these cunts, do they even want me to come back to their game and heal off my team for hours and hours?
Nah they want you to play DPS and you're gonna like it. Don't worry I'm pretty sad that I missed out on it too.
if it makes you feel better I have it
loremasters: why is she purple?
Blizzard writers think if your heartrate is slow that turns your skin purple like a Night Elf, and "your heartrate being slower makes you a better sniper" or some bullshit
How could they be so cruel and deny all players who started later a chance to ever become a pink healthot again?
Not really, because I don't have it and never can now!
ah, makes sense
Post more SunnySundown
At the very least it will be free if you already own Overwatch. If not I'm not giving them a cent and saying fuck it to Overwatch forever.
It will be nothing but a few new maps, one new hero, and a co-op mode with robots that they're charging another fucking $60 for.
Well if you insist then user.
Mercy was made to be a chubby/fat mommy embarrassed of her physique and choice of clothing.
Wasn't pink mercy her best selling skin anyway? Don't see why they can't bring it back. It'd make a tonne of money and I'd be super happy being a ditzy bimbo. Everybody wins.
I want you fucking dead
Blizzard doing a charity for boob cancer back then couldn't be spun into them trying to pander to women, which would just be the case now after everything that's gone on
seek help for your disgusting mental illness
Go jerk off fag
It's the most natural fit of body type and personality for a mature healer.
I couldn't say, but it did make a lot of stir for how well liked it was. Bloody idiots not bringing it back, I just want to look and feel like the proper healbimbo to my team that I am, is that so much to ask?
More maps
Interesting game modes like split screen
role queue still being a thing in Quick Play because of the mouth breathers that thought "combating toxicity" really just meant staying on meta, and that this is somehow relevant in casual play.
i hope it dies even faster and people see what a retarded marketing move it is to try and invigorate a lootbox slot machine by simply pretending its a sequel.
also i have no idea how they haven't been absolutely eviscerated by all their corpo buddies who payed millions to join the OWL only for this to happen. maybe its going on in the background, they should be fucking blacklisted from esports.
Unironically there's a blizzard employee who only designs blue colored women and he probably had something to do with designing Widow.
>One new hero.
Meanwhile paladins has released a dozen champions since that one character was announced.
I wish he'd give her more belly, but extremely bodacious thighs and hips will have to do.
>I just want to look and feel like the proper healbimbo to my team that I am, is that so much to ask?
Too much for them apparently. But if they want me back no questions asked just give me Mercy in a micro bikini then I can really slut it up.
Eeeh, more heroes is not inherently a good thing, and introduces more challenges in map design, which I value much more.
MOBAs are an extreme of this mindset, where 500 characters means that every map is a very minor variation of the 3 lane format. Could be wrong, but this is my theory anyway.
Willing to discuss as long as you don't' call me smelly, for I am fragile.
All of the maps in overwatch are shit by design. fuck choke point level design, such lazy garbage.
I fear for team chat
Big belly girls are very under represented.
I'd happily accept one of those as a substitute, as long as it's more string than material covering me, and the pinker the better of course. And as a gameplay mechanic, I can accidentally pop a nipple out that I have to stop and stick back into my micro top.
Lunar Colony REALLY needed more zero/reduced grav areas that you catually had to pass through
in fact honestly, the entire game could have used more creative level design that actually changed the map around
It's kinda crazy to me that TF2 unironically has equal if not better dynamic map design. cp_steel is genuinely better than any map in Overwatch, and it's not even the best TF2 map, just an interesting and creative design.
Why is she dressed like this
She's 37 lol
>milf nearing her 40s dressing like an anime magical girl
holy shit even better