Why do they have to pick the ugliest UI? They literally have one job. At least it's not a "stylized" font as well.
Look what they did to my girl.
it's time to blacklist nagi ryou from the industry
Already played the best ones including OG version of your pic I have no interest in SOL VNs
Souls vs. soulless
Can I date the cute police lady
I actually like the UI in this, even in the remake it's pretty kino
Not gonna lie I'm regretting not playing the original (I did play through the prologue back then but then started playing the remake cause it was easier to stream to my phone via steam). However I have to say some character designs are better in the new one in my opinion. Artstyle was better in the PC98 version, but even characters like Mio look better in the new one, the old Mio looks like a 30 year old woman which is kinda weird. Kaori as well looks much better in the new one.
>I have no interest in SOL VNs
Same. I'm actually more into investigative/point-and-click style VNs. I have 0 tolerance for bullshit SoL filler. I'm wondering if there's more VNs I can play similar to this one. I've already played Kara no Shoujo and I like the same kind of style. If anyone knows...
The Famicom Detective Club remakes are the only good MAGES remakes.
kara no shoujo is great. you played cartagra, the prequel? it's good as well. full metal daemon muramasa is also great
The redesigns look terrible as redesigns but decent for stand alones. You could take all redesigns and make a new unrelated vn with them and msny would like them.
But replacement for the originals they are not.
it's another thread where someone thinks they are interesting because they played Yuno, even though it is literally the most normie "old school" intro VN.
>you played cartagra, the prequel?
I actually haven't, I'll look it up. Just looking at the synopsis it reminds me of Eustia a bit. I've been playing Eustia (although got side-tracked by YU-NO) which is also pretty great but it doesn't have any investigative/point-and-click elements unfortunately.
Thanks for the recommendation
I played through the first case in Phoenix Wright in JP the other night. I was surprised that I was able to do it and understand it, felt good to really see my reps paying off.
>thinks they are interesting because they played Yuno
This sounds like projecting, user. Is there anything you want to tell us?
>felt good to really see my reps paying off.
Based, keep it up. It's great when everything just clicks and you don't even realize you're reading in Japanese anymore.
>look up cartagra
>they literally announced plans for an HD re-release in 2022 a few days ago
I wish more games had full/near full voiced lines.
Same, as a kanjilet I really need those voices
do people really watch this shit unironically
Look what they did to my girl, jesus fuck.
Reading japanese is unironically easier than speaking it
nu-Mio is cuter, deal with it
Has anything worth reading come out since muramasa?
I grew up with anime. I picked up a lot of words and phrasings from just decades of watching anime. I find it much easier to follow a conversation if I know how every word sounds and I can feel the tone or pace of the spoken language. It's weird but if I watch anime with JP subs I have a harder time following than if I watch anime without any sub at all.
If I see a word I can't spell out in my head because I don't recognize the kanji form, I will not be able to continue reading and I need to go look it up and that breaks my flow/understanding. If I can follow with someone reading it out loud for me (audiobook, voiced lines, etc) I have 0 issues following.
>visual novels
just read a book you retard.
>I will not be able to continue reading and I need to go look it up and that breaks my flow/understanding
My man english is my secondary language and i didn't understand a bunch of cryptic shit they talked in elden ring, doesn't mean i will go to google and check what the fuck they are saying
Control your autism.
>point and click game with puzzles where you have to solve a mystery by combining things and unlocking new puzzles
>not a game
okay retard
bet you also think Zork and Monkey Island are not games
The only VNs worth playing are the Ace Attorney series, 999 and Virtue's Last Reward
>doesn't mean i will go to google and check what the fuck they are saying
I think you misunderstood what I mean. I don't go look up everything, however having a phonetic representation/spelling of a sentence in my mind helps me understand the parts surrounding the things I do not understand.
English isn't my primary language either, but at least with English I can sound out a sentence in my head including the words I do not understand (although that's rare these days with English). With Japanese I can't sound out things in my head unless I make up some spellings (which leads to bad habits), because with kanji you just don't know the reading. So either I go look it up, or I just give up/skip on it and that affects my understanding.
I don't go look up everything, because I can't be arsed, I just try to stick with the things I can follow or things that have voiced lines (like anime, audiobooks, etc)
I'm getting better at reading kanji/unknown words at least, but I still prefer the spoken language over the written one when it comes to Japanese for this reason.
dumbest fucking post ever made on this website
Prove me wrong
>prove my dumbfuck ill-founded opinion wrong
no need. now if you don't mind, we will continue to discuss good VNs here while you wallow in your own stench
whats the point when I already played the best one?
Waifu is Right behind you
Sure thing you fuckin dweeb. I know I'm right, you can't prove shit
I’m about to start playing 13 sentinels this weekend does that count?
>that guy last thread who said Erogamescape is a bot front run to discredit the games he likes
>foot fetish
aaaand... ruined
>tell me you have read exactly three (3) VNs without telling me
Sure, give me one that isn't focused on romance and doesn't take place in a school setting that isn't:
1) Raging Loop
2) Umineko
3) Fata Morgana
4) Muramasa
5) Steins;Gate
6) Des Aires (chuunige magical nazi VN, can't remember it)
7) Kara no Shoujo
it gets made in almost every fucking vn thread on Yea Forums as well, yet they think they're the first person to have that opinion
Play Asatsugutori
Assuming your list is stuff you played and liked:
The Silver Case
Also Root Double, that one does have a good bit of a school setting for one of the routes but its not the focus.
I see a disgusting lack of Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno on those lists.
It honestly baffles me, he's decent when he's doing original stuff, but his remake stuff is AWFUL. Even the fucking mobile game is more faithful to the original art.
This doesn't look like it's in English.
Ever17, Remember 11, and Root Double look nice. I've forgotten to mention I've already read Silver Case and Flowers, Sun, and Rain, and I'm procrastinating with 25th Ward.
I said no romance.
>This doesn't look like it's in English.
Ah, that's unfortunate. I played it in JP I thought it came out in English as well.
Maybe you could learn?
yeah, shit's insane
last girl is his oc, and then urushihara drew her in his style and the chinese artists did the same for the mobage. getting mogged even with your own oc
Torturing myself with Chaos;Head NOAH right now. Trying to make my way through the series before the new one releases in like three fucking months. It's not gonna be worth it I'm sure.
>ai somnium files
>danganronpa v3
>great ace attorney
>the nonary games
which one should I play 1st
They all bad
You might like gnosia. It has an werewolf/mafia minigame type thing where you influence character’s opinion on you to get different routes. I liked it enough to get the true ending and it seems like we have similar tastes
Oh, I finished that recently. Was neat.
just put a tiny bit of effort
Im gonna try reading japanese just to play these
I'm going away for a while. What are some MUST HAVE VN I should download for the year I'm locked away? The only ones I've played are Stein's Gate 1 and 0.
I've also downloaded that Lovecraft one.
should i make visual novel type game but with character interaction like changing clothes in renpy or unity?
i have almost zero coding skills
Generic artstyle for genric faggot tastes
I've got these atm
Kamaitachi no yoru
How about the sekimeiya: spun glass? Or return to shirongasu island? I thought those were both pretty good.
>buying winged cloud vns
Yeah because the artstyle of the original was so amazing and totally didn't make all of the characters look ugly as fuck
>people playing VNs for the "artstyle" instead of the story
>20GB VN
>the art doesn't matte-
If the story is good, it doesn't matter, yes
Look at Higurashi or Touhou
doesn't even have a story