Can you criticise a game's writing if you have no writing experience?
Can you criticise a game's writing if you have no writing experience?
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fuck off danganautist
go back to your general
Yes, plenty of professional movie critics have never written a script, just like many video game journalists don't play video games as a hobby.
Yes, but only as reader point of view.
You can't criticize the writing from a writer's point of view (e.g. claiming that certain writing technique will be better for this game)
With barneyfag gone this is our last schizoanon left bros...
judge the points being made on their content, not the source, just like literally anything else
Hell no. You can, but who's opinion is worth more? Someone who has never written anything, or an actual writer?
>can i criticize food if I'm not a food critic
>Food analogy
>Guy who gets triggered by food analogies and won't explain why it's apparently a fallacy or something
Can you criticize a food analogy if you have no analogy writing experience?
Thinking emoji
Can you enjoy a game's writing if you have no writing experience?
Yes, I don't think you really need a degree in writing to know how to properly write or what bad writing is. It's like bad art in a way, you may not know the fine details but you just don't like it. It could just be personal preference as well.
Writing isn't the same thing as programming, or drawing, or cooking, or whatever comparison you want to make. Anybody can write. If you're writing a complaint, you can write. So if you complain about writing in a video game, but can't write something better, then your complaints are going to feel very hollow.
is this saying that not just anybody can draw or cook
Did you published any well-known literature?
If not, you are not allowed to write any comments or reply in this website.
Because it will feel too hollow.
You know, I take back what I said. I forgot that there are ESLs like you who CAN'T write.
This is like trying to argue about not being able to criticize how bad something tastes because you aren't a chef.
>another food analogy
Can I criticize a bridge if I've never made one?
>Another person who can't explain why food analogies are bad
people who think food analogies are bad have below average intelligence
Yes and people can gauge my criticism with that in mind. Every criticism of """art""" is all about personal opinions in the end anyways. I bit the stupid bullet and fell for both "Tales of Arise have an amazing story" and "FF14 have an amazing story" and firmly came to the conclusion that weebs have the lowest of standards when it comes to videogame writing.
Yeah but it doesn't mean anybody is going to take you seriously
Just look at how retarded danganautists are to keep suggesting "what if like.... A murder occured but they weren't the blackened dood" when kokichi exists and did exactly that
>Gets outcasted by everybody and nobody trusts him for the remainder of the cases
It's the only thing that can happen with that twist so I'm suprised people still want it so often
It works, why does it matter if it's about food or not?
But we've all written before. I'm writing right now.
fuk u fegort
there i typied
therfour i have riteings xpererits
games riting sux
Games are made for gamers, not writers. The end user’s opinion is all that matters.
Cooking food and tasting food are two different things. A person could very well sample a meal and say "this food does not taste very good, though I have no idea what ingredients would be needed to improve it" and their feedback would be valid, because all they need to know how to do in order to criticize the food is to taste it. It's the chef's job to understand how different combinations of ingredients and cooking techniques will affect the flavor.
Reading and writing however are basically the same skill. You're just understanding words and using them. If someone says "this story is not written very well, though I have no idea what words would need to be written in order to improve it" then they're just a fucking dumbass who doesn't know what they're talking about.
Reading and writing are both different things too. So what?
This appeared to be a preggo art from the thumbnail, I am disappoint.
>No argument
>Le meme buzzword
Thanks for conceding.
nobody likes food analogies because
>They're overused as fuck
>Basically just boils down to "I want to call this shit" and no other critique
Also because of the comedy of this being an American website that instantly thinks of fast food and burgers
Danganronpa's goofy-ass clownshoe writing is why it's endearing.
you have very, very warped and biased sensibilities about what goes into craft.
You can taste food without understanding how it was cooked.
You can't read a word without understanding how it was written.
I want to put a baby in those hips and raise a family with her
Without any explanation, this post is just baseless insults that mean nothing to me.
I can criticize whatever I damn well please
it's up to you to decide if you care about what I have to say
i don't know how to impart this but i'm legitimately not insulting you. the issue isn't that you need something to be explained to you, you just don't seem to have enough experiential data to meaningfully compare different types of craft (e.g. writing, programming, drawing, cooking). it's obvious to anyone who has put time and work into at least one of those types of things but there's no way to reason it out. i think once you've "lived" more and spent more time honing those times of skills you'll look back on this and understand what i meant. 100% not trying to be condescending here
Best boy!
He's right though.
He's wrong though.
You don't need to be a chef to know if a meal tastes like shit
No. You can only do what I ask you to do.
If you can't explain how I'm wrong then I don't have any way of taking you seriously.
If you use a program, and it keeps crashing or has bugs that prevent it from working properly, you can easily criticize it without having the slightest clue of how writing a program works. If you eat food, and it doesn't taste good, you can criticize it without knowing how good food is actually made.
In these cases, the knowledge of how to create the product is not necessary to evaluate the final product. This doesn't apply to writing. If you open up a book and read "Jack went up the hill to fetch a pail of water" it's because the author sat down and wrote "Jack went up the hill to fetch a pail of water" in the book. And if you think the story would be better if he was fetching Pokemon creatures instead, you also have the capacity to write that story yourself.
you don't have to take me seriously right now, the simple fact that you read what i said is enough. it's not even strictly a "right or wrong" thing, your mindset on how much work or skill goes into various creative/technical endeavors is just super green
From the sound of it I think you're the one who needs more life experience until you're able to understand what I'm saying. I've made my point, you've said nothing.
LOL thread?
Absolutely. A product aimed towards providing a service or pleasing an audience can, in fact, ONLY be critiziced by said audience
But if the audience can't properly elaborate on why they were not pleased, then the creators gain nothing from listening to their feedback. Just think about how many video games have been ruined because the devs listened to the fans too much. People don't always know what they want.
Yes, just because you aren't an expert in something doesn't mean you can't determine when something is flawed, I am no expert on nuclear science, but I know that leaving radioactive materials in the open is retarded
It doesn't take a good actor to spot a bad one
Nuclear science is not writing.
Acting is not writing.
If you have to replacing writing with something that isn't writing for your argument to make sense, it's a bad argument. Someone who can't write can't make good criticisms.
Can we start posting cute anime girls?
>You are x
>Ah but it is actually you that are x, friend
Yes. You can criticize a meal without being a chef, you know.
>I disagree with you
>Please elaborate
Goodbye, user. You've wasted enough of both of our time.
Writing alone is fucking gay
Where's the connotation
Where's the body language
What is delivery
Or course you can you godforsaken retard.
story in a game is like story in a porno, you expect it to be there but it's not too important.
all a game needs is a cool setting that fits the gameplay elements, go read a book if you want a good story or watch a movie if you want cutscenes with good direction.
I'm not even that guy dude