
>Randomly generated planets
>Randomly generated quests
>Randomly generated alien fauna
So this is pretty much going to be No Man's Sky again, but worse?

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yep. it'll be nms but with a way bigger marketing budget so all of the normie NPCs will pretend it's good because it was shilled to them.

No, its going to be Fallout 4 in space with better dialogue options. KINO

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The random generation in starfield is the same thing they've been doing since arena, randomly generate the world, touch it up a bit and then every player gets that same randomly generate world

>Sony roaches are STILL mad.

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no, it will have big titty space slut mods with space prostitution and space rape

>>Randomly generated planets
>>Randomly generated quests
is this true? or a snoy falseflag?

>>Randomly generated planets
>>Randomly generated quests
>>Randomly generated alien fauna
According to who?

>space rape

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todd talked about how they are using random generation for this game. it's in one of the interviews he did a while back. pretty much everything in the game is going to be procedurally generated like no mans sky

Post interview or admit you are full of shit

I thought it was just going to be Mass Effect x Fallout.

>Your ship is a hub, you can have an armoury, decorations, personalized stuff
>You can travel to planets from the cockpit
>Pick a planet
>Planet is a decent sized open world

>No official announcements.
>Snoys have had 5 bad months in a row, their best game thrown into irrelevance by Elden Ring.
>Only to hear that Xbox is outselling them this month.
>Bethesda has a ton of momentum right now with Starfield on the horizon.
Hmm. What do snoys do anytime Nintendo or PC are doing well? Why would Xbox be any different?

>>own a PS5 and a 3090

Single player games like this are a waste of time.

not at all. mass effect 1-3 are entirely hand crafted RPGs.

starfield is much more like no man's sky. the entire game will basically be
>get on ship
>drive to randomly generated planet
>do some chore
repeat 1000x times

Todd's ultimate goal is creating a game that makes its own content and takes control of the planet from the jews

>Snoys so uncultured, so zoomer-like that they think this is Bethesda first time using procedural generation.

Attached: Daggerfall.gif (288x363, 45.68K)

every bethesda map since morrowind has been procedurally generated, they generate a rough game map and tweak it from there.

they are going way farther with procedural generation in starfield though. the entire game is about randomly generated planets.

Not the best example, OG Daggerfalls procedural generation was broken ignoring terrain info like elevation or breaking dungeons by generating chunks which cut off half the dungeon sometimes making the exit inaccessible

Your head canon is not reality

>The main goal is finding the fun
It's going to make Fallout 76 look like a masterpiece

why are you so defensive?

That was my first post in the thread Mr. Bot

and the drones will defend it by saying

Say it with me Xbros


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no mans sky is shit, everything interesting about the game is not that interesting and hidden behind a fucking rock collecting game where you shoot rocks and the worst part is it could have been better if it let you fucking automate the rock collecting and became a fucking factory game.

i see that the obsidiots are scared shitles of todd kino ripping rick and morty 2's asshole.

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>coomer tranny
every time

>btfo'd Horizonkeks and Sonyroaches
>btfo'd BotWtrannies and Bingtendos
>will btfo Bethesdrones and Xcucks

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Saving my 1 month trail for it

falseflagging bethesda against FS obsidiot?

I think they're going to take that settlement bullshit from FO4 no one liked and triple down on it.

I can't wait for all the community mods that end up being a necessity for the game to be remotely enjoyable.

I wonder how toddcucks will cope when Elden Ring outsells Starfield. A dumbed down casual rpg "Starfield" will sell like shit while a hardcore RPG like Elden Ring sells 20 million copies in 3 months. Based.

>muh Obshilldiot
kek, bethescuckx mindbroken

Meanwhile... in 2017....

That is absolutely what they're going for.
>Hey come build your space colony!
>And then do all of these randomly generated fetch quests!

I think if Starfield uses procedural stuff like planets or space dungeons (or something), then it would be generated during development, touched up and then placed into the world like Daggerfall.
Don't think Bethesda would want another mountain of bugs with user-side content generation but one can never know.

It will probably begin the end of american video game development when it flops

>Fallout 4 quest designer is still going to be involved
It’s gonna be shit

>Snoy can't get Starfield and are trying to shitpost it into the ground
>They'll be in full force when Starfield pulls an Elden Ring/Smash and takes over Yea Forums for a good month or two.
>Meanwhile Nintendy are not even caring while they play their games since their console actually has games.
Fucking kek.

>when Starfield pulls an Elden Ring/Smash and takes over Yea Forums for a good month or two.

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Its almost like it was a product of the time, experimental and imperfect. The point blew way over your head but I guess you're not wrong, even if this was fixed in the unity version of the game over 20 years later.

Fallout 4 quests weren't that bad. There were a few pretty good ones.

>ER is all platforms, rendering this point as retarded as its poster.

when have they ever delivered?

you're just a shit eater

You can automate

Starfield will be BGS most hardcore RPG since morrowind. These two men will usher in a new golden era for RPG’s and send the shazamtrannies back to their discord bunkers

>btfo’d sonyroaches

His best game is still their exclusive desu

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is it fun like factorio?

Why is nobody talking about the leaks?

We didn’t learn much from them that wasn’t already obvious. There’s space travel and it’s a bit clunky, we all expected that

What leaks?

The good quests in FO4 were the ones weren’t designed by him.

>every bethesda map since morrowind has been procedurally generated
No it hasn't retard, the game that used Procedural Generation was Daggerfall.

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No, he actually talked about star citizen style editing tools that let them work at larger scales, but hand-doing it.

No man's sky is procedurally generated. This sounds more like space Daggerfall

Oblivion did use proc gen for the initial design, which was then hand-edited, but that was the only game that did so.

OG dagger fall was randomly generated not procedurally generated.

As long as its not the same boring, dead Bethesda formula, i might actually buy it.

All games are a waste of time dummy

I wish the did the same with the newer games