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Other urls found in this thread:

Not a goddamn thing. Was just trying to look through Steam for a decent tank game or mech game, one that would be good on a controller. Not finding anything.
I started watching Gundam: The Origin, it's pretty good so far. Watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force right now.
Listening to Sabaton on recommendation from another user in the previous thread:
Had some Costco pizza.
Monster Ultra Paradise
Good enough, my day went pretty shitty early on but it's been alright since then. Just not finding any vidya to play. Might need to look into getting a PS5 to play a couple of these PS4 Gundam games that never got ported to PC for some fucking reason.

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Through the Darkest Times.
Trying to decide if I should give Cyberpunk another chance or start Batman Arkham City, just beat Asylum like 2 weeks ago.
Season 4 of Preacher didn't even know it ended. Also just found out American Gods got cancelled. I'm pissed. I need to get around to watching the last episodes of OZARK. Also looking forward to new season of The Boys. Also watching basketball highlights, getting ready to watch my Mavericks hopefully beat the Suns.
Nothing right now
I had some waffles for lunch.
Orange Juice
Shit honestly.

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Resident Evil 6
Yea Forums
Leftover pizza
Bang Energy
Maybe later

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Doom Eternal or Infinite Warfare
A Generation of Sociopaths
Grilled Pineapple w/ Chicken

Costco Pizza is fantastic.
Arkham City for sure. Sorry you feel like shit, man

Force Unleashed on Switch
Band of Brothers
Heir to the Empire
Had Canes
water and Barqs
Sneaky's new set, a bunch of full on ass pics in this one
Pretty good for the moment!

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Pregame discharge
Dan Deacon
Might make a Donair or order delivery
Alexander Keith
Strawberry Ice sativa cartridge
anthro milfs
Same as usual, up and down

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Jackbox with Yea Forums, I'd recommend it
Thinking of watching BCS, I only watched season 1 a while ago and it didn't grab me but I keep hearing it gets a lot better
Boring programming stuff as I want to learn how to code simple apps
Water, unironically
The kind of tired sleep cannot fix

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How do I play jackbox with Yea Forums?

Deep Rock and TF2.
Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi aka loli ninjas
Deftones and King Gizzard.
Nine Inch Nails setlist updates.
Toonami thread.
Just had a grilled ham and cheese with some chicken noodle soup. Not sure what's for supper. Might see if I can make a raspberry smoothie.
>reddit in charge of making Saturday threads.
Indica Monroe at the suggestion of an user itt.
Just did 25 mins on my exercise bike, not much, but enough to get some endorphins going. Feeling bretty good now.

titanfall 2's campaign is fine with controller and the best mecha game we'll probably ever get outside of a new armored core. Also Gundam origin is fucking kino beyond words.

>Resident Evil 6
Is it as bad as people say? I've seen some videos of people doing some cool ass combo mad tier shit in the mercs mode, but idk if its worth slogging through the story to get to that.

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Yakuza 2 Kiwami and Grandia 1
Bark Psychosis, Medicine and Ride mostly
Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
Ate some homemade burgers earlier
Water and SIPS
Alright I guess

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A bit of I wanna kill the Kamilia 3
Thank god no
Abysmal. I just fucking can't anymore. I have so much to do for university and it's not even that I can't do it or that I'll struggle to do it, is that I get no enjoyment from doing it or completing it. I only feel happy when I can play games and not think about anything. This makes it hard to work at all, so I avoid games to start working, which makes me feel miserable. I wish I had just killed myself 4 years ago when I had the chance, life is still yet to improve to the point where I'd feel happy to keep trying.
Sorry for being so negative, I just have nowhere to say anything. I'm just such a mess and I have no will to even think about improving myself. I'm not sure if I even want to be happy, I don't feel like I deserve anything anymore.

Search catalog for the jackbox thread. An user hosts by screen sharing over a stream (usually twitch) so you can see the game, then open page to enter the room code and join in.

Jackbox threads were dead for a while due to an exploit but seems they're making a comeback now.

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>Is it as bad as people say?
The combat is stellar and that alone makes it have immense replay value

Honestly need to get into metal since I really like the guuilty gear soundtracks

I downloaded Titanfall 2 to try out. I kinda want to buy the atelier games on sale but xbc3 is coming in July and I have ff7 in my backlog
probably clips in these threads. Might start macross frontier, revue starlight, or utena.
Stuff that will be posted in this thread
Yea Forums
protien bars
proitien shake
Alright. Have a team meet in greet for my job on Monday, but don't want to go desu.

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Trails of Cold Steel II, CrossCode, Marchen Maze, and Clone Hero
Watched the Astros and Blu Jays game.
Shame the Astros didn't win but at least it was a close game.
Gojira, Meshuggah, Testament
WW1 textbook
Gonna pick up a calzone from a local pizza joint soon
La Croix, Red Bull
Not too shabby
Hell yeah, user. My favorite JRPG to this day.
First time playing through?

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Titanfall 2 is a great game, enjoy and remember to always go fast

>First time playing through?
Yeah, and I'm liking it a lot. Just got to Rapp
>Cold Steel 2
Good luck on the easily worst Trails game.
I can't believe that they hid EXTREAMELY important story stuff in the 2nd playthrough of the game
Thank god only Cold Steel 2 did that

been playing switch sports like a madman. now debating tiny tina's or hopping on mario kart 8 deluxe for the Yea Forumseekend
jojos part 3 later
Yea Forums shitposts
brisk ice tea
random bud I bought from a buddy
ebony bbw this morning doubt Ill fap again today
decent. Might be running a game of 5e for some friends online later depending on scheduling.

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Open up buddy, tell us what you are playing

Sick we're back. Repostan with updates
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Going to play RCT tonight some
Medabots, Kamen Rider Build
OSP After Dark, thinking of throwing on a vaporwave playlist
Pokemon fanfics, MegaMan X manga
Homemade buffalo chicken and thai peanut pizzas for lunch
Dinner's some leftover seafood chowder and bread
Water, maybe some espresso in a bit
Realizing I've had a bit of coffee today but I'm tired so fuck it
Might still see how my partner is feeling, but I might not at all unless the horny really hits. She's been tempting me with some new story ideas for my fetish fics so god knows what'll happen
Tired, but it's been a decently chill day. Got a few things done around the house, going to just vibe tonight. Might practice drawing in that garyc thread, otherwise I'm going to relax and enjoy my hobbies tonight

What do you think of Crosscode? Any good?
Wait is TF|2 working again?
Force Unleashed port any good? I know it's the PS2/Wii version, but I wasn't sure how well that'd go over
Good choice on Sabaton. If you ever can, go to a show. The energy they exude is like nothing else I've experienced.
Switch Sports hold up the pedigree of Wii Sports?
Based on the ebony bbw by the way, good taste

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>extremely important story stuff in the 2nd playthrough
Do you mean the Black Records?
If so I'm just gonna look those up instead of playing through the game again. Games are already long enough as it is.
>What do you think of Crosscod?
It's excellent.
By far one of the best indies I've played.

I just meant the TF2 campaign, no idea if multiplayer's working

>Do you mean the Black Records?
That and a cutscene at the end of the game
If you don't watch it you will be extremely confused when you start 3

I've been hearing a few good things about it for a bit now. I remember trying the demo years ago but hardly recall much about it.
I'll have to give it another look for sure.
Ah my bad then! Well then enjoy, the campaign's well regarded for a reason.

Hades and a few solo board games
Gonna get around to the newest Moon Knight episode later on, maybe finish up FMA:B
The new Rammstein album. It's good
Finished Black Lagoon vol. 2. The anime was kino and now I'm going through the manga in order. Shame it has such a slow publication cycle, but if it means the author can produce consistently high-quality material, then I can be patient.
>Costco pizza
Now I want a slice and a Costco dog for lunch.
Nothing. I need to pick up some more Pepsi.
Not sure yet. When I fap, it's usually when I settle down to bed to help my body relax.
I stayed up way too late with my friends last night and I learned my lesson to not suggest a three-and-a-half-hour board game at 1 AM.

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Nothing at the moment. Just realized Strive's new story bit is out so I guess that later tonight.
Had some Jamiroquai on earlier.
This thread.
Had a pb&j sandwich earlier. Not sure what to do for dinner. Maybe something involving chicken.
Water. Tea later.
Cigars on special occasions and marijuana once in a blue moon but nothing tonight.
Who knows.
Pretty good honestly. Sleep schedule is normal, working out, seeing some muscle develop on my skeleton frame. Coming up to one year booze-free and looking back I can't believe how I was living. Booze from the moment my eyes opened to stop anxiety/shakes (I'd often vomit up the booze and have to keep forcing it until some stayed down), shitting liquid, shitty sleep, looking bloated and rough, etc. None of my family really gets how big a year is or really cares, but they've never been addicted to anything. Sounds weird but I think I'll celebrate by going to a nice park and then finding something neat to bake for a friend.

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cyberpunk 2077, gucamelee
big o
primus, marty robbins, spiderbait
crime syndicate
thinking about having some chicken tacos and churros from taco cabanna
I fucked up and did it twice today, ending my no fap week
I am tired and bruised from work over the week, annoyed that I still have not made any head way into even just talking with a female, most of my check has gone to tools for work, my blood feels like it is boiling and wanting to pop out but not in anger, and now I am going to get bad luck for a few days since I fapped. Other than that I started celebrating cinco de mayo early.

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MGS2 on E-Extreme and The Witcher 1
Classic Simpsons and The Boondocks
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
Let's Destroy Metal Gear Again
Black coffee
Goth chicks
I should watch Gundam since a friend of mine loves it and it seems pretty cool. Where do you recommend I start?
Favorite class? Mine is Engineer or Medic, although character-wise, I like Spy the best. He was perfect in Expiration Date.
>Yakuza 2 Kiwami
How is it? I love PS2 Yakuza 2 but I hear mixed things about both Kiwami games.
Is CrossCode any good? I've been eyeing it for a while.
How is Switch Sports? I might pick it up to play with friends since we loved both Wii Sports games back in the day.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Insanely fucking based. Best Xeno game imo.

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this game has some pretty incredible visuals and enemy designs
the stealth is super fucking clunky though somehow worse than the first game because theres a focus on it
but I for one think the open world and communicator are kind of neat

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Nintendo switch sports, Masterduel, and yakuza 7
Youtube shit and gonna look for a horror flick
Forehead fables podcast
Beef stir fry
Aloe Vera juice and Gatorade
/owsg/ on /trash/

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Was playing Persona 5 Strikers earlier but felt burnt out, so started up Nier Replicant for the first time in months. Picked it up a few hours after Ending A. Probably gonna start Lost Judgment tonight
Moon Knight
Spotify playlists
Got a $20 coupon for uber eats and can't decide what type of cuisine i want, any suggestions?
water, maybe make some vodka drinks later
not sure yet
pretty good desu senpai

The open world was cool but I felt that the game lacked the horror from the first

How are you enjoying yakuza 7? I haven't touched it in ages as I wasn't a fan of the combat

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Ace attorney, Final fanasy 6, tf2
Aqua teen hunger force, King of the hill, maybe eraserhead later
Gezzebelle gaburgably
And this gem:
King leopold's ghost

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There's a bird that has been flying into my window pecking and scratching it for 9 minutes straight. What the fuck does he want bros?

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>is CrossCode any good?
It's excellent. If you like isometric action-rpgs with puzzle elements then it's definitely worth a look.

>Favorite class? Mine is Engineer or Medic, although character-wise, I like Spy the best. He was perfect in Expiration Date.
To Play: Scout
Personality: Scout

The fact that I'm from Boston just makes me love him more. He's what boston kids were like before it became infected with faux rednecks and wannabe gangster wigger culture

How do you get that cutscene? Did you just watch it on youtube?

>Col. Moore>there's only one

>How do you get that cutscene? Did you just watch it on youtube?
You need to collect all the black records if I remember correctly
And yeah, I watched it on youtube.

>How is it?
Both the Kiwami games take and add some, K1 is an alright game done with 0's engine and A LOT of additions to Kiryu's moveset, but it's a grind and you have to fight Majima a billion times around town and it can get really annoying, fast.
K2 is just an improved version of 6's dragon engine, but I fucking hate how Kiryu plays in these games and I really despise the ragdoll physics, it also cuts off a district from the PS2 games or idk I never played them and adds another cabaret grand prix with a story tied to it which is cool if you liked it in 0.
They're both solid games regardless, K1's lowest point is its bossfights and K2's is the atrocious DE combat.

Yeah I'm going to do that, I liked CS2 but I'm not in any rush to replay that again just to get a glimpse of something for CS3. I'm guessing it's related to the Annexation of North Ambria stuff that CS3 brings up out of nowhere, what were they thinking?

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>how are you enjoying it
I like it but I have 2 problems one it's too joke heavy I understand it does fit ichiban's character but sometimes it's too much
My other problem is more with 6 but it does affect 7 a little and that is Kiryu should've died at the end of not been brought back to life

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>I'm guessing it's related to the Annexation of North Ambria stuff
It's about 2 characters and who they actually are

Switch sports isn't bad but a lot of sports from the original are missing and you unlock avatar items thru online which I cant do (I got it on a hacked system) if you have local friends to play with who really loved the original and or resort go for it otherwise its not really worth it at the current price. Im waiting til they add golf

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Ocarina of Time. I'm trying to get some cool glitched items/interactions all on a single file. It's proving to be a real pain in the dick, especially with my limited knowledge. What really sucks is one of the glitches cancels out another, but both are based off of the adult trade items and of course the one that cancels out the other uses a later item in the trade sequence. To counteract, I have to equip swap the item so I keep a phantasm of it after I trade it away. It may very well not be possible to build this fucking file how I want to, but I'm still going through with it because I've been wanting to do this for over 8 God damned years now. Just had to reset to an earlier save because it turns out I had used the one bomb I have as adult for a skip that I don't ***need*** to do, so had no bombs for red block skip in Forest Temple which is 100% mandatory. Picrel shows I have 25 bombs, but as soon as I pull one the count will go to 0 because I technically don't have a bomb bag. I can get a bomb bag, but need to do it *after* Forest Temple.

On the bright side, at least I'm learning some cool shit that I could use if I ever decide to do a rando.
Some old AVGN.
CCR, Weird Al, and some Fleetwood Mac.
>READAN to learn some skips, though it's not comprehensive and I have to turn to JewTube at times.
Leftover calzone.
Turkey Hill Raspberry Tea. I shouldn't, but it's just so good.
No, but my neighbors are reefin' up.
Annoyed, but it will all be worth it when I finally complete this file.

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>If so I'm just gonna look those up instead of playing through the game again. Games are already long enough as it is.
Just keep in mid that CS3 assumed that you played CS2 NG+

I'm replaying final fantasy X after I finish DMC3
One piece for the first time, its pretty comfy
Some Coheed as the new album is coming out next week
Baked Potato with some Bacon and Chives
Cuppa tea
Maybe later
Pretty content honestly.

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I decided to play Shadow Warrior 3 but I'll definitely get around to starting Arkham City this week, and thanks user. It's really my own fault why I feel this way so I can't really bitch about it.

>Baked Potato with some Bacon and Chives
Sour cream? Butter?

Dead By Daylight, I prefer being survivor with Jill Valentine as my main
I watched a few episodes of Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon earlier
Nothing, but I usually stick to metal, trance, techno, 8-bit, and hard rock. Sometimes anime and game music too.
Had a big pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni earlier
Enjoying a Monster with vodka in it at the moment
Don't smoke
Not yet. Probably later before bed.
Overall pretty good.

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Neverwinter Nights
Slay The Spire
Maybe Dying Light 2
From Season 2
Newest season of FTWD
Release Radar Friday. Alt and Rock hits from the 90s.
Nothing tonight.
Had Maggiano's takeout tonight. Chicken parm and penne. Some leftover Cheesecake Factory cheesecake later.
Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar
Stressed. Got my kiddos solo Sunday through Tuesday afternoon while I've still got to work Monday/Tues. Gonna be rough.

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playing sf3 and obscure
some java script tutorials
sausages with chimichurri
Disappointed that bike prices are so fucking high, holly shit. I am trying to decide between a scooter and a cheap custom bike.

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Why the fuck would anyone buy a scooter in 2022?

Yeah gonna load it up
Sour Cream went off sadly

dead by daylight and dying light 2 dying light 2 actually has a incentive to play again with new game plus
scream series and ash vs evil dead
The strokes and deftones
Catcher in the rye
probably a pizza and almonds
Cherry rockstars and water
Brazilian buttholes and latina anal
Pretty based got my 900 dollar paycheck

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Check out Ultimate Windom Knight XP. Might look like shit but it has slick controls and strong feedback, good with a controller too.
Start with the 79 series. It has strong art and characters, and all the other shows reference it to varying degrees.
>Some old AVGN.
Nice. What episodes?
Basado Paulie

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>Nice. What episodes?
Gonna start with 1 and binge through 100 in the coming weeks. Got them from a Google Drive.

When's the afterparty? Anyone drinking rn?

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The original campaign believe it or not. I got soft locked years ago when it launched bc a key dropped in Act II I think and I couldn't find it after the battle and I needed it to progress. Just halfway through Act II again.

>When's the afterparty?
this is it since there's no way we're hitting bump tonight

Canadian 18 year old zoomer here I unironically can't legally it's 19 here lol

death metal and neoclassical metal
fruit soaked in rum
rum and beer
my memories and imagination

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Man that's just grim, they actually ask you for an ID to buy drinks?