Game has height slider

>game has height slider

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You didn't beat the gene.

>Do life altering surgery
>Still sub 6'
Oh no bros. Not like this.

Born a subhuman, always a subhuman.

>this thread again

and I'm gonna post it again.
height doesnt matter, I'm 6'2 and still ended up as kissless hugless virgin.

>game has realistic physics
welcome to snap city

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>going under intensive and painful surgery to gain a few extra centimeters
This is the level of manlet desperation. Just straight up kill yourselves, it's faster and painless, and you can hope you'll reincarnate as someone taller.

It doesn't help if you're 6'2 across too.

I'll stay a 5'7 virgin, thanks

I looked into it
I am 5'8" and its the single largest insecurity i have

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why the fuck is everyone so tall nowadays

>insecure about height
log the fuck off internet and touch grass

>limb lengthening surgery man has children with plastic surgery woman
>man wonders why his kids are ugly as sin
>woman wonders why her kids grew up to be manlets

>still a manlet post-op
when will they learn?

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They're not, it's just standards of beauty.
It's gotten so bad, people think 6 feel is the average height for a person, when it's just a good height to look good.

ive been highly successful socially and have had many positive encounters with women because of my personality and looks
BUT i can also remember, vividly, the times where women have straight up told me "youre not tall enough" and "if you were taller you would be hotter" and after a while it starts to get to you
I guess its an insecurity for a reason

>go through expensive, life altering surgery to be 3 inches taller
>not just fixing your posture, wearing better fitting clothes and shoes with thick soles to appear 3 inches taller
Posture alone makes such a huge difference. One of the guys I work with always seems so short and fat, but claims 5’11. We all called him out, and when he stood up straight he genuinely seemed to go from about 5’7 to 5’11. Stop slouching, manlets.

I rather stay 5’7” than some disproportional 5’10” freak with long legs.

>buddhist faggotry
I'd rather go to war with the devas than follow their retarded as shit "philosophy" any day of the week.

My balding manlet coworker still pulls pussy, you fags are coping

>height doesnt matter
By and large height does matter. Being taller is directly correlated to your life being better in a ridiculous number of ways. That you didn't take advantage of that is like a hot woman complaining that she can't get dates when she never goes outside.

Here's what he has to look forward to.

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never been fat in my entire life.

does anyone have pics of what his legs look like post surgery?

doesn't this surgery fucks up your bones so bad you end up kinda crippled?

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6' is the average height for a person, the average of height increases every generation no amount of cope will make this untrue

Have fun with your disproportionate arms and torso. Also penis

I'm 5'9 and no one has ever said that to me. Hell, I'm bald and women still find me attractive. Besides, if someone's hang up is your height they're probably not that great of a date anyway. Having a dick bigger than 95% of people helps a ton with confidence though.

Wouldn't rhis dude look disproportionate? They're just lengthen his leg bone by breaking it in half and insert a metal rod or something to hold the height until the bone heals or something. What about his arm and torso to leg ratio?

I'm 5'9" and I relate. I make good money, live a comfy life and have a girlfriend who loves me to death. And I still dream of being 6'3" all the time.

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You're a fucking cool aid slurping dumbass, Literally nobody normal cares about that shit. Stop listening to cunts on the internet.

It costs tons of moey, tons of pain and reduces your life quality considerably. Forget jogging ever in your life.
And he's still 5'10

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hey, it works

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this guy used the surgery to become 243cm? kek wouldn't that break the world record?

This is the male equivalent of plastic surgery bimbo face

>Cut your bones in half and shove fucking metal rods between them.
>gee I wonder if it's harmful to my body.

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these surgeries should only be considered for turbomanlets. 5'4" and below. Because come on, most guys would probably kill themselves if they were 5'4" or shorter. Don't manlets literally have a higher suicide rate?

This is such a cope
It doesn't change your genes, so even if you do manage to trick a woman into accepting your seed your son will still be cursed with your manlet genes

Yeah bro, I'm sure that's totally worth it.

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Dunno man. I want to kill myself for reasons that have nothing to do with my height, but I could see there being a correlation if not causal.

it's ok. Just secretly redirect your son's college fun to a leg lengthening surgery.

>We will see the day it makes your body stronger
>Whole bunch of dudes walking around at 100kg+, full of steel in their bones
The future is bright, the future is metal.

you are a 5'4" manlet? of course you want to kill yourself. middle school girls are taller than you.

Hey cuties, bring that soft ass of yours to me.

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Actually, womanlets are often the cause of manletism.

The 5'0 goblina goes for the 6'5 chad and out pops a 5'5 manlet

>5'10" with glass shins and babby arms
why would any woman want them? They should have just learned martial arts like all the other manlets.

wtf I'm 5'7 and it's enough to bully manlets shorter than you, whoever did this is a insecure loser.

when will they learn

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How insecure do you have to be to break your own legs

George Bush III is doomed to always be a manlet spic while his uncle will be remembered as the last great Republican President.

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Short men make me uncomfortable and I'm a male. It's just something about them being so small despite being male just sends off evolutionary alarm bells in my head.

I wish more short people were like this and less like that, the world would be more interesting.

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>7 inch dick
>still a virgin

bros help
I have all the attractive traits but no gf
what am I doing wrong? do I actually have to talk to women?

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We're gonna crawl up your nose and suffocate you in your sleep.

>Get height surgery
>They literally break your legs and give you leg problems

>do I actually have to talk to women?
yeah sadly

5'8" isn't even that short. You're in the range of acceptable height where you can fool women into thinking they want you. All it takes is fucking one hot chick for the rest to fall like dominos. It worked for Pete Davidson.

Manlets just fill me with pity. Like how can they even drag their tiny asses out of bed every morning without wanting to tie and extra long noose?

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Can confirm my dad is tall while my mom is short

I hate tallcels so much. stop being a stupid faggot retard ucking kill yoruswlf you inept lanklet

what is the point of getting a surgery if you will be 5'10" at the end of it lmao?

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Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be the woman who is the insecure one? You fags can bitch about manlet cope all you want, but let's mull this one over for a second. A big part of a woman "having a man" is to show him off to other women to make them jealous. It's less about "I enjoy being with him" and more so "making other women feel like shit for not being with him". The former helps, but the latter is why they keep him around.
If "bitches and hos are like new clothes, once you got em you wish you never bought em", then men are like designer handbags. How many times have you heard any female of any age see one that another female had and go "I wish I had that", "you're so lucky", "you deserve it", or something along those lines? And yet, what happens when said handbag goes out of vogue? They get tossed out for the next "hot item". There's some brands that never go out of popularity, and as such they are always desired (in this case, a brand equivalent to a tall man). It doesn't matter if the handbag can barely hold shit inside of it, falls apart after a short while, or gets stained in some way (and you can equate these to a man's physiological or psychological issues). As long as the subject is envied, they can just apply bandage solutions or cover up any concerns (sew it back together or use markers/paints on surface damage, equate this to an actual human solution as you willl).
tl;dr: Do you really want someone like that anyways?

As a man you actually have to pursue women unless you are a Chad and even then a normal looking girl would get hit on more.

I'm surprised she doesn't just knock him out.

Bros I'm 6.0 on the dot (183 cm)
And I was decently popular in highschool/Uni
And I can tell you one thing
The guys that fucked the most in my extended circle of friends were shorter guys than me
that were somehat fit (just don't be fat) and confident

Don't overthink things and don't treat women like "one of the guys". You'll be fine

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Christ, this is some mild body horror shit. I'm 5'10 and have never felt self-conscious about my height. I don't think it's really impacted me socially, either, since I'm in a committed relationship and have friends.

No. Are you a woman by chance?

You can see Shaggy is wearing platform boots while Fred is in loafers. Surprisingly accurate height difference with that in mind.

Skete is 6'3 and has a 10" dick and is covered in Wutang tattoos. He looks like a human trash can, designed by God Almighty himself to make every woman's parents upset by the sight of him. Pete was destined to slay the finest puss on Earth from the minute he was born.

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manlets rise up

What's it like to work with Danny Devito?

You can literally google this, and it isn't true.

why bother when one lanklet rises higher than all of you?

>Don't overthink things and don't treat women like "one of the guys".
What would you recommend instead

I have so many questions... Is that his girlfriend or something? If not, why's he so, um, touchy. And why hasn't she just deck him. She obviously didn't like it.

Because you're not short retard.

If you could rise up you wouldn't be manlets.

Why are all the zoomers so tall, especially the girls?
Had to visit a uni a few months ago and nearly all the girls I saw were around 5'9 to 6ft tall all the ones smaller were Asians. I know for a fact this wasn't the norm just over 10 years ago.

Why can't they just walk up to my house and ask me to marry them?
Fucking whore roasties

I would need that same surgery just to be 5'7'' kek

Not if we stack on each others shoulders.

He's a social retard who apes the behavior he sees in other guys who manage to pull girls. What he doesn't understand is that he doesn't have the face, the physique, the height, or the confidence, or the attitude to pull it off.

it's just textbook sexual harassment

>all the attractive traits
I hate to break it to you, but there’s more to being attractive than dick and height. In fact, those two things are almost useless unless you are good looking. And I know you are not good looking, because if you were, you would not be a virgin. A good looking 6’2 guy with a big dick literally cannot avoid attention from women.

Nutrition? I lived on fast food/pizza every night which I'm sure stunted my growth

Combine and form Manletron.

Honestly I kind of wish I was shorter (though only if well-proportioned.

Don't forget his 9/11 sob story. Cucking Yeezy cemented him as the ultimate status symbol for thots.

Woman here
Literally wouldn't even consider having sex with someone whose height starts with 5 or skin color starts with w

Height is objectively better, below 6 foot is a disadvantage in most of life. Not that it's bad to be under 6 foot, but being above 6 foot is better. The fact that you are still a kissless loser with a genetic advantage shows how much of a failure you are in life. What a fuck up.

But he is? 6’4 is the new standard and anyone lower than that should consider suicide.

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Hitler was a manlet


same here, confidence, a good face and a good personality also matters

Then you never masturbate i guess.

Look... women might be part of the same race as us. The HUMAN race
But their entire brain chemistry works differently to ours
They're not as rational, smart or funny. But that's okay. That's how it's supposed to work.
That's what male friends are for.
Be polite, friendly, funny, etc. But keep these facts in mind. They're the same but fundamentally different.

>Unironically falling for the height matters meme

I will never trust a doctor to perform life altering surgery unless it was required for me to continue living. I don't trust ANYBODY in the medical field enough for them to do something "because I felt like it". Holy fuck imagine if they fucked your shit up for life?
Great, you've now lost the ability to walk.

Nobody wants to fuck a bitch whose weight starts with a 2 either, you fat cunt.

YWNBARM (real man)

I would imagine diet hasn't got much better these days. If i had to guess they're sticking more growth hormones in meat

>t. nigger larping as a woman

Honestly even more horrific than gender reassignment surgery. They Quake 3 the shit out of your legs.

Didn't some semi-famous person die during plast surgery recently?

Always nice to see a woman define worth by if they will or wont have sex with something.