>PS5 has VRR now
What's your excuse for not upgrading your tv to Oled?
PS5 has VRR now
Other urls found in this thread:
>no 240Hz VRR OLED monitors at a reasonable size (25" or less)
>not even any fucking 144Hz VRR OLEDs at this size either
why do they insist on making every fucking OLED so fucking big? I don't want some big oversized 40" piece of shit on my desk
there's no correlation between VRR and OLED, you fucking shill
>he doesn't know
kek leave poor fag.
You wanna buy it for me?
Cause I'll upgrade if you wanna buy it for me.
But if I you think I'll waste money with a perfectly working TV just because some faggot on Yea Forums said "what's your excuse" then you're even dumber than your generations of inbreeding implies.
they're entirely different technologies that have nothing to do with each other
at least you don't deny you're marketer
>MUH Shill
Do some research.
my tv already has perfect darks with no motion blur or lag
you're aware you can get VRR TV without OLED?
I get it.
And why would you be obsessed about my material status if not for being a marketer?
Get with the time user. You might have to buy Alienware monitor.
Reminder that OLED is still blurry as fuck because it's sample and hold. You need strobing/BFI to actually have smooth motion like a CRT or Plasma does.
>why wouldn't you buy the best thing out right now
I don't know user.
show me your phosphor decay, fag
phosphor persistence adds to the soul factor
>why wouldn't you buy the best thing out right now
phosphor persistence is motion blur
It's not black friday yet.
LMAO get with the time dinosaur.
not really
Be honest with me Yea Forums, OLED or QLED?
you have been successfully clickbaited by both sides
Do you want longevity or are you planning on buying a new TV in a year or two?
yes really. playing picrel makes it exceedingly obvious that crts do not have perfect motion clarity
Longevity of course
Infinite contrast with pure blacks and superior image quality but with risk of burn in if you don't make sure to display varied content on regular basis
Limited contrast, no pure blacks, inherent blooming issues due to sector bleeding, higher price but generally no burn in risk
Pick your poison.
>le OLED burns in a year meme
Just don't be a retard like Linus and turning off literally every single anti-burn in security measure and then proceed to leave it on 24/7 because that's what that idiot did
much better than lcds or oleds. Phosphor persistence is only noticeable with bright colors against dark
This. Don't be an idiot and leave the tv on all day.
Linus purposely wrecked that monitor with burn in for a future video. He's a milionaire business owner who litterally gets gifted all the latest tech for review, so he couldn't care less about being wasteful because he doesn't have space to store all that shit.
I just bought a 43" TV with VRR and Gsync the other day for $600. It's advertised as 4k/120hz with VRR and HDMI 2.1 but when you switch to 120hz the resolution goes down to 1080p.... And yes it's a Sony TV. How the fuck have they not gotten sued for that?
The smallest Oled monitor is 34 inches and costs like $2,000. But how retarded must you be to want an Oled monitor in the first place knowing the technology has huge issues with image retention?
Yes enjoy your shitty IPS monitors with gray blacks.
OLEDs from 2011 suffered from burn in, 9 years later they still suffered from burn in. Why would suddenly they stop suffering from burn in in less than 2 years?
having played beatmania (fast white things moving across black) on many different types of display, I can easily say a good TN with strobing is as perfect as it gets. (for that situation). IPS with strobing is after that, then CRT, then normal TN and IPS, then VA (gross).
A good TN or nano IPS with strobing really is undiscernible at this point.
It's a grand, and I don't feel like swapping TVs right now.
Have you tried DMC5se? They're going to patch more games soon.
OLEDs always suffered burn in in hands of stupid people that use them to display the same shit 24/7
The entire point is that OLED requires a bare minimum of maintenance compared to other technologies but you get superior image quality in return.
>bare minimum of maintenance
The other require zero maintenance
>requires a bare minimum of maintenance
What sort of maintenance, using it less to prevent burn in?
To illustrate further, my grandma still has the fucking ancient Galaxy S4 phone with OLED screen. Originally I had that phone for 2 years, then my mother for 2 years after I got new one, then my uncle to whom she gave it after his old Nokia broke and then he gave it to my grandma after she needed a new one. Still no burn in.
And I also have a launch model OLED Vita again with zero burn in.
Just fucking take care of your shit and don't be retarded, it's not that hard.
If you're a person that doesn't want to do any maintenance then OLED isn't for you.
Then fucking get a different panel if literally few seconds of work every once in a while is a dealbreaker for you.
Watch/play varied content on it, don't leave it on 24/7 with FOX News or some retarded sports channel, if you use it as desktop then set up a screensaver and have multiple colourful wallpapers that automatically cycle every 5 minutes (windows has this feature by default).
cx has bfi, no idea why it is now dropped on all future models
And of course don't be a retard deliberately turning off every anti-burn protection feature in top of buying a service remote to force the TV to display image even brighter than allowed by default aka what Linus did.
>Then fucking get a different panel if literally few seconds of work every once in a while is a dealbreaker for you.
So once again, what does OLED have to do with VRR?
I’ve had of C1 I have 4 at the moment since launch only used them for pc full hdr lots of Yea Forums browsing lots of still images kids leave them on still zero burn in. Why better picture then any monitor and I have all the monitors asus 4K 144 Samsung ultra wides asus 360hz 1080 nothing comes close to OLED.
77 C1 Master race reporting in.
C1 has BFI as well, including for 120Hz
It's C2 that gimped (not removed) it.
In C1 and CX it has 3 strength values for BFI and you can enable it for 120Hz as well.
On C2 it got reduced into an on/off toggle (equivalent to the medium setting of CX/C1 I believe) and they made it impossible to enable it for 120Hz for some reason.
C2 is a scam anyway unless you want 42"
I'm not the retard linking the two together user, OP is a faggot obviously for thinking VRR is exclusive to OLED, I have a IPS work monitor that's 144Hz VRR so no idea what the fuck he's smoking.
LMAO poor bitch
Based, 55 C1 myself, how's the 77?
So that's all you do? Shitpost? Is that why you came here? I literally already said I have a C1, the IPS is my work monitor for you know, WORKING.
I use my C1 for entertainment.
Let me guess, you "need" more
Every single OLED thread is exactly the same 2-3 OLED autists vs the exact same 2-3 anti-OLED shitposters using the exact same posts/arguments ad infinitum, not sure what the point of these threads is.
Pyramid scheme
One of my best purchases so far for tv. Playing FPS and spotting enemies is much easier.
I play PC games on my OLED.
I don't think you know what that means, shitposter kun
>Needs HDMI 2.1 to work. Even if the game doesn't hit 4k 120 FPS
Done fucked up
>grey blacks
I use a VA monitor. Don't really care about the downsides.
Why does """your""" photo look as if someone applied xBR filter to it
2.1 comes with the PS5 though. No excuse poor fag.
The Xbox also needs HDMI 2.1 for VRR to work.
What size and model?
65" Sony a80j
55 in is on sale. Should I pull the trigger?
Xbox supports Freesync in addition to VRR
Decent price, go for it man you won't regret it. Just make sure you actually take care of it like a smart person to prevent burn in so that you aren't like these niggers who bought it full price and used it as a desktop monitor 24/7 and started screeching about burn in 2 months later
It means you need a HDMI 2.1 screen moron.
>used it as a desktop monitor 24/7
So you admit there's burn in.